Publications by Type
125 found
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Peer-Reviewed Publication Types
Alice, Caimi, E, Stefanini, David, Koch, Corina, Nüesch, Annegret, Mündermann, EuroSpine Annual Meeting.
, Stephen, Ferguson, & Dominika, Ignasiak. (2024, January 1). Spinal loads at L5-Sacrum intervertebral joint associated with subject-specific sagittal alignment during standing and gait. Annalena, Ulsperger, David, Koch, Corina, Nüesch, Stefan, Schären, Annegret, Mündermann, & Annual Meeting Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Biomechanik DGfB.
. (2024, January 1). Paraspinal muscle fatigue affects posture of patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis (sLSS) and healthy elderly adults: results of a pilot study. Braunwarth, T., Koch, D., Nüesch, C., Schären,S., Münderman, A., & 13th Conference of the German Society of Biomechanics.
(2024, January 1). Paraspinal muscle endurance is related to paraspinal muscle fatigue in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: A preliminary analysis. Caimi, A., Stefanini, E., Koch, D., Mündermann, A., 19th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering.
, Ferguson, S., & Ignasiak, D. (2024, January 1). A motion-capture-driven model with a fully articulated spine for dynamic simulation of subject-specific sagittal alignment. Caimi, A., Stefanini, E., Koch, D., Nüesch, C., Mündermann, A., 2024 Eurospine Congress.
, Ferguson, S., & Ignasiak, D. (2024, January 1). Spinal loads at L5-Sacrum intervertebral joint associated with subject-specific sagittal alignment during standing and gait. Dammeyer, Constanze, Nüesch, Corina, Visscher, Rosa M. S., Kim, Yong K., Ismailidis, Petros, Wittauer, Matthias, Stoffel, Karl, Acklin, Yves, Egloff, Christian, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, null.
, & Mündermann, Annegret. (2024). Classification of inertial sensor-based gait patterns of orthopaedic conditions using machine learning: A pilot study. David, Koch, Corina, Nüesch, Dominika, Ignasiak, Soheila, Aghlmandi, Alice, Caimi, Guido, Perrot, Friedericke, Prüfer, Dorothee, Harder, Francesco, Santini, Stefan, Schären, Stephen, Ferguson, , Annegret, Mündermann, & EuroSpine Annual Meeting.
. (2024, January 1). The role of muscle degeneration and spinal balance in the pathophysiology of lumbar spinal stenosis: Study protocol of a translational approach combining in vivo biomechanical experiments with clinical and radiological parameters. In proceedings of the Annual Congress of the European Spine Society. David, Koch, Corina, Nüesch, Dominika, Ignasiak, Stefan, Schären, Annegret, Mündermann, Stephen, Ferguson, & Annual Meeting Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Biomechanik DGfB.
. (2024, January 1). Pelvic tilt, body mass index and kinesiophobia explain paraspinal muscle endurance in patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis. Koch, David, Corina, Nüesch, Alice, Caimi, Dominika, Ignasiak, Stefan, Schären, Stephen, Ferguson, Anne, Mündermann, SGS 24th Annual Meeting.
, & . (2024, January 1). Muscle fatigue in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis is associated with muscle endurance and spinopelvic alignment but not with patient-reported outcome. Koch, D., Nüesch, C., Caimi, A.I., Ignasiak, D., Schären, S., Ferguson, S., Mündermann, A., & 25th Swiss Spine Society Conference.
(2024, January 1). Muscle fatigue in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis is associated with muscle endurance and spinopelvic alignment but not with patient-reported outcome. Koch, D., Nüesch, C., Schären,S., Mündermann, A., & 13th Conference of the German Society of Biomechanics.
(2024, January 1). Pelvic tilt and body mass index explain paraspinal muscle endurance in patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis (sLSS). Mandelli, F., Nüesch, C., Mündermann, A., Schären,S., Urbanschitz, L., & 25th Swiss Spine Society Conference.
(2024, January 1). Do Patients with Symptomatic Cervical Spinal Stenosis without Signs of Myelopathy Have Balance Impairment? Mandelli, F., Nüesch, C., Mündermann, A., Schären, S., Urbanschitz, L., & SGS 24th Annual Meeting, 4, 102873.
