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Genome-based biomarkers leading to validated molecular diagnostic tests for response prediction in breast cancer

Research Project
 - 31.01.2015

Objectives of the WP: WP7 aims at developing the existing analytical framework further and applying it to novel (discovered by the RESPONSIFY consortium) and already available biomarkers. On this basis, health economic characteristics will be defined and we will begin generating an evidence base to sustain efficient decision making on novel test assays in breast cancer management. Currently known markers will also be assessed and different treatment settings (adjuvant, neoadjuvant, metastatic) can be addressed as relevant. It is planned to establish a core health economic model (Markov model) for European countries as a basis for comparing different testing strategies for various biomarkers in breast cancer patients (and potentially, other indications). Clinically useful predictive tests with reasonable sensitivity and specificity to predict drug-response are one cornerstone in achieving a cost? effective implementation of new treatment strategies in oncology. The main advance is the identification of the most effective diagnostic and testing regimens from a health economic point of view.

Members (3)

FEMALE avatar

Patricia R. Blank

Principal Investigator
MALE avatar

Florian Gutzwiller

Principal Investigator
MALE avatar

Thomas Szucs
