Publications by Type
8 found
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Articles in Scholarly Journals
European Journal of Political Research.
. (2024). Perceptions of the social status hierarchy and its cultural and economic sources [Journal-article]. Comparative Political Studies, 57(13), 2193–2224.
. (2024). Backlash or Progressive Mobilization? Voter Reactions to Perceived Trajectories of Women’s Representation [Journal-article]. Party Politics, 29(4), 672–684.
. (2023). Populist positions in party competition: Do parties strategically vary their degree of populism in reaction to vote and office loss? Abou-Chadi, Tarik, European Journal of Politics and Gender, 4(2), 311–314.
, & Gessler, Theresa. (2021). The (Re)Politicisation of Gender in Western Europe. Supplementary Publication
DeFacto, Article 13.12.2023.
. (2023, January 1). Wieso Identität, «Wokeness» und Gender mit Status und Anerkennung zusammenhängen. URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series. University of Zurich.
, Palmtag, Tabea, & Zollinger, Delia. (2023). Narratives of backlash? Perceptions of changing status hierarchies in open‑ended survey responses. In POP - Political Observer on Populism, Article 10.10.2022.
. (2022, January 1). Interview #57 — The Strategic Use of Populism. Unpublished Works (Please enter this activity under category R.14)
Social Status Politics: The Role of Shifting Cultural Hierarchies (; Tarik Abou-Chadi, Silja Häusermann, Trans.) [PhD Thesis, University of Zurich].
. (2023).