(2024). Do Patients with Symptomatic Cervical Spinal Stenosis without Signs of Myelopathy Have Balance Impairment? [Journal-article]. Mandelli, F., Nüesch, C., Mündermann,A., Schären, S., Urbanschitz, L., & 2024 Eurospine Congress.
(2024, January 1). Assessement of balance impairment in patients with symptomatic cervical spinal stenosis with and without myeolopathy. Nüesch, C., Hürlimann, S., Mandelli, F., Mündermann, A., Schären, S., & 25th Swiss Spine Society Conference.
(2024, January 1). Ankle kinematics during walking differ from healthy in patients with cervical spinal stenosis with myelopathy but not those without myelopathy. Nüesch, C., Hürlimann, S., Mandelli, F., Mündermann, A., Schären, S., & SGS 24th Annual Meeting, 4, 102888.
(2024). Ankle kinematics during walking differ from healthy controls in patients with cervical spinal stenosis with myelopathy but not in those without myelopathy [Journal-article]. Thomas, Braunwarth, David, Koch, Corina, Nüesch, Stefan, Schären, Annegret, Mündermann, Stephen, Ferguson, & Annual Meeting Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Biomechanik DGfB.
. (2024, January 1). Paraspinal muscle endurance is related to paraspinal muscle fatigue in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: A preliminary analysis. Ulsperger, A., Koch, D., Nüesch, C., Schären, S., Münderman, A., & 13th Conference of the German Society of Biomechanics.
(2024, January 1). Paraspinal muscle fatigue affects posture of patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis (sLSS) and healthy elderly adults: results of a pilot study. Urbanschitz, Lukas, Nüesch, Corina, Schären, Stefan, Mandelli, Filippo, Mündermann, Annegret, & Gait and Posture, 114, 55–61.
. (2024). Walking stress-induced changes in gait patterns and muscle activity: Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis versus asymptomatic controls. W, Kisel, T, Datzmann, J, Kramer, Mark, Dreimann, JD, Müller-Broich, Annual Meeting Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Biomechanik DGfB.
, Klaus Dieter, Schaser, Alexander, Disch, The Tumor Study Group, & Spine Section of the German Society of Orthopaedic, Trauma Surgeons (DGOU). (2024, January 1). Interculturua adaption of the SOSGOQ2.0 questionnaire to the German version and it`s multicentric validation. Dammeyer, Constanze, Nüesch, Corina, Visscher, Rosa, Kim, Yong, Ismailidis, Petros, Wittauer, Matthias, Stoffel, Karl, Acklin, Yves, Egloff, Christian, Gait & Posture, 100, 30–31.
, & Mündermann, Annegret. (2023). Distinguishing between healthy subjects and patients with different degenerative diseases based on the persons’ gait pattern – A machine learning approach [Journal-article]. David, Koch, Magdalena, Hardegger, Corina, Nüesch, Stefan, Schären, Annegret, Mündermann, & Annual Meeting Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie DWG.
. (2023, January 1). Paraspinale Muskelausdauer, Ermüdung und Verfettung bei lumbaler Spinalkanalstenose: Eine Pilotstudie zum Vergleich von Patienten und altersangepassten Kontrollpersonen. Koch, David, Nüesch, Corina, Ignasiak, Dominika, Aghlmandi, Soheila, Caimi, Alice, Perrot, Guido, Prüfer, Friederike, Harder, Dorothee, Santini, Francesco, Schären, Stefan, Ferguson, Stephen, Mündermann, Annegret, & PLoS ONE, 18.
. (2023). The role of muscle degeneration and spinal balance in the pathophysiology of lumbar spinal stenosis: Study protocol of a translational approach combining in vivo biomechanical experiments with clinical and radiological parameters. Koch, David, Nüesch, Corina, Schären, Stefan, Mündermann, Annegret, & EuroSpine Annual Meeting.
. (2023, January 1). The role of paraspinal muscle function in dynamic spinal balance in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis, older controls and young controls: a pilot study. Koch, D., Hardegger, M., Nüesch,C., Schären, S., Mündermann, A., & 18th German Spine Congress.
(2023, January 1). Paraspinal muscle endurance, fatigue and fatty infiltration in lumbar spinal stenosis: A pilot study comparing patients and age-matched controls. Koch, D., Nüesch, C., Schären, S., Mündermann, A., & Eurospine Congress.
