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Ausarbeitung Projektidee Parkforschung Schweiz

Research Project
 - 05.11.2018

Natural springs are habitats that are very sensitive to anthropogenic impacts. They are threatened by human impacts or even destroyed by them, e.g. draining or cattle trampling. This is also true for springs in alpine areas. Many species in springs are adapted to relatively stable thermal conditions and low external disturbances. Alpine springs are known to harbour numerous endemic species. The goal of our research is to assess the value of parks in Switzerland (a) as refuges and stepping-stones for endangered and endemic species and (b) as model regions for a sustainable handling of springs. As model regions we selected the Swiss National Park (SNP), the Biosfera Val Müstair and the Naturpark Ela in the eastern alpine arc of Switzerland and the Biosphere Entlebuch and the Naturpark Diemtigtal in the inner alpine arc of Switzerland . The project is divided into two main parts (i.e. objectives) that build upon each other. The first part focuses on mapping and sampling the springs in the selected areas: How is the diversity in the individual springs and the diversity in a region? How large is the proportion of natural springs versus impacted spring habitats? Apart from the SNP and a few springs in the Biosfera Val Müstair this essential information has not been recorded before in the involved parks. The second part will use the gained results to develop management strategies for a sustainable handling of springs in the investigated parks. This transdisciplinary approach will include the institutions of the involved parks. The combination of the different methodologies will allow a comparative as well as a linking approach, highlighting the ecological network of especially valuable spring ecosystems. This can be used further for developing effective conservation strategies in the Alps.

Collaborations & Cooperations

2017 - Participation or Organization of Collaborations on a national level
Scheurer, Thomas, Forschungskommission SNP, SCNAT, Other

Members (1)

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Stefanie von Fumetti

Principal Investigator