Adherence in psychiatric outpatients with remote dispense of medication
Research Project
- 31.12.2017
The ADS (Ambulanter Dienst Sucht) of the UPK (Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken) in Basel delivers daily medication to chronically ill outpatients with history of drug addiction / abusus. The dispensation takes place in house face-to-face and is strictly limited to daily and week-end doses. However, the repartition of the intakes over the day cannot be controlled, and misuse cannot be assessed. With the aid of remote controlled dispense of oral, solid medication in unit-of-use pouches (prepacked with an automatic tablet dispensing and packaging system), the real times of the predefined intake times of daily medication can be monitored. The aim of the project is to develop a new model of medication distribution in psychiatric outpatients with polypharmacy, taking into account the legal issues of opioid substitution therapy.