(2023, January 1). The role of paraspinal muscle function in dynamic spinal balance in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis, older controls and young controls: a pilot study. Lukas, Urbanschitz, Corina, Nüesch, Stefan, Schären, Annegret, Mündermann, & EuroSpine Annual Meeting.
. (2023, January 1). Does a walking test elicit changes in gait pattern and muscle activity in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis? MacLean, M. A., Georgiopoulos, M., Charest-Morin, R., Rory Goodwin, C., Laufer, I., Dea, N., Shin, J. H., Gokaslan, Z. L., Rhines, L. D., O’Toole, J. E., Sciubba, D. M., Fehlings, M. G., Stephens, B. F., Bettegowda, C., Myrehaug, S., Disch, A. C., Netzer, C., Kumar, N., Sahgal, A., et al. (2023). Perception of frailty in spinal metastatic disease: international survey of the AO Spine community. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 38, 715–725.
Mandelli, F., Schimmelpenning, , V., Nüesch, C., Mündermann, A., Schären, S., & 23rd Swiss Spine Society Conference.
(2023, January 1). Patient reported outcomes measures are associated with daily physical activity in patients with degenerative cervical spinal stenosis. Nüesch, C., Koch, D., Schären, S., Mündermann, A., & 23rd Swiss Spine Society Conference.
(2023, January 1). Influence of trunk flexion on lower extremity biomechanics in patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis and healthy elderly and young controls. Nüesch, C., Koch, D., Schären, S., Mündermann, A., & 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB).
(2023, January 1). Lower extremity gait biomechanics and their association with trunk flexion in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Nüesch C, Mandelli F, Przybilla P, Schären S, Mündermann A, & Gait & Posture, 99, 44–50.
. (2023). Kinematics and paraspinal muscle activation patterns during walking differ between patients with lumbar spinal stenosis and controls. Nüesch, Corina, Schären, Stefan, Mündermann, Annegret, & 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics. Maastricht the Netherlands July 9 -12, 2023. .
. (2023, January 1). Lower extremity gait biomechanics and their association with trunk flexion in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Ulsperger, A., Koch, D., Nüesch, C., Schären, S., Mündermann, A., & 23rd Swiss Spine Society Conference.
(2023, January 1). Whole-body standing posture: a pilot study comparing patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis (sLSS), elderly healthy persons and young healthy persons. Urbanschitz, L., Nüesch, C., Schären, S., Mündermann, A., & Eurospine 2023.
(2023, January 1). Does a walking test elicit changes in gait pattern and muscle activity in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis? Zhang, Yuancheng, Nüesch, Corina, Mündermann, Annegret, Halbeisen, Florian, Schären, Stefan, & Global Spine Journal, null.
. (2023). Is Age a Risk Factor for Early Postoperative Cage Subsidence After Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion? A Retrospective Study in 170 Patients. Koch D, Nüesch C, Schären S, Mündermann A, & 18th German Spine Congress.
. (2022, December 1). Effect of age and lumbar spinal stenosis on static and dynamic sagittal spinal balance: Results of a pilot study. MacLean MA, Touchette CJ, Georgiopoulos M, Brunette-Clément T, Abduljabbar FH, Ames CP, Bettegowda C, Charest-Morin R, Dea N, Fehlings MG, Gokaslan ZL, Goodwin CR, Laufer I, The Lancet. Oncology, 23(7), e321–e333.
, Rhines LD, Sahgal A, Shin JH, Sciubba DM, Stephens BF, et al. (2022). Systemic considerations for the surgical treatment of spinal metastatic disease: a scoping literature review. Koch, David, Nüesch, Corina, Schären, Stefan, Mündermann, Annegret, & Annual Meeting Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Biomechanik DGfB.
. (2022, January 1). Einfluss von Alter und lumbaler Spinalkanalstenose auf die statische und dynamische sagittale Wirbelsäulenstatik – Resultate einer Pilotstudie. Koch, David, Nüesch, Corina, Schären, Stefan, Mündermann, Annegret, & SGS Annual Meeting.
. (2022, January 1). Effect of age and lumbar spinal stenosis on static and dynamic sagittal spinal balance: Results of a pilot study. Koch, David, Nüesch, Corina, Schären, Stefan, Mündermann, Annegret, & SGS 22th Annual Meeting, 2, 101675.
