Engineered Cartilage from Nose for the Treatment of OsteoarthritisResearch Project | 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2029 Imported from Grants Tool 4665049FundingEngineered Cartilage from Nose for the Treatment of OsteoarthritisHorizon Europe Collaborative Projects (GrantsTool), 11.2023-10.2029 (72) PI : Martin, Ivan.Members (4) Ivan MartinPrincipal Investigator Andrea BarberoCo-InvestigatorMarcus MummeCo-InvestigatorAnke WixmertenCo-InvestigatorResearch Groups[FG] Barbero AndreaGMP
Engineered Cartilage from Nose for the Treatment of OsteoarthritisResearch Project | 01.11.2023 - 31.10.2029
FundingEngineered Cartilage from Nose for the Treatment of OsteoarthritisHorizon Europe Collaborative Projects (GrantsTool), 11.2023-10.2029 (72) PI : Martin, Ivan.
Engineered Cartilage from Nose for the Treatment of OsteoarthritisHorizon Europe Collaborative Projects (GrantsTool), 11.2023-10.2029 (72) PI : Martin, Ivan.
Members (4) Ivan MartinPrincipal Investigator Andrea BarberoCo-InvestigatorMarcus MummeCo-InvestigatorAnke WixmertenCo-Investigator