Publications by Type
44 found
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Peer-Reviewed Publication Types
Peer-Reviewed Articles in Journals and E-Journals
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 38(5), 695–713.
, & Siegloch, Sebastian. (2023). On event studies and distributed-lags in two-way fixed effects models: Identification, equivalence, and generalization. Brülhart, Marius, Gruber, Jonathan, Krapf, Matthias, & American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(4), 111–150.
. (2022). Behavioral Responses to Wealth Taxes: Evidence from Switzerland. Eberle, Ulrich J., Henderson, J. Vernon, Rohner, Dominic, & Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(28), 16250–16257.
. (2020). Ethnolinguistic Diversity and Urban Agglomeration. Faber, Marius, Ghisletta, Andrea, & Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 156(11), 1–23.
. (2020). A lockdown index to assess the economic impact of the coronavirus. Brülhart, Marius, & CESifo DICE Report, 16, 19–21.
. (2018). Taxpayers seek strategies to avoid wealth tax. Journal of Public Economics, 167, 293–324.
, & Slotwinski, Michaela. (2018). Tax-induced Mobility: Evidence from a Foreigners’ Tax Scheme in Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 153(2), 73–101.
. (2017). Emerging Lessons from Half a Century of Fiscal Federalism in Switzerland. Bruelhart, Marius, & Journal of Regional Science, 55(1), 139–148.
. (2015). Estimating the Rivalness of State-Level Inward FDI. Economics Letters, 133, 10–13.
, & Suedekum, Jens. (2015). The Pan-European Population Distribution across Consistently Defined Functional Urban Areas. Eeckhout, Jan, Pinheiro, Roberto, & Journal of Political Economy, 122(3), 554–620.
. (2014). Spatial Sorting. Diekmann, Andreas, & Comparative Sociology, 12(2), 211–235.
. (2013). The Intergenerational Transmission of Divorce: A Fifteen-Country Study with the Fertility and Family Survey. Luthi, Eva, & Journal of Economic Geography, 14(2), 265–287.
. (2013). The Effect of Agglomeration Size on Local Taxes. Bruelhart, Marius, Jametti, Mario, & The Economic Journal, 122(563), 1069–1093.
. (2012). Do Agglomeration Economies Reduce the Sensitivity of Firm Location to Tax Differentials? Journal of Urban Economics, 69(2), 214–222.
, & Brülhart, Marius. (2011). On the equivalence of location choice models: Conditional logit, nested logit and Poisson. Hlouskova, Jaroslava, Journal of Empirical Finance, 16, 330–336.
, & Wagner, Martin. (2009). Multistep Predictions from Multivariate ARMA-GARCH: Models and their Value for Portfolio Management. Ioannides, Yannis M., Overman, Henry G., Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban, & Economic Policy, 23(54), 201–242.
. (2008). The Effect of Information and Communication Technologies on Urban Structure. Hodler, Roland, & FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis, 62(2), 281–304.
. (2006). How Fiscal Decentralization Flattens Progressive Taxes. Jaecklin, Thomas, Rohner, Peter, Jacomo, Véronique, European Journal of Pediatrics, 165(1), 3–8.
, & Gervaix, Alain. (2006). Trends in Antibiotic Resistance of Respiratory Tract Pathogens in Children in Geneva, Switzerland. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 36(2), 270–299.
. (2006). Income segregation from local income taxation when households differ in both preferences and incomes. Journal of Public Economics, 90(3), 429–458.
. (2006). Income segregation and local progressive taxation: Empirical evidence from Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review, 11(4), 97–121.
. (2005). Wohnsitzwahl und lokale Einkommensbesteuerung. Diekmann, Andreas, & Journal of Marriage and Family, 66(3), 651–660.
. (2004). Do Parents of Girls Have a Higher Risk of Divorce? An Eighteen Country Study. Diekmann, Andreas, & Swiss Journal of Sociology, 27(2), 241–254.
. (2001). Bildung und Ehestabilität: Eine ereignisanalytische Untersuchung schweizerischer Familienbiografien. Peer-Reviewed Publications, citable
Warum die junge Frau den Mann verlässt oder die Wichtigkeit von Replikationen in der empirischen Forschung. Kommentar zu ‘Divorcer en Suisse: Effets des facteurs indivi-duels, de mise en couple et de couple’]. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 28, Article 1.
