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Gastprojekt am Freiburg-Institute for Advance Studies (FRIAS): Re-representation processes in syntax and morphology

Research Project
 - 31.07.2010

Re-representation processes in syntax and morphology Constructivist studies in language acquisition start out from the assumption that children process the information in the input available to them and "reconstruct" the underlying linguistic system. Most studies so far focussed on the form side of language, identifying input frequency, perceptual salience, and transparency as the most important determinants of the actual course of language development. The aim of my FRIAS-project is two-fold: first, I will examine the existing cross-linguistic research more closely to see how the affordances of a particular language system interact with general learning processes. Second, I will examine the acquisition data for German noun and verb inflection to study processes of re-representation, as children have to go through multiple stages to identify the full range of functions encoded by the morphological paradigms.