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Community Workshop on Practical Reproducibility in HPC.
, Poquet,Millian, Korndöfer,Jonas H., & Ciorba,Florina M. (2024, December 18). Artifact Evaluations as Authors and Reviewers : Lessons, Questions, and Frustrations. In Dataset for the Paper “Longevity of Artifacts in Leading Parallel and Distributed Systems Conferences: a Review of the State of the Practice in 2023” ( , Ed.) [Data set].
, Florina M. Ciorba, Millian Poquet, Dorian, & Olivier Richard. (2024). Swiss Reproducibility Conference.
, & Ciorba, Florina M. (2024, January 1). Reproducibility in Parallel and Distributed Computing: Challenges, State of the Practice, Limitations, and Opportunities. In Acm Rep 2024, Online ahead of print.
, Ciorba, Florina M., Poquet, Millian, Goepp, Dorian, & Richard, Olivier. (2024). Longevity of Artifacts in Leading Parallel and Distributed Systems Conferences: a Review of the State of the Practice in 2023. COMPAS 2024 - Conférence Francophone d’Informatique En Parallélisme, Architecture et Système.
, Muller Korndorfer,Jonas Henrique, & Ciorba,Florina M. (2024, January 1). Seamlessly Scaling Applications with DAPHNE. Müller Korndörfer, Jonas H., Mohammed, Ali, Eleliemy, Ahmed, Toward Smart Scheduling in OpenMP [Presentation video recording].
, & Ciorba, Florina M. (2024, January 1). Guilloteau, Q., Robu, B., Join, C., Fliess, M., Rutten, E., & Richard, O. (2022). Model-Free Control for Resource Harvesting in Computing Grids. 384–390.