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Dr. Christian Feigenwinter

Department of Environmental Sciences
Profiles & Affiliations

Selected Publications

Chrysoulakis, Nektarios, Ludlow, David, Mitraka, Zina, Somarakis, Giorgos, Khan, Zaheer, Lauwaet, Dirk, Hooyberghs, Hans, Feliu, Efren, Navarro, Daniel, Feigenwinter, Christian, Holsten, Anne, Soukup, Tomas, Dohr, Mario, Marconcini, Mattia, & Holt Andersen, Birgitte. (2023). Copernicus for urban resilience in Europe. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 16251. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-43371-9


Feigenwinter, Christian, Franceschi, Joel, Larsen, Jarl Are, Spirig, Robert, & Vogt, Roland. (2020). On the performance of microlysimeters to measure non-rainfall water input in a hyper-arid environment with focus on fog contribution. Journal of Arid Environments, 182, 104260. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2020.104260


Feigenwinter, Christian, Vogt, Roland, & Christen, Andreas. (2012). Eddy Covariance Measurements Over Urban Areas. In Aubinet, Marc; Vesala, Timo; Papale, Dario (Ed.), Eddy Covariance A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis (pp. 377–398). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-2351-1_5


Feigenwinter, C., Bernhofer, C., Eichelmann, U., Heinesch, B., Hertel, M., Janous, D., Kolle, O., Lagergren, F., Lindroth, A., Minerbi, S., Moderow, U., Mölder, M., Montagnani, L., Queck, R., Rebmann, C., Vestin, P., Yernaux, M., Zeri, M., Ziegler, W., & Aubinet, M. (2008). Comparison of horizontal and vertical advective CO2 fluxes at three forest sites. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 148(1), 12–24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2007.08.013


Selected Projects & Collaborations

Project cover

PAUL: Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases

Research Project  | 4 Project Members

The "Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes: towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases" (PAUL) project supports the European Green Deal by creating capabilities to observe and verify greenhouse gas emissions from densely populated urban areas across Europe. Cities are recognized as important anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission hotspots and therefore play a significant role in any emission reduction efforts. The PAUL project aims to increase our understanding of specific needs of greenhouse gas emission assessment in urban environment; it compares available and novel observational approaches and implements an integrated concept for a city observatory, providing unique data sets that feed diverse modelling approaches, scientific studies and will be the base of services towards the city administrations. A specifically innovative approach is the co-design of services, models and observations between city administrators and scientists from multiple disciplines including social and governmental sciences.The PAUL co-design approach will exploring the needs of the cities and combining these with the scientific outcomes. This allows to introduce smart services to the cities, supporting evidence-based decisions on climate action and strategic investments. Overarching goals of PAUL are to: 1) implement elements of a pilot city observatory in a large (Paris), a medium (Munich) and a small (Zurich) European city, 2) collaborate with city stakeholders and engage citizens in co-designing services that are required for GHG monitoring in order to validate the implementation of Paris Agreement, and 3) increase our understanding of specific needs of GHG assessment in urban environment and create a service portfolio for setting up an urban greenhouse gas observatory.

Project cover

ICOS-CH: Integrated Carbon Observation System in Switzerland, Phase 3

Research Project  | 4 Project Members

ICOS-CH is the Swiss contribution to the I ntegrated C arbon O bservation S ystem R esearch I nfrastruc-ture ( ICOS RI ) which entered its operational phase in 2015. Overarching goals of ICOS RI are to quantify and to understand the greenhouse gas (GHG) budget of the European continent and adjacent regions based on highly standardized measurements in the atmosphere, in terrestrial ecosystems and in the ocean, and to distribute data and data products to stakeholders and user communities. With the ICOS-CH network, i.e. ETH Zurich (National Focal Point), Empa, WSL, University of Bern, University of Basel, and MeteoSwiss, Switzerland participates in ICOS RI since its beginning in 2013. ICOS-CH commits to maintain DAV and JFJ at Class 1 level and to extend the existing network with an urban site, in response to the scientific demand for reliable measurements of the most dynamic land cover globally, and in accordance with the ICOS RI Strategy. The Swiss contribution to ICOS RI will be coordinated within Subproject A, also responsible for communication within and beyond ICOS-CH. Site infrastructure needs to be completed (in Subprojects B and C for DAV and JFJ, respectively) and upgraded (in Subproject D for Basel (BKLI)). DAV and JFJ will be maintained at Class 1 level, and BKLI developed as Associated Site, i.e., with comprehensive variable sets, regular measurement campaigns, stringent quality requirements, fast response times should sensors need repair, and near real-time data provision to ICOS RI. This requires continuous data quality assurance and quality control by well-trained technical staff and data scientists. Overall, ICOS-CH provides a unique opportunity for scientists to contribute to outstanding research and scientific innovations based on continuous, high-precision and open-access data, a comprehensive set of measurements, and an excellent infrastructure that provides on-site validations for research related to Earth system science.

Project cover

CURE: Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe

Research Project  | 3 Project Members

A major challenge for the urban community is the exploitation of the Copernicus products in dealing with the multidimensional nature of urban sustainability towards enhancing urban resilience. Combined information from Copernicus Core Services, namely the Land Monitoring Service (CLMS), the Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), the Climate Change Service (C3S) and the Emergency Management Service (EMS), can provide valuable information to address the multidimensionality of urban resilience. Moreover, the urban planning community needs spatially disaggregated environmental information, at local and city scales. Such information, for all urban environmental parameters, is not directly available from the above Copernicus Core Services, while several data and products from contemporary satellite missions consist valuable tools for retrieving urban environmental parameters at local scale. Therefore, cross-cutting applications among the above Copernicus Core Services may address urban resilience, if they also cope with the required scale with the exploitation of third-party data, in-situ observations and modelling, as appropriate. The main goal of the proposed project CURE (Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe) is to synergistically exploit the above Core Services to develop an umbrella cross-cutting application for urban resilience, consisting of individual cross-cutting applications for climate change adaptation/mitigation, energy and economy, as well as healthy cities and social environments, at several European cities. CURE will use DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) to develop a system for integrating these applications, capable of supporting operational applications and downstream services across Europe in the future. CURE will develop synergies with EuroGEOSS and Climate-KIC and provide scenarios on how the developed system could potentially be integrated into the existing Copernicus service architecture, addressing also its economic feasibility.