Comprehensive Effectiveness Research („Versorgerforschung“)
Research Project |
Principal investigator and Co-investigator of several studies with the aim to improve everyday patient care with the derivation and validation of evidence-based diagnostic and risk stratification tools („Triage“) for a more targeted use of resources. This project is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF 74) and we received > 0.9 Million of funding for the project (http://p3.snf.ch/Project-167376).
In the TRIAGE project, we included over 7000 patients from different centers and countries (US, France, Switzerland) to study the importance of initial triage based on clinical parameters, nursing scales, blood biomarkers and TRIAGE scores for site of care decisions and reduction of time to effective treatment. In collaboration with nursing staff, we are investigating how the PACD discharge score can be used for better planning of patient discharge (OPTIMA-PACD). Funded bei the SNSF, we currently conduct the InHospiTOOL study to understand the effect of the use of an interdisciplinary electronic medical chart to better manage patients in regard to care transition. We aim to include >45`000 data of patients in 5 Swiss hospitals.
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