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Prof. Dr. George-Paul Meiu

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Meiu, George Paul. (2017). Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya. University of Chicago Press.
Meiu, George Paul. (2004). Vin feciorii cu turca! Schimbări semiologice în obiceiurile cetei de feciori din Comăna. Arania.

Articles in Scholarly Journals

Meiu, George Paul. (2020). Panics over Plastics: A Matter of Belonging in Kenya. American Anthropologist, 122(2), 222–235. https://doi.org/10.1111/aman.13381
Meiu, George Paul. (2020). Underlayers of Citizenship: Queer Objects, Intimate Exposures, and the Rescue Rush in Kenya. Cultural Anthropology, 35(4), 575–601. https://doi.org/10.14506/ca35.4.04
Meiu, George Paul. (2020). Queerly Kenyan: On the Political Economy of Queer Possibilities. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 10(2), 613–617. https://doi.org/10.1086/709578
Meiu, George Paul. (2016). Belonging in Ethno-erotic Economies: Adultery, Alterity, and Ritual in Postcolonial Kenya. American Ethnologist, 43(2), 215–229. https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12300
Meiu, George Paul. (2015). Beach-Boy Elders and Young Big-Men: Subverting the Temporalities of Ageing in Kenya’s Ethno-Erotic Economies. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 80(4), 472–496. https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844.2014.938674
Meiu, George Paul. (2009). Mombasa Morans: Embodiment, Sexual Morality, and Samburu Men in Kenya. Canadian journal of African studies, 43(1), 105–128.
Meiu, George Paul. (2008). Riefenstahl on Safari: Embodied Contemplation in East Africa. Anthropology today, 24(2), 18–22.

Book Contributions

Meiu, George Paul. (2023). Waiting Out the Rush: On the Durability of Wealth in Kenya’s Coastal Sex Economies. In Masquelier, Adeline; Durham, Deborah (Ed.), In the Meantime: Toward an Anthropology of the Possible (pp. 219–223). Berghahn Books.
Meiu, George Paul. (2022). Queer Futures, National Utopias: Notes on Objects, Intimacy, Time, and the State. In Greiner, Clemens; Van Wolputte, Steven; Bollig, Michael (ed.), African Futures (Vol. 27, pp. 320–330). Brill.
Meiu, George Paul. (2020). On Branding, Belonging, and the Violence of a Phallic Imaginary: Maasai Warriors in Kenyan Tourism. In Meiu, George Paul; Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John L. (ed.), Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation (pp. 35–66). Indiana University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv12sdz39
Meiu, George Paul, Comaroff, Jean, & Comaroff, John L. (2020). Introduction: Ethnicity, Inc. Revisited. In Meiu, George Paul; Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John L. (ed.), Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation (pp. 1–35). Indiana University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv12sdz39
Meiu, George Paul. (2019). Who Are the New Natives? Ethnicity and Emerging Idioms of Belonging in Africa. In Grinker, R.; Gonçalves, E.F.; Steiner, C.B.; Lubkemann, S. (ed.), A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa (pp. 147–172). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119251521
Meiu, George Paul. (2015). Colonialism and Sexuality. In Whelehan, Patricia; Bolin, Anne (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality (Vol. 1, pp. 239–242). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118896877
Meiu, George Paul. (2011). On Difference, Desire, and the Aesthetics of the Unexpected: ‘The White Masai’ in Kenyan Tourism. In Skinner, Jonathan; Theodossopoulos, Dimitrios (ed.), Great Expectations: Imagination and Anticipation in Tourism (pp. 96–115). Berghahn Books.

Supplementary Publication

Meiu, George Paul. (2024). On Hate, its Objects, and the Poetics of Sexuality. Institute of Social Anthropology. https://theanthro.art/on-hate-its-objects-and-the-poetics-of-sexuality-george-paul-meiu/