UNIverse - Public Research Portal

Prof. Dr. Patricia Holm

Department of Environmental Sciences
Profiles & Affiliations

Projects & Collaborations

41 found
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Unveiling temporal and spatial patterns of microplastic burial in freshwaters through a reservoir as a stepping stone

Research Project  | 3 Project Members

The main goal of the proposed project is to determine the flux and pool of microplastics in the largest water reservoir of the Lange Erlen groundwater replenishment system (Basel Stadt). The study will test whether an increase in microplastic pollution can be observed after the onset of large-scale plastic production. To achieve this, a combination of cutting-edge methods from microplastics and geoecology research fields will be applied to dated sediment cores, whose sedimentation history includes the onset of plastic production. Temporally reconstructed data on effective microplastic burial in freshwaters are urgently needed, because the fate of microplastics in these systems remains largely unknown, resulting in uncertain estimates of global plastic fluxes in rivers. Such problems in the field of plastic pollution can be addressed by adopting a novel, more holistic approach, i.e. , by considering a global "plastic cycle"- as inspired by the carbon cycle. The field's predominant focus on marine systems thus highlights the other compartments of the global plastic cycle as crucial scientific blind spots. Yet, plastics have been declared emergent pollutants of concern to numerous nations, including Switzerland, which lists research on plastic pollution among its priorities. The proposed project will meet these challenges by adopting a novel approach in the field to uncover the effective microplastic burial rate in a water reservoir of importance for Basel Stadt's potable wa ter resources. The project will break new ground by providing estimates of plastic carbon, enabling integration of plastic pollution in a global carbon cycle. The completed project however, represents a stepping stone for a study of the plastic cycle ( i.e. , determining pools and fluxes) in inland waters via an up-scaled project, which considers a range of freshwater environmental archetypes with different pollution histories in Switzerland.

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Occurence of Microplastics in the Antarctic Seas

Research Project  | 7 Project Members

We aim to advance our knowledge and understanding of the sources of microplastics (MP) in the remote Antarctic marine ecosystem. By applying material flow analysis and integrating the results into an ocean circulation model, we will evaluate the evidence that MP can cross the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) into the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. A successful outcome will include achieving the following goals: Providing baseline information on concentrations, composition and distribution of MP in surface waters from the Southern Ocean, Evaluate the sources of MP in the Southern Ocean, by: (1) comparing MPs in the more anthropogenically impacted Scotia Sea (SS) and Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) versus relatively pristine Weddell Sea (WS) and (2) modeling MP transport within and to/from Antarctica. These comparisons will be based on: (a) characterization of MP properties, such as particle morphology, polymer composition, extent of degradation, and (b) analysis of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) loads, and (c) examination of the microbial communities of the MP (Plastisphere). Modeling the potential contribution of local sources, such as Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) effluents from vessels and research bases, for MP contamination of the Southern Ocean around Antarctica.

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EUCOR_Upper Rhine Science Trails

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

Upper Rhine Science Trails - Towards a Digital European Learning Infrastructure The overall goal is to provide an app-based, multilingual learning infrastructure open to all universities and institutions within the European Campus to facilitate cross-border learning experiences for bachelor and master students of the five EUCOR-universities. This project aims to prepare, test and further develop the learning app using a total of 12 study sites as pilot studies in four different EUCOR-universities. The "Sustainability Science Trail" is a result of the the Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research (URCfSR), established in 2016, which constitutes the major network promoting sustainability research within the European Campus. The "Upper Rhine The "Upper Rhine Sustainability Trail" shows examples of sustainable architecture, such as the ultra-low energy buildings in the Freiburg neighbourhood Vauban, renewable energy technologies, and the emerging green industry. Case studies also include the fish ladders and hydropower plants along the Upper Rhine River.

