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Prof. Dr. Mirka Henninger

Faculty of Psychology
Profiles & Affiliations

Research interests

My research program spans from psychological measurement and psychometrics over machine learning methods to multilevel modeling. I aim at developing new methods in each area and at their intersection, and I also disseminate the newly developed methods to empirical researchers via software contributions in R. I also teach statistics courses at the Bachelor, Master, and postgraduate level, such as introductory statistics, psychological assessment, computer-based data analysis, structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, and machine learning methods. I also enjoy to support empirical researchers building up their statistical and psychometric models as a statistical consultant. My teaching and consulting activities also inspire my methodological work.

Selected Publications

Henninger, Mirka, Radek, Jan, Sengewald, Marie-Ann, & Strobl, Carolin. (2024). Partial credit trees meet the partial gamma coefficient for quantifying DIF and DSF in polytomous items. Behaviormetrika. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41237-024-00252-3


Henninger, Mirka, Debelak, Rudolf, Rothacher, Yannick, & Strobl, Carolin. (2023). Interpretable Machine Learning for Psychological Research: Opportunities and Pitfalls [Journal-article]. Psychological Methods. https://doi.org/10.1037/met0000560


Henninger, Mirka, & Meiser, Thorsten. (2020). Different approaches to modeling response styles in divide-by-total item response theory models (part 1): A model integration [Journal-article]. Psychological methods, 25(5), 560–576. https://doi.org/10.1037/met0000249


Selected Projects & Collaborations

Project cover

Basel Reproducibility Network

Research Networks of the University of Basel  | 10 Project Members

Das Basel Reproducibility Network hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, offene, transparente und reproduzierbare akademische Forschung in allen Disziplinen der Universität Basel zu fördern. Das interdisziplinäre Netzwerk bringt Forschende aus verschiedenen Fakultäten zusammen, um Best Practices in den Bereichen Forschungsmethodik, statistische Analyse, offene Daten und wissenschaftliche Kommunikation zu fördern. Das Netzwerk organisiert Weiterbildungsaktivitäten, Seminare und Workshops zu Schlüsselthemen der Reproduzierbarkeit, wie z.B. robuste statistische Methoden, Vorregistrierung von Studien, Open-Source-Entwicklung und verantwortungsvoller Datenaustausch.

Durch die Vernetzung von Forschenden, die an der Optimierung der Zuverlässigkeit von Forschungsresultaten interessiert sind, bietet das Netzwerk eine Plattform für die Entwicklung innovativer Projekte, die gemeinsame Nutzung von Ressourcen und die Umsetzung von Strategien zur Verbesserung der Qualität und Wirkung von Forschungsergebnissen. Das Basel Reproducibility Network arbeitet mit nationalen und internationalen Initiativen zusammen und trägt so zu den Bestrebungen der gesamten wissenschaftlichen Community bei, die Herausforderungen der Reproduzierbarkeit in der Forschung anzugehen.

Am Forschungsnetzwerk sind Forschende der medizinischen, naturwissenschaftlichen, psychologischen und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultäten der Universität Basel beteiligt.

The Basel Reproducibility Network aims to foster open, transparent, and reproducible academic research across all disciplines at the University of Basel. This interdisciplinary network brings together researchers from various faculties to promote best practices in research methodology, statistical analysis, open data, and scientific communication. The network organizes educational activities, seminars, and workshops to address key issues in reproducibility, such as robust statistical methods, preregistration of studies, open-source development, and responsible data sharing.

By connecting researchers interested in improving research reliability, the network provides a platform for developing innovative projects, sharing resources, and implementing strategies to enhance the quality and impact of research outputs. The Basel Reproducibility Network collaborates with national and international initiatives, contributing to the broader scientific community's efforts to address the challenges of research reproducibility.

Researchers from the Faculties of Medicine, Science, Psychology and Business and Economics at the University of Basel are involved in the research network.