Prof. Dr. Cédric Scheidegger Lämmle Department of Ancient Civilizations Profiles & Affiliations OverviewResearch Publications Projects & Collaborations Projects & Collaborations OverviewResearch Publications Projects & Collaborations Profiles & Affiliations Projects & Collaborations 4 foundShow per page10 10 20 50 Citation, Indirect Transmission, Exegesis (CITE). Modes of Reading in Antiquity Research Project | 1 Project MembersImported from Grants Tool 4702883 Cicero in Basel. Reception Histories from a Humanist City ⁄ Cicero in Basel. Rezeptionsgeschichten aus einer Humanistenstadt Research Project | 2 Project MembersThe international conference /Cicero in Basel/ aims at charting the presence of the statesman, orator, and philosopher M. Tullius Cicero in the cultural history of Basel, the city located in the border region between Switzerland, Germany and France. While the study of Classical receptions tends to focus on particular cultural forms and discourses, the scope of the planned conference is programmatically open. Cicero in Basel explores a broad spectrum of engagements with Cicero through the ages: from the manuscript tradition of his works, to Humanist editions and commentaries, up to the political debates and controversies of today. In this, Cicero in Basel will assess Cicero's impact on the formation of a specific idea of Humanism in Basel as well as Basel's role in Cicero's Nachleben . The aim of the conference is thus twofold: It seeks to contribute both to the study of Ciceronian reception and to further our understanding of the history and development of Basel and the regio Basiliensis . Indeed, we expect this critical survey of Ciceronian reception histories from Basel to shed light on the emergence and development of the specific idea of Humanism that to this day plays a fundamental role in the self-image and identity politics of the 'Humanistenstadt Basel'. Basel Fellowships in Latin Studies Research Project | 2 Project MembersDie Visiting Fellowships in Latin Studies sollen es internationalen Forscher/innen auf dem Gebiet der klassischen lateinischen Literatur ermöglichen, im Rahmen eines Aufenthalts von 3 Monaten (mind. 1 Monat) ihre Forschung am Departement bzw. in der Bibliothek Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel voranzutreiben. Die internationale Sichtbarkeit und Bekanntheit des Forschungsstandorts Basel in der klassischen Philologie wird gefördert, und die ihr zugehörige Infrastruktur mit Mehrwert versehen. A New Commentary on Cicero's De domo sua Research Project | 1 Project MembersThe project centres on Cicero's /De domo sua/, one of the most elaborate and complex orations in the corpus of Roman oratory. Building on the manifold advances in Classical scholarship and combining traditional philological methods with Cultural Studies, it aims at providing a comprehensive state-of-the-art commentary on De domo sua that enables today's readers to access and appreciate a notoriously difficult but central text from Roman antiquity. Thus, it lays the groundwork for research on the hitherto underappreciated corpus of Cicero's /Post reditum/ speeches. 1 1 OverviewResearch Publications Projects & Collaborations
Projects & Collaborations 4 foundShow per page10 10 20 50 Citation, Indirect Transmission, Exegesis (CITE). Modes of Reading in Antiquity Research Project | 1 Project MembersImported from Grants Tool 4702883 Cicero in Basel. Reception Histories from a Humanist City ⁄ Cicero in Basel. Rezeptionsgeschichten aus einer Humanistenstadt Research Project | 2 Project MembersThe international conference /Cicero in Basel/ aims at charting the presence of the statesman, orator, and philosopher M. Tullius Cicero in the cultural history of Basel, the city located in the border region between Switzerland, Germany and France. While the study of Classical receptions tends to focus on particular cultural forms and discourses, the scope of the planned conference is programmatically open. Cicero in Basel explores a broad spectrum of engagements with Cicero through the ages: from the manuscript tradition of his works, to Humanist editions and commentaries, up to the political debates and controversies of today. In this, Cicero in Basel will assess Cicero's impact on the formation of a specific idea of Humanism in Basel as well as Basel's role in Cicero's Nachleben . The aim of the conference is thus twofold: It seeks to contribute both to the study of