. (2022). Static and dynamic sagittal spinal balance: Effect of age and lumbar spinal stenosis [Journal-article]. Koch D., Nüesch C., Schären S., Mündermann A., & 2022 Conference of the German Society of Biomechanics.
(2022, January 1). Einfluss von Alter und lumbaler Spinalkanalstenose auf die statische und dynamische sagittale Wirbelsäulenstatik – Resultate einer Pilotstudie. Mandelli, Filippo, Zhang, Yuancheng, Nüesch, Corina, Ewald, Hannah, Aghlmandi, Soheila, Schären, Stefan, Mündermann, Annegret, & 81st Annual Congress of swiss orthopaedics, June 2022.
. (2022, January 1). Gait function in patients with cervical spinal myelopathy before and after decompression surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Mandelli F., Zhang Y., Nüesch C., Ewald H., Aghlmandi S., Schären S., Mündermann A., & 81st Annual Congress of Swiss Orthopaedics.
(2022, January 1). Gait function in patients with cervical spinal myelopathy before and after decompression surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Seidel MF, Frontiers in Immunology, 13, 783076.
, Chobaz V, Hügle T, & Geurts J. (2022). Localization of Nerve Growth Factor Expression to Structurally Damaged Cartilaginous Tissues in Human Lumbar Facet Joint Osteoarthritis. Datzmann T, Kisel W, Kramer J, Dreimann M, Müller-Broich JD, BMC Cancer, 21(1), 1044.
, Schaser KD, Schmitt J, Disch AC, & Tumor Study Group, Spine Section of the German Society of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons (DGOU). (2021). eCross-cultural adaptation of the spine oncology-specific SOSGOQ2.0 questionnaire to German language and the assessment of its validity and reliability in the clinical setting. Corina Nueesch, Annegret, Mündermann, Filippo, Mandelli, Stefan. Schären, & XXVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics. ISB 25.-29.07 2021.
. (2021, January 1). Kinematics and muscle activation patterns during a 30min walking test in patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis and healthy controls. Filippo, Mandelli, Corina, Nüesch, Yuancheng, Zhang, Florian, Halbeisen, Stefan, Schären, Annegret, Mündermann, & EuroSpine Annual Meeting.
. (2021, January 1). Assessing fatty infiltration of paraspinal muscles in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: Goutallier classification and quantitative MRI measurements. Filippo, Mandelli, Corina, Nüesch, Yuanchen, Zhang, Florian, Halbeisen, Stefan, Schären, Annegret, Mündermann, & The 81st Annual Congress of Swiss Orthopaedics, June 2021.
. (2021, January 1). Assessing fatty infiltration of paraspinal muscles in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: Goutallier classification and quantitative MRI measurements. Mandelli, Filippo, Nüesch, Corina, Zhang, Yuancheng, Halbeisen, Florian, Schären, Stefan, Mündermann, Annegret, & Frontiers in Neurology, 151, 14S–14S.
. (2021). Assessing Fatty Infiltration of Paraspinal Muscles in Patients With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Goutallier Classification and Quantitative MRI Measurements. Zhang, Yuancheng, Mandelli, Filippo, Mündermann, Annegret, Nüesch, Corina, Kovacs, Balázs, Schären, Stefan, & North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ), 5, 100054.
. (2021). Association between fatty infiltration of paraspinal muscle, sagittal spinopelvic alignment and stenosis grade in patients with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. Zhang, Yuancheng, Mandelli, Filippo, Mündermann, Annegret, Nüesch, Corina, Kovacs, Balázs, Schären, Stefan, & North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ), 5, 100054.
. (2021). Association between fat infiltration of paraspinal muscle, sagittal pelvic alignment and stenosis grade in patients with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. Bumann, Helen, Nüesch, Corina, Loske, Stefan, Byrnes, S. Kimberly, Kovacs, Balázs, Janssen, Ruben, Schären, Stefan, Mündermann, Annegret, & The Spine Journal, 20(1), 112–120.
. (2020). Severity of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis affects pelvic rigidity during walking. Croci D.M., Guzman R., BMJ Innovations, 6, 215–219.
