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Clinical Biomechanics, 122, 106402.
, Bracht-Schweizer, Katrin, Widmer, Michèle, Sangeux, Morgan, & Viehweger, Elke. (2025). Upper body gait deviations in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy [Journal-article]. Sangeux, Morgan, Viehweger, Elke, Scientific Reports, 14.
, & Bracht-Schweizer, Katrin. (2024). On the clinical interpretation of overground gait stability indices in children with cerebral palsy [Journal-article]. Michèle Widmer, Alice Minghetti, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 7(27), 235–242.
, Martin Keller, Ramon Gysin, Cornelia Neuhaus, Bastian Widmer, Morgan Sangeux, & Elke Viehweger. (2024). Group-based progressive functional, high-intensity training in adolescents and young adults with unilateral cerebral palsy – a tool to improve gross motor function, endurance and gait? – a pilot study. Bracht-Schweizer, Katrin, Gait & Posture, 106, S30–S31.
, Widmer, Bastian, Viehweger, Elke, & Sangeux, Morgan. (2023). Effects of walking with hinged ankle-foot-orthosis on propulsion and body weight support in unilateral cerebral palsy [Journal-article]. Widmer, Michèle, Minghetti, Alice, Gait & Posture, 106, S224.
, Sangeux, Morgan, Neuhaus, Cornelia, Widmer, Bastian, & Viehweger, Elke. (2023). CrossFit® to improve gross motor function and gait in adolescents and young adults with unilateral cerebral palsy: a pilot study [Journal-article]. Brunner, Reinald, De Pieri, Enrico, Wyss, Christian, Weidensteiner, Claudia, Bracht-Schweizer, Katrin, Toxins, 15(4), 267.
, Garcia, Meritxell, Ma, Norine, & Rutz, Erich. (2023). The Non-Affected Muscle Volume Compensates for the Partial Loss of Strength after Injection of Botulinum Toxin A [Journal-article]. Gait & Posture, 97, S221–S222.
, Bracht-Schweizer, K., Viehweger, E., Widmer, M., & Sangeux, M. (2022). Unilateral cerebral palsy gait: A > 10-year follow-up [Journal-article]. Gait & Posture, 90, 213–214.
, Viehweger, E., & Bracht-Schweizer, K. (2021). Upper body gait deviations in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy [Journal-article]. Hell, Anna K., Braunschweig, Lena, Grages, Birgit, Brunner, Reinald, & Der Orthopäde, 50(6), 446–454.
. (2021). Einfluss des Schulrucksackgewichtes bei Grundschulkindern: Gang, Muskelaktivität, Haltung und Stabilität [Journal-article]. Weidensteiner, Claudia, Madoerin, Philipp, Deligianni, Xeni, Haas, Tanja, Bieri, Oliver, Akinci D’Antonoli, Tugba, Bracht-Schweizer, Katrin, Frontiers in Neurology, 12.
, De Pieri, Enrico, Santini, Francesco, Rutz, Erich, Brunner, Reinald, & Garcia, Meritxell. (2021). Quantification and Monitoring of the Effect of Botulinum Toxin A on Paretic Calf Muscles of Children With Cerebral Palsy With MRI: A Preliminary Study [Journal-article]. De Pieri, E., Gait & Posture, 81, 74–76.
, Wyss, C., Weidensteiner, C., Rutz, E., Garcia, M., & Brunner, R. (2020). Effect of Botulinum toxin A on muscle function in patients with cerebral palsy and its relation to gait [Journal-article]. Clinical Biomechanics, 74, 8–13.
, Freslier, Marie, Rutz, Erich, & Bracht-Schweizer, Katrin. (2020). Walking on uneven ground: How do patients with unilateral cerebral palsy adapt? Bangerter C, Gait and Posture, 68, 506–513.
, Lorenzetti S, Krieg AH, Hasler CC, Brunner R, & Schmid S. (2019). What are the biomechanical consequences of a structural leg length discrepancy on the adolescent spine during walking? Durstberger, S., Stief, F., Gait & Posture, 65, 9–10.
, & Kranzl, A. (2018). Inter-laboratory comparison of subject measurements as basic parameters for instrumented gait analysis [Journal-article]. Gait & Posture, 57, 169–170.
