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Microscopic electronic properties of diamond nanoparticles (MEDIAN)

Research Project
 - 31.08.2015

In this project we want to study electronic properties of diamond nanoparticles (DNPs) on microscopic level. Specific surface chemistry has been shown to influence the electronic properties of bulk diamonds. Investigation of DNPs with different surface chemistry is thus of particular importance where surface and size related effects are expected more pronounced. Thus Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) in different regimes and setups will be used to study electronic properties of DNPs of different origin and with different surface chemistry (H-, O-ternination, organic molecules functionalizations). The DNPs will be deposited as individual particles as well as very thin layers prepared by electrophoretic deposition on Si substrate partially coated by Au. The Si (semiconducting) and Au (metallic) substrates will be used in order to study their influence on surface potential of DNPs. Surface potential will be characterized mainly by UHV-KPFM to avoid influence of ambient humidity which can modify (on H-DNPs) and may also partially screen surface potential of DNPs. Using the above fundamental data and understanding, the surface photovoltage of DNPs with different surface chemistry will be further explored on Au/Si substrates. Mainly a high power supercontinuum laser combined with KPFM systems under various environmental conditions will be used. The data will be compared with KPFM head having infrared detection diode (1300 nm) and band pass filter illumination using Xe lamp source under ambient condition. Thereby we will contribute to better understanding of the DNPs specific properties that are crucial for their applications.


Stehlik, S. et al. (2015) ‘Water interaction with hydrogenated and oxidized detonation nanodiamonds - Microscopic and spectroscopic analyses’, Diamond and Related Materials, 63, pp. 97–102. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2015.08.016.


Members (2)

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Thilo Glatzel

Principal Investigator
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Stepan Stehlik