, Mariani L., Schaeren S., Cattin P.C., & Jost G.F. (2020). Novel patient-specific 3D-virtual reality visualisation software (SpectoVR) for the planning of spine surgery: A case series of eight patients. Rehani Musagara, A., Nüesch, C., Mündermann, A., Schären, S., & 14. Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress.
(2019, January 1). Abnahme der Beckensteifigkeit Spinalkanalstenose während eines Ermüdungs-Gehtests bei Patienten mit symptomatischer lumbaler Stenose geht mit höherer Aktivität der Lumbalmuskulatur einher. Geurts J, Jurić D, Müller M, Schären S, & International journal of molecular sciences, 19(5).
. (2018). Novel Ex Vivo Human Osteochondral Explant Model of Knee and Spine Osteoarthritis Enables Assessment of Inflammatory and Drug Treatment Responses. ONKOLOGE, 24, 224–230.
. (2018). Treatment options for sarcomas of the spine. A heterogenic disease picture which requires an individual and interdisciplinary treatment concept. Bianco D, Todorov A, Čengić T, Pagenstert G, Schären S, International journal of molecular sciences, 19(2).
, Hügle T, & Geurts J. (2018). Alterations of Subchondral Bone Progenitor Cells in Human Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis Lead to a Bone Sclerosis Phenotype. Byrnes, S. Kimberly, Nüesch, Corina, Loske, Stefan, Leuenberger, Andrea, Schären, Stefan, Frontiers in physiology, 9, 1095.
, & Mündermann, Annegret. (2018). Inertial Sensor-Based Gait and Attractor Analysis as Clinical Measurement Tool: Functionality and Sensitivity in Healthy Subjects and Patients With Symptomatic Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Loske, Stefan, Nüesch, Corina, Byrnes, Kimberly Sara, Fiebig, Oliver, Schären, Stefan, Mündermann, Annegret, & The Spine Journal : Official Journal of the North American Spine Society, 18(12), 2195–2204.
. (2018). Decompression surgery improves gait quality in patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19.
, Distel, Pascal, Wolfram, Uwe, Deyhle, Hans, Jost, Gregory F., Schären, Stefan, & Geurts, Jeroen. (2018). Comparative analysis of bone structural parameters reveals subchondral cortical plate resorption and increased trabecular bone remodeling in human facet joint osteoarthritis. Geurts J, Ramp D, Schären S, & European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society, 26(5), 1408–1415.
. (2017). GEORG-SCHMORL-PRIZE OF THE GERMAN SPINE SOCIETY (DWG) 2016: Comparison of in vitro osteogenic potential of iliac crest and degenerative facet joint bone autografts for intervertebral fusion in lumbar spinal stenosis. Journal of Orthopaedic Research : Official Publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 34(8), 1475–1480.
, Urech K, Hügle T, Benz RM, Geurts J, & Schären S. (2016). Characterization of subchondral bone histopathology of facet joint osteoarthritis in lumbar spinal stenosis. Nüesch, Corina, Laffer, Dominik, Gait & Posture, 47, 24–30.
, Pagenstert, Geert, & Mündermann, Annegret. (2016). Effect of gait retraining for reducing ambulatory knee load on trunk biomechanics and trunk muscle activity. Schweizerische Zeitschrift Fur Sportmedizin Und Sporttraumatologie, 60(2), 70–79.
, Valderrabano V., & Schaeren S. (2012). Return to sports: Sport after spinal surgery. Küpper TE, Strohl KP, Hoefer M, Gieseler U, Journal of travel medicine, 15(5), 307–314.
, & Netzer NC. (2008). Low-dose theophylline reduces symptoms of acute mountain sickness. Netzer, NC, Hoegel, JJ, Loube, D, CHEST, 124, 1406–1414.
, Hay, B, Alvarez-Sala, RF, & Strohl, KP. (2003). Prevalence of symptoms and risk of sleep apnea in primary care. Netzer NC, Hoegel JJ, Loube D, Chest, 124(4), 1406–1414.
, Hay B, Alvarez-Sala R, Strohl KP, & Sleep in Primary Care International Study Group. (2003). Prevalence of symptoms and risk of sleep apnea in primary care. Kristo DA, Andrada T, Eliasson AH, Poropatich RK, Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association, 7(3), 219–224.