. (2017). Identifying spasticity during gait by surface electromyography [Journal-article]. Angelico, Fabiola, Freslier, Marie, Gait & Posture, 53, 115–120.
, Brunner, Reinald, & Schmid, Stefan. (2017). Upper extremity motion during gait in adolescents with structural leg length discrepancy-An exploratory study. Schmid, Stefan, Bruhin, Björn, Ignasiak, Dominika, Human Movement Science, 54, 73–81.
, Taylor, William R., Ferguson, Stephen J., Brunner, Reinald, & Lorenzetti, Silvio. (2017). Spinal kinematics during gait in healthy individuals across different age groups. Haberfehlner, H., Van Hutten, K., Jaspers, R., Rutz, E., Witbreuk, M., Maas, H., Gait & Posture, 49S, 3–4.
, Harlaar, J., & Buizer, A. (2016). Semitendinosus muscle morphology and gait kinematics after medial hamstring lengthening in children with spastic diplegia. Schmid, S., Gait & Posture, 49(S2), 37.
, Taylor, W. R., Lorenzetti, S., & Brunner, R. (2016). Restoring a heel-to-toe gait pattern does not influence spinal kinematics in patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Schmid, Stefan, Gait & Posture, 49, 457–462.
, Taylor, William R., Lorenzetti, Silvio, & Brunner, Reinald. (2016). Orthotic correction of lower limb function during gait does not immediately influence spinal kinematics in spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Schmid, Stefan, Studer, Daniel, Hasler, Carol-Claudius, Gait & Posture, 44, 231–237.
, Taylor, William R., Lorenzetti, Silvio, & Brunner, Reinald. (2016). Quantifying spinal gait kinematics using an enhanced optical motion capture approach in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Schmid, S., Lorenzetti, S., Hasler, C.-C., Gait & Posture, 42, S50.
, Taylor, W.R., & Brunner, R. (2015). Radiographic evaluation of an enhanced trunk marker set in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis [Journal-article]. Meyer, Ursina, Ernst, Dominique, Schott, Silvia, Riera, Claudia, Hattendorf, Jan, Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(16), 1702–1709.
, Granacher, Urs, Göpfert, Beat, & Kriemler, Susi. (2015). Validation of two accelerometers to determine mechanical loading of physical activities in children. Orthopädie Technik, 2015(12), 32–37.
(2015). Berücksichtigung von Orthesen und/oder Schuhen bei der Ganganalyse. Gait & Posture, 41(3), 835–840.
, & Schweizer, Katrin. (2015). Immediate effects of unilateral restricted ankle motion on gait kinematics in healthy subjects. Schmid, Stefan, Studer, Daniel, Hasler, Carol-Claudius, PLoS ONE, 10(8), e0135689.
, Taylor, William R., Brunner, Reinald, & Lorenzetti, Silvio. (2015). Using Skin Markers for Spinal Curvature Quantification in Main Thoracic Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: An Explorative Radiographic Study. Schmid, Stefan, Schweizer, Katrin, Gait & Posture, 37(4), 480–493.
, Lorenzetti, Silvio, & Brunner, Reinald. (2013). Secondary gait deviations in patients with and without neurological involvement: a systematic review. Maguire C, Sieben JM, Frank M, & Clinical rehabilitation, 24(1), 37–45.
. (2010). Hip abductor control in walking following stroke -- the immediate effect of canes, taping and TheraTogs on gait. Gait and Posture, 26(4), 577–586.
, & Brunner R. (2007). An electromyographic analysis of obligatory (hemiplegic cerebral palsy) and voluntary (normal) unilateral toe-walking. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics Part B, 16(3), 175–180.
, Peeters W, Oosterom AM, Molenaar S, Bakels I, & Brunner R. (2007). Evaluating upper body movements during gait in healthy children and children with diplegic cerebral palsy. Gait and Posture, 24(4), 467–474.
, Hell AK, & Brunner R. (2006). Changes in muscle activity in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy while walking with and without ankle-foot orthoses. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 21(1), 75–81.
, Rudmann C, & Brunner R. (2006). Changes in gait and EMG when walking with the Masai Barefoot Technique. Gait and Posture, 15(1), 18–24.
, & Brunner R. (2002). Comparison of a dynamic and a hinged ankle-foot orthosis by gait analysis in patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Brunner R, Krauspe R, & Der Orthopade, 29(9), 808–813.
