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Prof. Dr. Aden Kumler

Department of Arts, Media, Philosophy
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35 found
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Kumler, A. (2024). Adjusted and radiant in the vestment of its appearance. Flavin’s epiphanic realism / Justiert und strahlend im Gewand seiner Erscheinung. Flavins epiphanischer Realismus. In Helfenstein, Josef; Osadtschy, Olga (Ed.), Dan Flavin. Widmungen aus Licht (pp. 184–199). Kunstmuseum Basel.

Kumler, A. (2023). Writing on the world beyond the page: medieval inscriptions as facta and ficta Schreiben auf der Welt jenseits der Seite: Mittelalterliche Inschriften als facta und ficta. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift Fur Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte, 97(2), 447–484. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41245-023-00196-8


Kumler, Aden. (2023). Interview. In Images in Premodern Societies. A Dialogue about the State of the Field on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of “Iconographica” (pp. 175–183). Sismel, Edizione del Galluzzo. https://www.mirabileweb.it/edgalluzzo/saggi/m/1271/s/5954


Aden Kumler. (2023). Disorientations/Orientierungsverlüste. In Andrea Büttner–The Heart of Relations (pp. 238–256). Kunstmuseum Basel; Kunstammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen; Hatje Canz Verlag.

Aden Kumler. (2023). Team-Teaching Across the Disciplines. In Approaches to Teaching the Romance of the Rose, (Vol. 170, pp. 170–190). Modern Language Association.

Kumler, Aden. (2023). “All form is a process of notation” . Hrabanus Maurus’s ‘exemplativist’ art. In L’art medieval est-il contemporain? / Is medieval art contemporary? (Vol. 1, pp. 91–111). Brepols.

Kumler, Aden. (2022). Altar as atelier. Codex Aquilarensis, 38, 141–168.

Kumler, Aden, Bois, Yve-Alain, Debiais, Vincent, Fontán del Junco, Manuel, Gertsman, & Elina. (2022). Narration / abstraction : réflexions croisées entre médiévistes et contemporanéistes. Perspective. Actualité En Histoire de L’art, 2, 69–96. https://doi.org/10.4000/perspective.27518


Kumler, Aden, & Fricke, Beate. (2022). Destroyed-Disappeared-Lost-Never Were. In ICMA Books -Viewpoints (Vol. 1). Penn State University Press - International Center of Medieval Art. https://www.psupress.org/books/titles/978-0-271-09328-4.html


Kumler, Aden. (2022). Whose Iconography? In Patton, Pamela; Fernandez, Catherine (Ed.), Iconography in a New Century (pp. 35–58). Penn State University Press & The Index of Medieval Art.

Kumler, Aden. (2022). Lyric Vessels. In Cervone, Cristina Maria; Watson, Nicholas (Ed.), What Kind of a Thing is a Middle English Lyric? (pp. 182–217). University of Pennsylvania Press.

Kumler, Aden. (2022). The Way We Live Now. In Lund, Karsten; (Ed.), Jill Magid: Tender (pp. 149–160). Renaissance Society.

Kumler, Aden, & Fricke, Beate. (2022). Introduction. Destroyed-Disappeared-Lost-Never Were. In Kumler, Aden; Fricke, Beate (ed.), Destroyed-Disappeared-Lost-Never Were (pp. 1–21). Penn State University Press & The Index of Medieval Art.


Kumler, Aden. (2021). “Where your treasure is, there is your heart also: A Kesslerian view from the Soissons Gospels”. Codex Aquilarensis, 37, 109–126.


Kumler, Aden. (2021). Abstraction’s gothic grounds. In Gertsman, Elina (Ed.), Abstraction in Medieval Art. Beyond the Ornament (pp. 55–88). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.5117/9789462989894


Kumler, Aden. (2019). Periculum and peritia: aesthetics and affects in the medieval ‘ars market’. Codex Aquilarensis, 35, 157–178.


