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Prof. Dr. Georg von Schnurbein

Faculty of Business and Economics
Profiles & Affiliations

Research Interests

Georg von Schnurbein is Professor of Foundation Management at the Faculty of Economics and Founding Director of the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) at the University of Basel. He studied business administration with a minor in political science at the universities of Bamberg, Fribourg and Bern. He is responsible for the Master of Advanced Studies in Nonprofit Management & Law at the University of Basel and teaches at various universities in Switzerland and abroad. Georg von Schnurbein is co-editor of the Swiss Foundation Code and the annual Swiss Foundation Report. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Nonprofit Management & Leadership" and of the Scientific Advisory Board of the "Satell Institute" in Philadelphia/USA. 

His research focuses on nonprofit management and philanthropy, especially on topics such as governance, financing of NPOs and volunteerism.

In addition to his research work, Georg von Schnurbein is committed to the development and promotion of the philanthropy sector. He is co-founder of the Foundation Board Academy for the training of non-profit foundation boards and shareholder of the consulting firm Con-Sense, which specializes in advising and supporting NPOs. Georg von Schnurbein volunteers on foundation boards in the fields of culture and education.

Selected Publications

Meier, Dominik S., & von Schnurbein, Georg. (2024). From Mission to Market: Assessing Sector Overlap Between Nonprofits and For-Profits [Journal-article]. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/08997640241300509


Ahmad, Sufina, & von Schnurbein, Georg. (2023). Searching for the North Star or how to navigate a boat with a fixed rudder through turbulent times [Journal-article]. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.1002/nvsm.1824


Cnaan, R., Choi, D., Kang, C., Song, J., Almog-Bar, M., & von Schnurbein, G. (2023). The people behind the scenes: Episodic volunteering at fundraising events. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 28(3). https://doi.org/10.1002/nvsm.1794


von Schnurbein, G. (2023). Finanzmanagement in Non-Profit-Organisationen [Book]. In Finanzielle Ressourcen strukturiert, zielgerichtet und nachhaltig einsetzen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-41806-9


Selected Projects & Collaborations

Project cover

Balancing Trust and Accountability: Charities, Governments, and Society

Research Project  | 3 Project Members

Democratic societies value the benefits of group representation, but these groups also increase the potential for factionalization. Operating charities and foundations plays a valued role in representing differing opinions and needs; however, public trust in charities has decreased over recent years in many countries, as has public opinion of government. Meanwhile, interest in charitable regulation and accountability is increasing. Why are public-serving organizations trusted so little?This project utilizes four unique country contexts (Canada, the U.K., Switzerland, and the U.S.) to map and understand cross-sector opinions on trust and accountability. Though these four countries have much in common, there is significant variation in regulatory approach, interpersonal trust, and popular sentiment toward public-serving institutions. This effort focuses on the mutual perceptions of four audiences: operating charities, foundations, charity regulators, and the public.The study has two phases. In the first phase, each country team will conduct an extensive document review to create historical-institutional profiles, including the scope of the nonprofit sector (as in Salamon) and relevant socio-cultural norms such as institutional trust toward the nonprofit, private, and public sectors. This will be supplemented by inter- and intra-country studies using existing public datasets (such as the World Values Survey) to test and expand on the country profiles. In the second phase, teams will convene focus groups to gather novel data. These focus groups will represent the four audiences, and will discuss their perceptions of themselves, the other audiences, trust, and the role of regulation. Analysis will include both single- and mixed-audience groups.

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EUCOR Seed Money - LIFT - Territorial strategies of Foundations in the Upper Rhine territories (Levier d'Intervention des Fondations sur les Territoires)

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

Das Projekt LIFT aus dem Bereich der Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften zielt darauf ab, Wissen über Stiftungen und ihre Aktivitäten in der Oberrheinregion auszutauschen. Ziel ist es, mithilfe eines multidisziplinären Ansatzes die Strategien von Stiftungen und ihre Interaktionen mit den Akteuren und Behörden vor Ort zu identifizieren. Die wichtigsten zu erwartenden Ergebnisse sind die Schaffung einer Datenbank über die Stiftungen am Oberrhein sowie die Vorbereitung eines gemeinsamen Interreg-Projektes mit Forschenden und regionalen Partnerinnen und Partnern im Jahr 2025. Das Projekt steht unter der Leitung der Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) und wird in Kooperation mit den Universitäten Basel, Freiburg, Straßburg sowie dem KIT umgesetzt. Eucor - The European Campus unterstützt das Konsortium mit dem Seed Money-Förderinstrument in der Förderlinie "Forschung und Innovation".