, Bradley JP, Loube DI, & Netzer NC. (2001). Telemedicine in the sleep laboratory: feasibility and economic advantages of polysomnograms transferred online. Netzer N, Eliasson AH, Chest, 120(2), 625–633.
, & Kristo DA. (2001). Overnight pulse oximetry for sleep-disordered breathing in adults: a review. Netzer NC, Stoohs RA, Annals of internal medicine, 131(7), 485–491.
, Clark K, & Strohl KP. (1999). Using the Berlin Questionnaire to identify patients at risk for the sleep apnea syndrome. Other Publications
Sezer, Dilan, de Leeuw, Matthijs, Frontiers in Medicine, 8, 687398.
, Dieterle, Markus, Meyer, Andrea, Buergler, Sarah, Locher, Cosima, Ruppen, Wilhelm, Gaab, Jens, & Schneider, Tobias. (2021). Open-Label Placebo Treatment for Acute Postoperative Pain (OLP-POP Study): Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Valentina, Tovo, Filippo, Mandelli, Corina, Nüesch, Annegret, Mündermann, Stefan, Schären, & SGS Annual Meeting.
. (2021, January 1). Gait, balance and fear of falling in patients with degenerative cervical spinal stenosis. Mandelli F, Assessing fatty infiltration of paraspinal muscles in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: Goutallier classification and quantitative MRI measurements [Oral presentation].
, Y Zhang, F Halbeisen, S Schären, A Mündermann, & C Netzer. (2021). Rössinger O, M Blanchard, M Briki, D Jurić, Annual congress of OARSI .
, T Ecker, T Hügle, & J Geurts. (2021). Ex Vivo Biomarker Profiling Identifies Oncostatin-M Signaling As Spine OA specific Target. Zhang Y, F Mandelli, A Mündermann, C Nüesch, B Kovacs, S Schären, & North Am Spine Soc J .
. (2021). Association between fat infiltration of paraspinal muscle, sagittal pelvic alignment and stenosis grade in patients with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. Geurts J, & BMB Spine Meeting. 7th Edition Spine Tumors and Aging Spine. 2018. Milano, Italy .
. (2018). Cold ablation laser-guided osteotomy. Schären S, BMB Spine Meeting. 7th Edition Spine Tumors and Aging Spine. 2018. Milano, Italy .
, Croci D, & Cattin P. (2018). Navigation and Robotics. Towards Surgeon – Less Surgery? . BMB Spine Meeting. 6th Edition Spine Tumors and Aging Spine. Budapest. Hungary.
(2017). Re-evaluation Combined interventional and surgical therapy for a cervical ABC. What can be done if it
. 6th Edition Spine Tumors and Aging Spine. Budapest. Hungary.
, C. Fimian, S. Schären, & G. Jost. (2017). Timing and risk factors for secondary subsidence of conservatively
treated compression fractures of the thoracolumbar spine. How baseline pelvic parameters correlate with the
radiologic outcome.
. Dehnert C, Hütler M, Liu Y, Menold E, International journal of sports medicine, 23(8), 561–566.
, Schick R, Kubanek B, Lehmann M, Böning D, & Steinacker JM. (2002). Erythropoiesis and performance after two weeks of living high and training low in well trained triathletes. Supplemental Publications
Koch, David, Caimi, Alice, Nüesch, Corina, Ignasiak, Dominika, Schären, Stefan, Ferguson, Stephen, Mündermann, Annegret, & DBE Research Day August 2023 USB Basel Switzerland. .
. (2023, January 1). RoLSSroice – An interdisciplinary study driving towards a better understanding of lumbar spinal stenosis. Mandelli, Filippo, Schimmelpenning, Victoria, Nüesch, Corina, Mündermann, Annegret, Schären, Stefan, & SGS Annual Meeting.
. (2023, January 1). Patient reported outcomes measures are associated with daily physical activity in patients with degenerative cervical spinal stenosis. Nüesch, C., Dammeyer, C., Ismailidis, P., Discrete ankle, knee and hip kinematic parameters for overground walking assessed using inertial sensors in patients with various orthopaedic conditions (Nüesch, C., Ed.) [Data set].
, Egloff, C., Mandelli, F., Stoffel, K., & Mündermann, A. (2023). Nüesch, Corina, Koch, David, Mündermann, Annegret, Schären, Stefan, & SGS Annual Meeting.