Kumler, Aden. (2019). Counterfeiting the Eucharist in Late Medieval Art and Life. In Melion, Walter; Carson Pastan, Elizabeth; Palmer Wandel, Lee (Ed.), Quid est sacramentum? Visual Representation of Sacred Mysteries in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1700 (pp. 57–81). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004408944_003


Kumler, Aden. (2019). Materials, Materia, “Materiality”. In Rudolph, Conrad (Ed.), A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe (pp. 95–117). Wiley Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119077756.ch4


Kumler, Aden. (2018). Signatis... vultus tui: (Re)impressing the Holy Face before and after the European Cult of the Veronica. Convivium, Supplementum, 2, 102–113.


Kumler, Aden. (2018). Seeing the worldly with a moral eye: Illuminated observation as introspection in the later Middle Ages. In Kessler, Herbert; Newhauser, Richard (Ed.), Optics, Ethics, and Art in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries: Looking into Peter of Limoges’s Moral Treatise on the Eye (pp. 47–63). Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Press.

Kumler, Aden. (2017). Handling the letter. In Collins, Kristen; Fisher, Matthew (Ed.), St. Albans and the Markyate Psalter: Seeing and Reading in 12th Century England (pp. 69–100). Medieval Institute Publications.


Kumler, A. (2016). Catalog entry for Houghton Library, MS Typ 555. In Davis, Lisa Fagin; Eze, Anne-Marie ; Hamburger, Jeffrey F.; Netzer, Nancy; Stoneman, William; (Ed.), Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections (Exhibition Catalog) (pp. 113–115). University of Chicago Press.

Kumler, Aden. (2016). Sacrament to Street Food. Cabinet: A Quarterly of Art and Culture, 58, 63–71.


Kumler, Aden. (2015). Manufacturing the sacred in the Middle Ages: The Eucharist and other medieval works of ars. English Language Notes, 53(2), 9–44. https://doi.org/10.1215/00138282-53.2.9


Kumler, Aden. (2014). Accidentally on purpose. Cabinet: A Quarterly of Art and Culture, 54, 74–80.


Kumler, Aden. (2014). Imitatio rerum: Sacred objects in the St Giles’s Hospital Processional. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Special Issue, 44(3), 469–502. https://doi.org/10.1215/10829636-2791500


Kumler, Aden. (2014). ‘The Genealogy of Jean le Blanc’: Accounting for the Materiality of the Medieval Eucharist. In Anderson, Christy; Dunlop, Anne; Smith, Pamela (Ed.), The Matter of Art: Materials, Technologies, Meanings, c. 1250-1650 (pp. 119–140). Manchester University Press.

Kumler, Aden. (2013). The Patron-Function. In Hourihane, Colum (Ed.), Medieval Patronage: Patronage, Power and Agency in Medieval Art (pp. 297–319). Penn State University Press.

Kumler, A. (2012). Aden Kumler. Review of “Tabula Picta: Painting and Writing in Medieval Law” by Marta Madero, Monique Dascha Inciarte, and Roland David Valayre. [Journal-article]. caa.reviews. https://doi.org/10.3202/caa.reviews.2012.44


Kumler, A. (2012). Panofsky, unexpected. Harvard Library Bulletin, 23, 40–42.

Kumler, Aden, & Lakey, Christopher R. (2012). Res et significatio: The Material Sense of Things in the Middle Ages. Gesta, 51(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1086/669944


Kumler, Aden. (2012). Translating ma dame de Saint-Pol: The privilege & predicament of the devotee in Paris, BnF, MS naf 4338. In Fresco, Karen; Wright, Charles (Ed.), Translating the Middle Ages (pp. 35–54). Ashgate.

Kumler, Aden. (2011). Translating Truth: Ambitious Images and Religious Knowledge in Late Medieval France and England. Yale University Press.


Kumler, Aden. (2011). The Multiplication of the Species: Eucharistic Morphology in the Middle Ages. Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics, 59-60, 179–191. https://doi.org/10.1086/resvn1ms23647789


Kumler, Aden. (2008). Faire translater, faire historier: Charles V’s Bible historiale and the Visual Rhetoric of Vernacular Sapience. Studies in Iconography, 29, 90–135.