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Prof. Dr. George-Paul Meiu

Department of Social Sciences
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Meiu, George Paul. (2024). On Hate, its Objects, and the Poetics of Sexuality. Institute of Social Anthropology. https://theanthro.art/on-hate-its-objects-and-the-poetics-of-sexuality-george-paul-meiu/

Meiu, George Paul. (2023). Waiting Out the Rush: On the Durability of Wealth in Kenya’s Coastal Sex Economies. In Masquelier, Adeline; Durham, Deborah (Ed.), In the Meantime: Toward an Anthropology of the Possible (pp. 219–223). Berghahn Books.

Meiu, George Paul. (2022). Queer Futures, National Utopias: Notes on Objects, Intimacy, Time, and the State. In Greiner, Clemens; Van Wolputte, Steven; Bollig, Michael (ed.), African Futures (Vol. 27, pp. 320–330). Brill.


Meiu, George Paul. (2020). Panics over Plastics: A Matter of Belonging in Kenya. American Anthropologist, 122(2), 222–235. https://doi.org/10.1111/aman.13381


Meiu, George Paul. (2020). Underlayers of Citizenship: Queer Objects, Intimate Exposures, and the Rescue Rush in Kenya. Cultural Anthropology, 35(4), 575–601. https://doi.org/10.14506/ca35.4.04


Meiu, George Paul. (2020). Queerly Kenyan: On the Political Economy of Queer Possibilities. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 10(2), 613–617. https://doi.org/10.1086/709578


Meiu, George Paul. (2020). On Branding, Belonging, and the Violence of a Phallic Imaginary: Maasai Warriors in Kenyan Tourism. In Meiu, George Paul; Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John L. (ed.), Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation (pp. 35–66). Indiana University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv12sdz39

Meiu, George Paul, Comaroff, Jean, & Comaroff, John L. (2020). Introduction: Ethnicity, Inc. Revisited. In Meiu, George Paul; Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John L. (ed.), Ethnicity, Commodity, In/Corporation (pp. 1–35). Indiana University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv12sdz39


Meiu, George Paul. (2019). Who Are the New Natives? Ethnicity and Emerging Idioms of Belonging in Africa. In Grinker, R.; Gonçalves, E.F.; Steiner, C.B.; Lubkemann, S. (ed.), A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa (pp. 147–172). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119251521


Meiu, George Paul. (2017). Ethno-erotic Economies: Sexuality, Money, and Belonging in Kenya. University of Chicago Press.

Meiu, George Paul. (2016). Belonging in Ethno-erotic Economies: Adultery, Alterity, and Ritual in Postcolonial Kenya. American Ethnologist, 43(2), 215–229. https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12300


Meiu, George Paul. (2015). Beach-Boy Elders and Young Big-Men: Subverting the Temporalities of Ageing in Kenya’s Ethno-Erotic Economies. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 80(4), 472–496. https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844.2014.938674


Meiu, George Paul. (2015). Colonialism and Sexuality. In Whelehan, Patricia; Bolin, Anne (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality (Vol. 1, pp. 239–242). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118896877


Meiu, George Paul. (2011). On Difference, Desire, and the Aesthetics of the Unexpected: ‘The White Masai’ in Kenyan Tourism. In Skinner, Jonathan; Theodossopoulos, Dimitrios (ed.), Great Expectations: Imagination and Anticipation in Tourism (pp. 96–115). Berghahn Books.

Meiu, George Paul. (2009). Mombasa Morans: Embodiment, Sexual Morality, and Samburu Men in Kenya. Canadian journal of African studies, 43(1), 105–128.

Meiu, George Paul. (2008). Riefenstahl on Safari: Embodied Contemplation in East Africa. Anthropology today, 24(2), 18–22.

Meiu, George Paul. (2004). Vin feciorii cu turca! Schimbări semiologice în obiceiurile cetei de feciori din Comăna. Arania.