. (2023, January 1). Influence of trunk flexion on lower extremity biomechanics in patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis and healthy elderly and young controls. Ulsperger Annalena, Nüesch, Corina, Koch, David, Mündermann, Annegret, Schären, Stefan, & SGS Annual Meeting.
. (2023, January 1). Whole-body standing posture: a pilot study comparing patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis (sLSS), elderly healthy persons and young healthy persons. Gaab, Jens, Sezer, Dilan, Leeuw, MD, 17th Conference of the Swiss Psychological Society 2022.
, Dieterle, M, Meyer, AH, Buergler, S, Locher,C, Ruppen, Wilhlem, & Schneider, Tobias. (2022, January 1). Taking the placebo further: Open-label placebo. Corina, Nüesch, Filippo, Mandelli, Philip, Przybilla, Stefan, Schären, SGS Annual Meeting.
, & Annegret, Mündermann. (2021, January 1). A. Differences in kinematics and electromyographic patterns during walking between patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis and healthy controls. Nueesch C, A Mündermann, S Schären, & Annual Congress of the German Spine Society DWG.
. (2020). Muskelermüdung und Beckenbeschleunigung während eines 30-minütigen Gehtests korrelieren mit Muskelatrophie bei Patienten mit symptomatischer Lumbalkanalstenose. Zhang Y, F Mandelli, B Kovacs, C Nüesch, A Mündermann, S Schären, & Annual Congress of the German Spine Society DWG.
. (2020). Association between muscle atrophy, pelvic incidence (PI) and severity of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) in patients with degenerative LSS. Seidel, Matthias, Busso, Nathalie, Chobaz, Veronique, HUMAN LUMBAR SPINE FACET JOINT OSTEOARTHRITIS DISPLAYS PREDOMINANT NGF EXPRESSION AND SIGNALING IN CAPSULAR SYNOVIUM AND SUBCHONDRAL BONE MARROW TISSUES INDEPENDENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS GRADE [BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP]. 78, 532.
, Huegle, Thomas, & Geurts, Jeroen. (2019). Bumann H, C Nüesch, S Loske, S K Byrnes, B Kovacs, R Janssen, S Schären, 19th Conference of the Swiss Society of Spinal Surgery.
, & C Netzer. (2019). Severity of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis affects pelvic rigidity during walking. Bumann H, C Nüesch, S Loske, S Schären, A Mündermann, & 20th EFORT Congress.
. (2019). Severity Of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Is Related To Pelvic Stability During Walking. Geurts J, American College of Rheumatology /of Rheumatology Professionals ACR/ARP Annual Meeting.
, & T Hügle. (2019). Preclinical Evaluation of Targeting TGF-beta Signaling and Senescence in ex Vivo Models of Human Knee and Spine Osteoarthritis. Rehani Musagara A, C Nüesch, A Mündermann, S Schären, & 14th German Spine Congress, November 2019.
. (2019). Abnahme der Beckensteifigkeit Spinalkanalstenose während eines Ermüdungs-Gehtests bei Patienten mit symptomatischer lumbaler Stenose geht mit höherer Aktivität der Lumbalmuskulatur einher. Seidel M, N Busso, V Chobaz, Annual Congress of the EULAR .
, T Hügle, & J Geurts. (2019). Human Lumbar Spine Facet Joint Osteoarthritis Displays Predominant NGF Expression and Signaling in Cartilaginous and Subchondral Bone Marrow Tissues Independent of Osteoarthritis Grade. ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EX VIVO HUMAN OSTEOCHONDRAL TISSUE MODEL FOR EVALUATION OF DMOADS. 26, S84–S85. ELSEVIER SCI LTD.
, Scharen, S., & Geurts, J. (2018). Byrnes SK, C Nüesch, S Loske, A Leuenberger, S Schären, 2nd GAMMA Congress.
, & A Mündermann. (2018). Change in gait pattern after decompression surgery in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: 1-year follow-up with gait and attractor analysis based on inertial sensors. In Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the Osteoarthritis Society International, OARSI .
, M. Müller, S. Schären, & J. Geurts. (2018). Establishment of an ex vivo human osteochondral tissue model for evaluation of DMOADs.