Towards societal consensus - Influencing the perception and evaluation of energy policy measures by means of self-reflection and information
Research Project | 01.01.2015 - 31.10.2018
- 31.10.2018
Towards societal consensus - Influencing the perception and evaluation of energy policy measures by means of self-reflection and information
SNF Projekt (GrantsTool), 01.2015-12.2017 (36)
PI : Holm, Patricia.
Di Giulio, Antonietta et al. (2019) ‘‘These Grandmas Drove Me Mad. It Was Brilliant!’ - Promising Starting Points to Support Citizen Competence for Sustainable Consumption in Adults’, Sustainability, 11(3), p. 681. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/su11030681.
Di Giulio, Antonietta et al. (2019) ‘‘These Grandmas Drove Me Mad. It Was Brilliant!’ - Promising Starting Points to Support Citizen Competence for Sustainable Consumption in Adults’, Sustainability, 11(3), p. 681. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/su11030681.
Defila, Rico, Ruesch Schweizer, Corinne and Di Giulio, Antonietta (2018) ‘Two souls are dwelling in my breast: Uncovering how individuals in their dual role as consumer-citizen perceive future energy policies’, Energy Research & Social Science, 35, pp. 152–162. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2017.10.021.
Defila, Rico, Ruesch Schweizer, Corinne and Di Giulio, Antonietta (2018) ‘Two souls are dwelling in my breast: Uncovering how individuals in their dual role as consumer-citizen perceive future energy policies’, Energy Research & Social Science, 35, pp. 152–162. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2017.10.021.
Defila, Rico, Di Giulio, Antonietta and Holm, Patricia (2016) ‘Akzeptanz geht aus gesellschaftlicher Diskussion hervor (Interview)’, Energie und Umwelt, 1 January, p. 13. Available at: http://www.energiestiftung.ch/files/energiestiftung/publikationen/energie-und-umwelt/e-u_4_2016.pdf.
Defila, Rico, Di Giulio, Antonietta and Holm, Patricia (2016) ‘Akzeptanz geht aus gesellschaftlicher Diskussion hervor (Interview)’, Energie und Umwelt, 1 January, p. 13. Available at: http://www.energiestiftung.ch/files/energiestiftung/publikationen/energie-und-umwelt/e-u_4_2016.pdf.