Ciceronian reception and to further our understanding of the history and development of Basel and the regio Basiliensis . Indeed, we expect this critical survey of Ciceronian reception histories from Basel to shed light on the emergence and development of the specific idea of Humanism that to this day plays a fundamental role in the self-image and identity politics of the 'Humanistenstadt Basel'. Basel Fellowships in Latin Studies Research Project | 2 Project MembersDie Visiting Fellowships in Latin Studies sollen es internationalen Forscher/innen auf dem Gebiet der klassischen lateinischen Literatur ermöglichen, im Rahmen eines Aufenthalts von 3 Monaten (mind. 1 Monat) ihre Forschung am Departement bzw. in der Bibliothek Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel voranzutreiben. Die internationale Sichtbarkeit und Bekanntheit des Forschungsstandorts Basel in der klassischen Philologie wird gefördert, und die ihr zugehörige Infrastruktur mit Mehrwert versehen. A New Commentary on Cicero's De domo sua Research Project | 1 Project MembersThe project centres on Cicero's /De domo sua/, one of the most elaborate and complex orations in the corpus of Roman oratory. Building on the manifold advances in Classical scholarship and combining traditional philological methods with Cultural Studies, it aims at providing a comprehensive state-of-the-art commentary on De domo sua that enables today's readers to access and appreciate a notoriously difficult but central text from Roman antiquity. Thus, it lays the groundwork for research on the hitherto underappreciated corpus of Cicero's /Post reditum/ speeches. 1 1
Citation, Indirect Transmission, Exegesis (CITE). Modes of Reading in Antiquity Research Project | 1 Project MembersImported from Grants Tool 4702883
Cicero in Basel. Reception Histories from a Humanist City ⁄ Cicero in Basel. Rezeptionsgeschichten aus einer Humanistenstadt Research Project | 2 Project MembersThe international conference /Cicero in Basel/ aims at charting the presence of the statesman, orator, and philosopher M. Tullius Cicero in the cultural history of Basel, the city located in the border region between Switzerland, Germany and France. While the study of Classical receptions tends to focus on particular cultural forms and discourses, the scope of the planned conference is programmatically open. Cicero in Basel explores a broad spectrum of engagements with Cicero through the ages: from the manuscript tradition of his works, to Humanist editions and commentaries, up to the political debates and controversies of today. In this, Cicero in Basel will assess Cicero's impact on the formation of a specific idea of Humanism in Basel as well as Basel's role in Cicero's Nachleben . The aim of the conference is thus twofold: It seeks to contribute both to the study of Ciceronian reception and to further our understanding of the history and development of Basel and the regio Basiliensis . Indeed, we expect this critical survey of Ciceronian reception histories from Basel to shed light on the emergence and development of the specific idea of Humanism that to this day plays a fundamental role in the self-image and identity politics of the 'Humanistenstadt Basel'.
Basel Fellowships in Latin Studies Research Project | 2 Project MembersDie Visiting Fellowships in Latin Studies sollen es internationalen Forscher/innen auf dem Gebiet der klassischen lateinischen Literatur ermöglichen, im Rahmen eines Aufenthalts von 3 Monaten (mind. 1 Monat) ihre Forschung am Departement bzw. in der Bibliothek Altertumswissenschaften der Universität Basel voranzutreiben. Die internationale Sichtbarkeit und Bekanntheit des Forschungsstandorts Basel in der klassischen Philologie wird gefördert, und die ihr zugehörige Infrastruktur mit Mehrwert versehen.
A New Commentary on Cicero's De domo sua Research Project | 1 Project MembersThe project centres on Cicero's /De domo sua/, one of the most elaborate and complex orations in the corpus of Roman oratory. Building on the manifold advances in Classical scholarship and combining traditional philological methods with Cultural Studies, it aims at providing a comprehensive state-of-the-art commentary on De domo sua that enables today's readers to access and appreciate a notoriously difficult but central text from Roman antiquity. Thus, it lays the groundwork for research on the hitherto underappreciated corpus of Cicero's /Post reditum/ speeches.