Dr. Veit Arlt Non Departmental Units Profiles & Affiliations OverviewResearch Publications Publications by Type Projects & Collaborations Academic Activities Academic Self-Administration Continuing Education Junior Development, Doctorate and Advanced Studies Academic Reputation & Networking Teaching Bachelor/Master Teaching Bachelor/Master OverviewResearch Publications Publications by Type Projects & Collaborations Academic Activities Academic Self-Administration Continuing Education Junior Development, Doctorate and Advanced Studies Academic Reputation & Networking Teaching Bachelor/Master Profiles & Affiliations Teaching Bachelor/Master Link to the course directory with the lectures held 3 foundShow per page100 100 200 500 2023/2024 - Courses in the Course Book How to Organize a Scholarly Meeting: Third European Students' Conference on African Studies 2021/2022 - Courses in the Course Book African Studies (Second European Students’ Conference, part 2) 2021/2022 - Courses in the Course Book African Studies (Second European Students’ Conference) 1 1 OverviewResearch Publications Publications by Type Projects & Collaborations Academic Activities Academic Self-Administration Continuing Education Junior Development, Doctorate and Advanced Studies Academic Reputation & Networking Teaching Bachelor/Master
Teaching Bachelor/Master Link to the course directory with the lectures held 3 foundShow per page100 100 200 500 2023/2024 - Courses in the Course Book How to Organize a Scholarly Meeting: Third European Students' Conference on African Studies 2021/2022 - Courses in the Course Book African Studies (Second European Students’ Conference, part 2) 2021/2022 - Courses in the Course Book African Studies (Second European Students’ Conference) 1 1
2023/2024 - Courses in the Course Book How to Organize a Scholarly Meeting: Third European Students' Conference on African Studies
2021/2022 - Courses in the Course Book African Studies (Second European Students’ Conference, part 2)