International Political Economy, Public Opinion, Political Methodology, Energy Politics, Climate Politics, Policy Communication
With over 10 years of experience analyzing policy processes in the energy and climate domains, I do research to assist policymaking on these highly politicized issues. Part of my work inspects how people form policy preferences, focusing on the role of policy-induced costs perceived by the public. My work also looks at the macro-level policy landscape, analyzing why countries experience different policymaking processes and generate different policies in energy and climate domains. Here, the role of the state-market relationship and lobbying is one of the primary focuses. My work is based on quantitative analyses with large-N data, including observational, survey, and text data.
As an organizational behavior enthusiast, all this research dealing with competing stakes has also made it my second nature to think about how we can communicate goals and measures more effectively in various settings outside policymaking. I welcome opportunities to work on creative tasks to understand, develop, and implement communication strategies across multiple decision-making scenarios.
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