Emotionale und soziale Effekte von MDMA und Methylphenidat
Research Project
- 31.10.2013
In this project we will investigate the emotional and prosocial effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) and methylphenidate in healthy subjects. MDMA is used recreationally for its euphoric effects and in clinical trials in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Methylphenidate is used therapeutically in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but also abused to enhance performance. We will assess emotional effects of MDMA and methylphenidate alone and in combination in a placebo-controlled cross-over design using validated psychometric tools and established assessments of emotional face recognition, cognitive empathy, and prosocial behavior as outcome measures. We hypothesize that the two psychostimulants will elevate mood, shift emotion recognition towards a more positive perception of feelings while negatively affecting accuracy. MDMA and methylphenidate and also differentially alter cognitive empathy and social value orientation measures. In addition, we will assess whether methylphenidate will attenuate emotional effects of MDMA in humans and MDMA-induced dopamine and norepinephrine release in vitro and in vivo. Thus, the project will include both a pharmacological interaction study in humans and preclinical experiments. Together the studies aim at an understanding of the pharmacology underlying the mood and potential prosocial effects of psychostimulants. The project is designed as an extension of our SNF project to assess the mechanism of action of MDMA. We include an assessment of the effects of methylphenidate which is increasingly used in our society and focus on mood processing and sociobehavioral effects of MDMA and methylphenidate that have not yet been studied. It is also expected that the present project will provide us with important data to attract funding for a larger study on the social effects of psychostimulants.