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Dorey, T., Frachon, L., Rieseberg, L. H., Kreiner, J. M., & Schiestl, F. P. (2024). Biotic interactions promote local adaptation to soil in plants. Nature Communications, 15(1).
Dorey, T., Frachon, L., Rieseberg, L. H., Kreiner, J. M., & Schiestl, F. P. (2024). Biotic interactions promote local adaptation to soil in plants. Nature Communications, 15(1).
Nature Communications, 15(1).
, & Schiestl, Florian P. (2024). Bee-pollination promotes rapid divergent evolution in plants growing in different soils [Journal-article].
Nature Communications, 15(1).
, & Schiestl, Florian P. (2024). Bee-pollination promotes rapid divergent evolution in plants growing in different soils [Journal-article].
Dorey, T., & Schiestl, F. P. (2022). Plant phenotypic plasticity changes pollinator-mediated selection. Evolution, 76(12), 2930–2944.
Dorey, T., & Schiestl, F. P. (2022). Plant phenotypic plasticity changes pollinator-mediated selection. Evolution, 76(12), 2930–2944.
Marchand, L. J., Tarayre, M., Dorey, T., Rantier, Y., & Hennion, F. (2021). Morphological variability of cushion plant Lyallia kerguelensis (Caryophyllales) in relation to environmental conditions and geography in the Kerguelen Islands: implications for cushion necrosis and climate change. Polar Biology, 44(1), 17–30.
Marchand, L. J., Tarayre, M., Dorey, T., Rantier, Y., & Hennion, F. (2021). Morphological variability of cushion plant Lyallia kerguelensis (Caryophyllales) in relation to environmental conditions and geography in the Kerguelen Islands: implications for cushion necrosis and climate change. Polar Biology, 44(1), 17–30.
Labarrere, B., Prinzing, A., Dorey, T., Chesneau, E., & Hennion, F. (2019). Variations of secondary metabolites among natural populations of sub-antarctic ranunculus species suggest functional redundancy and versatility. Plants, 8(7).
Labarrere, B., Prinzing, A., Dorey, T., Chesneau, E., & Hennion, F. (2019). Variations of secondary metabolites among natural populations of sub-antarctic ranunculus species suggest functional redundancy and versatility. Plants, 8(7).