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Prof. Dr. med. Raphael Guzman

Department of Clinical Research
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Projects & Collaborations

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Nano Engineered Neural Interfaces - NENI

Research Project  | 6 Project Members

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive neurodegenerative disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills eventually leading to death from complete brain failure. It is the most common cause of dementia and affects more than 46 million people globally, with 500'000 new cases diagnosed annually in the United States alone. While there is still no cure for AD, there are several prescription drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat its symptoms. Recently, there has been growing excitement around treating neurological diseases using neuromodulation techniques. Flickering strobe lights at gamma-frequency of 40 Hz have shown very promising results in mouse models where microglia immune cells could be activated and contributed to degradation of amyloid-β proteins. Invasive neuromodulation methods can target very specific areas in the brain. The current modulation devices, however, are comparable to that of early cardiac pacemakers, leading to fibrotic encapsulation within weeks. This is mainly predicated on the neural probe's mechanical properties, given by the hard platinum/iridium electrodes from the semiconductor industry. Our proposed approach for ten thousand times softer electrodes is based on nano engineered neural interfaces (NENI) - hybrid microstructured polymer pads covered by ultra-thin and soft nanostructured metal/elastomer compounds. Our NENI probes will allow a rapid reconfiguration to pre-selected brain targets for a patient-specific anatomy and therefore enable the activation of microglia immune cells. This project is in collaboration with 5 project partners from around Switzerland: University Hospital Basel, Empa, PSI, FHNW, and University of Basel. In addition, two companies: Invibio Ltd/United Kingdom, a leading provider of polymeric biomaterials which have been used in around 9 million PEEK medical implants with more than 15 years of proven clinical history and Valtronic SA, a global contract manufacturer for the electronics of medical devices, are supporting this project.

Project cover

Pathology Segmentation Learned from Weakly Annotated Medical Images

Research Project  | 2 Project Members

As written in the coverletter, the proposed work is an extension of the recently granted CTI project 27395.1 on brain shift correction for Neurosurgical interventions. The aim of the CTI project is to develop techniques to determine the brain shift and then to overlay the tumour and other critical structures onto the surgical microscope's image. This, however, implies that segmentation of the tumour, brain surface, vascular tree and the critical structures are available. Segmenting these often requires substantial manual input for training which is a tedious and time consuming task. With the research described herein (partially funded by a Novartis FreeNovation Project) we try to close this gap and go one step beyond. In particular we propose an approach able to learn on its own how to segment a pathology only on weakly labelled data. In other words our approach is capable to learn how to segment pathologies from a training set of images with the pathology and a second set of images without the pathology (i.e. healthy subjects). Such data sets are easy to get in contrast to the manually labelled data sets required for the state-of-the-art approaches. The proposed approaches is the first of its kind and inspired by CycleGAN (a DeepLearning domain transfer approach) [1]. Our approach can model pathologies in medical data trained only with data labelled on the image level (i.e. healthy vs. diseased). Not only can the model create pixelwise semantic segmentations of the pathologies it can also create inpaintings (i.e. heal) to render the pathological image healthy. As a side effect, we can also create new unseen pathological samples useful for example in training of medical personnel. In a proof-of-principle study we could recently show that the idea has great potential and might even be a disruptive technology in image segmentation. The significance of the proposed project is very high as it might render manual segmentation unnecessary in the near future. Training the algorithm to recognise and segment new pathologies would be simple and fast. Imaging CROs could evaluate their drug studies more cost effective and also faster speeding up the development cycle of new drugs. In this research proposal we will first give an overview on the principles and limitations of current in segmentation concepts, followed by an overview of our own research directions in this field and the detailed research plan. After the project plan and risk analysis the significance of the planned work is shown. Lastly, the budget for the planned research is detailed.

Project cover

Neuroscience Network Basel

Research Networks of the University of Basel  | 10 Project Members

Das Neuroscience Network Basel (NNB) fördert den Informationsaustausch zwischen Grundlagenforschung, biomedizinischer und klinischer Forschung. Es organisiert interdisziplinäre Kooperationen, fördert die Einführung von neuen Behandlungskonzepten und macht Trends in der Hirnforschung bekannt.

Am Netzwerk sind Forschende der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen, der Medizinischen und der Psychologischen Fakultät der Universität Basel sowie Wissenschaftler*innen des Universitätsspitals Basel, des Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) und des Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology (IOB) beteiligt. Ausserdem arbeitet das NNB eng mit dem trinationalen Neuroscience Upper Rhine Network Neurex zusammen.

The Neuroscience Network Basel (NNB) promotes the exchange of information between basic research, biomedical and clinical research. It organizes interdisciplinary collaborations, promotes the introduction of new treatment concepts and makes trends in brain research known.

Researchers from the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Basel as well as scientist of the University Hospital Basel, the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) and the Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology (IOB) are involved in the network. Furthermore, the NNB closely collaborates with the tri-national Neuroscience Upper Rhine Network Neurex.