. (2002). Warum die junge Frau den Mann verlässt oder die Wichtigkeit von Replikationen in der empirischen Forschung. Kommentar zu ‘Divorcer en Suisse: Effets des facteurs indivi-duels, de mise en couple et de couple’ [Review of Books
Community Choice and Local Income Taxation: Vol. Doctor rerum oeconomicarum (Prof. Dr. Klaus Neusser, Ed.; Prof. Dr. Klaus Neusser, Trans.). Universität Bern.
. (2003). Book Chapter
Brülhart, Marius, Bucovetsky, Sam, & Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics (Vol. 5B, pp. 1123–1196). North Holland.
. (2015). Taxes in Cities. In Duranton, G.; Henderson, J. V.; Strange, W. (Ed.), Hoehn, Thomas, & Neueste Entwicklungen im Europäischen und Internationalen Kartellrecht. Sechstes St. Galler Internationales Kartellrechtsforum (pp. 271–296). Helbing & Lichtenhahn.
. (2000). Die Anwendung von quantitativ abgestützten Marktuntersuchungen in wettbewerbsrechtlichen Verfahren. In Baudenbacher, Carl (Ed.), Other Publications
Working Paper
Brülhart, Marius, Koethenbuerger, Marko, Krapf, Matthias, Parchet, Raphael, NBER Working Paper. National Bureau of Economic Research.
, & Staubli, David. (2023). Competition, Harmonization and Redistribution: Corporate Taxes in Switzerland [Report]. In Schmidheiny, K., & Siegloch, S. (2020). On Event Studies and Distributed-Lags in Two-Way Fixed Effects Models: Identification, Equivalence, and Generalization [Journal-article]. In ZEW Discussion Paper (Vol. 20-017).
Brülhart, M., Gruber, J., Krapf, M., & SSRN.
(2019). Behavioral Responses to Wealth Taxes: Evidence from Switzerland. In SSRN Electronic Journal.
, & Siegloch, Sebastian. (2019). On Event Study Designs and Distributed-Lag Models: Equivalence, Generalization and Practical Implications [Journal-article]. In On Nesting Location Choice Models Correctly: A Reply to Herger and McCorriston (Economics Letters, 2013). Universität Basel.
, & Brülhart, Marius. (2015). Non-peer-reviewed conference papers
Chaskel, Rico, Getzner, Michael, Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia, Riphahn, Regina T., & Perspektiven Der Wirtschaftspolitik.
. (2024). Zugang zu Forschungsdaten in den D-A-CH-Ländern: Eine Vermessung der (Un-)Zufriedenheit. Brülhart, Marius, Gruber, Jonathan, Krapf, Matthias, & Policy in Focus, 19(3), 21–23.
. (2021). Wealth taxation: The Swiss experience. Supplementary Publications
News and Magazines
Hauck, Lukas, Die Volkswirtschaft.
, & von Ehrlich, Maximilian. (2024, May 3). Wohnungsbau zwischen Markt und Staat. Brülhart, Marius, & Die Volkswirtschaft.
. (2024, April 12). Intensiver Steuerwettbewerb trotz Umverteilung. Brühlhart, Marius, & Die Volkswirtschaft, 9–11.
. (2021, January 1). In der Pandemie überwiegen die Gründe für mehr Bundeskompetenzen. Brülhart, Marius, Krapf, Matthias, & - Das Forum Für Schweizer Wirtschaftspolitik.
. (2021, January 1). Die steigende Vermögenskonzentration in der Schweiz ist grösstenteils hausgemacht. Twice - Magazin Der Handelskammer Beider Basel, 20.
. (2021, January 1). Basel ist für ein Zentrum relativ attraktiv. WWZ Faculty Blog - Der Ökonomieblog Der Universität Basel, 1.
. (2021, January 1). Steuergünstige Schweiz - wie gross ist die Gewinnverlagerung wirklich? Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 8.
. (2021, January 1). «Die Schweiz hat wenig Tradition, Daten für die Politik zu nutzen». SRF.
. (2021, January 1). USA nennen die Schweiz eine Steueroase. In Telebasel.
. (2021, January 1). Steuererhöhung ändert Standortattraktivität von Basel. In SRF.
. (2021, January 1). FOKUS: Ist das Steuerparadies Schweiz in Gefahr? In