. (2000). [Torsion deformities in the lower extremities in patients with infantile cerebral palsy: pathogenesis and therapy]. Other Publications
De Pieri, Enrico, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, 810560.
, Wyss, Christian, Brunner, Reinald, & Viehweger, Elke. (2022). Altered Muscle Contributions are Required to Support the Stance Limb During Voluntary Toe-Walking. Haberfehlner, Helga, Jaspers, Richard T., Rutz, Erich, Harlaar, Jaap, van der Sluijs, Johannes A., Witbreuk, Melinda M., van Hutten, Kim, PloS One, 13(2), e0192573.
, Freslier, Marie, Brunner, Reinald, Becher, Jules G., Maas, Huub, & Buizer, Annemieke I. (2018). Outcome of medial hamstring lengthening in children with spastic paresis: A biomechanical and morphological observational study. Bracht-Schweizer, Katrin, Freslier, Marie, Krapf, Sebastian, & Gait & Posture, 58, 13–18.
. (2017). Visual targeting one step before force plates has no effect on gait parameters in orthopaedic patients during level walking. Gait & Posture, 54, 304–310.
, & Bracht-Schweizer, Katrin. (2017). The effects of walking speed on upper body kinematics during gait in healthy subjects. Haberfehlner, Helga, Jaspers, Richard T., Rutz, Erich, Becher, Jules G., Harlaar, Jaap, van der Sluijs, Johannes A., Witbreuk, Melinda M., PLoS ONE, 11(11), e0166401.
, Freslier, Marie, Brunner, Reinald, Maas, Huub, & Buizer, Annemieke I. (2016). Knee Moment-Angle Characteristics and Semitendinosus Muscle Morphology in Children with Spastic Paresis Selected for Medial Hamstring Lengthening. Maguire, Clare, Sieben, Judith M., Scheidhauer, Heike, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 32(1), 69–81.
, Suica, Zorica, & de Bie, Robert A. (2016). The effect of crutches, an orthosis TheraTogs, and no walking aids on the recovery of gait in a patient with delayed healing post hip fracture: A case report. Suica, Zorica, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 20(1), 65–73.
, Tal, Amir, & Maguire, Clare. (2016). Walking with a four wheeled walker (rollator) significantly reduces EMG lower-limb muscle activity in healthy subjects. Gait & Posture, 41(3), 835–840.
, & Schweizer, Katrin. (2015). Immediate effects of unilateral restricted ankle motion on gait kinematics in healthy subjects. Galli, Manuela, Cimolin, Veronica, Albertini, Giorgio, Piccinini, Luigi, Turconi, Anna Carla, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 18(2), 134–139.
, & Brunner, Reinald. (2014). Kinematic analysis of upper limb during walking in diplegic children with Cerebral Palsy. Schweizer, Katrin, Brunner, Reinald, & Clinical Biomechanics, 29(4), 387–394.
. (2014). Upper body movements in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy walking with and without an ankle-foot orthosis. Schweizer, Katrin, Gait & Posture, 39(1), 80–85.
, Coslovsky, Michael, & Brunner, Reinald. (2014). The influence of muscle strength on the gait profile score (GPS) across different patients. Schweizer, Katrin, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(9), 2676–2683.
, & Brunner, Reinald. (2013). The association between premature plantarflexor muscle activity, muscle strength, and equinus gait in patients with various pathologies. Cimolin, Veronica, Galli, Manuela, Albertini, Giorgio, Crivellini, Marcello, Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials, 10(1), 49–55.
, & Brunner, Reinald. (2012). Quantitative analysis of upper limbs during gait: a marker set protocol. Schweizer, Katrin, Cattin, Philippe C., Brunner, Reinald, Müller, Bert, Huber, Cora, & Journal of Biomechanics, 45(13), 2306–2309.
. (2012). Automatic selection of a representative trial from multiple measurements using Principle Component Analysis. Brunner, R, Dreher, T, Gait Posture, 28(1), 150–156.
, & Frigo, C. (2008). Effects of plantarflexion on pelvis and lower limb kinematics. Brunner, R, & Gait Posture, 27(3), 399–407.
. (2008). Abnormal EMG muscle activity during gait in patients without neurological disorders.