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Invasive Schwarzmeergrundeln in der Schweiz

Research Project  | 3 Project Members

Seit einigen Jahren breiten sich Grundeln aus dem Schwarzmeergebiet über europäische Schifffahrtswege aus. 2012 haben wir erstmals die Schwarzmaulgrundel in Basel nachgewiesen, auch die Kesslergrundel hat die Schweiz kurz zuvor erreicht. Beide bodenlebenden Fischarten sind für ihre rasante Vermehrung bekannt. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes untersuchen wir: (1) die Biologie der Schwarzmeergrundeln in hiesigen Gewässern (Lebensräume, Nahrungsnetz, Fortpflanzungsverhalten) (2) die Populationsgenetik und damit dem Ausbreitungsmechanismus (Von wo wurden die Tiere eingeschleppt? Wie verbreiten sie sich - mit Hilfe des Menschen und selbstständig?) (3) die ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Invasion (Was bedeutet die Invasion für heimische Wasserorganismen, für das Nahrungsnetz und für Interessensgruppen wie Fischer?) (4) Managementoptionen in der Schweiz (Möglichkeiten der Populationseindämmung, Verhinderung der Weiterverbreitung)

Project cover

Cold adaption vs. sensitivity to climate change and pollution in Antarctic Notothenioids: Physiological plasticity, genetic regulation, immunology and reproductive traits

Research Project  | 10 Project Members

The Antarctic ecosystem is progressively exposed to anthropogenic environmental influences, such as ocean warming, ocean acidification and persistent organic pollutants. It is expected that global warming will even increase levels of xenobiotics in Antarctica because they will be more available for atmospheric transport and scavenged more effectively from the atmosphere due to increased precipitation. Our project focuses on the energy metabolism under environmental stress and the trade-offs between energetically demanding processes such as biotransformation, metabolic compensation and immune response of high-Antarctic fish species in response to multiple stressors (temperature, pH and exposure to xenobiotics) on the one hand and the costs for reproduction and growth on the other hand. We further will determine the level of cold adaptation in various Antarctic species and populations, red and white-blooded notothenioids, specifically from Filchner Outflow System, a biological "hotspot" in terms of food availability and physical processes. Our integrative approach aims at assessing the physiological vulnerability of high-Antarctic fish to climate change and anthropogenic pollution over several levels of biological organization from the molecule to the whole organism and to contribute to develop a basis for environmental conservation efforts

Project cover

Nicht-heimische Grundelarten in der Schweiz - Transdisziplinäre Dialoge und Diskursanalyse

Research Project  | 3 Project Members

Das vorliegende Projekt, das durch den Kanton Zürich und durch die Universität Basel finanziert wird, ist ein Zusatzprojekt zum Projekt "Nicht-heimische Grundelarten in der Schweiz - Massnahmen zur Eindämmung und zur Schadensminderung". Es besteht aus zwei Teilen: Teil 'Transdisziplinäre Dialoge' : Die naturwissenschaftliche Forschung kann Möglichkeiten zur Eindämmung von Ausbreitung und Populationswachstum der invasiven Grundeln identifizieren. Darauf aufbauend können Handlungsempfehlungen ausgesprochen werden. Damit ist aber die Entwicklung und vor allem die erfolgreiche Umsetzung von konkreten Massnahmen noch lange nicht erreicht. Ziel der geplanten Dialoge ist es, die wichtigsten Akteure in geeigneter Weise in das Projekt einzubeziehen. So können Massnahmen von Anfang an auf dem vorhandenen Wissen aller Beteiligten aufbauen, was die Chancen einer erfolgreichen, fachgerechten Umsetzung und hoher "Compliance" steigert. Geplant sind zwei Dialoge zu Handlungsfeldern, die im Rahmen des Hauptprojekts als relevant identifiziert wurden (Fischerei, Gewässermanagement, Aquaristik, Schifffahrt). Teil 'Diskursanalyse' : Die Denkmuster (v.a. Annahmen über invasive Arten sowie Werte und Vorstellungen über die Verantwortung der Akteure), die Adressatinnen und Adressaten von Massnahmen haben, spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Frage, ob Massnahmen effektiv und effizient entwickelt und umgesetzt werden. Hier kann ein die naturwissenschaftliche Forschung ergänzender und begleitender humanwissenschaftlicher Ansatz Klarheit schaffen. Ziel ist die Durchführung einer Diskursanalyse, in der einschlägige Zeitschriften und Internet-Foren daraufhin analysiert werden, (a) welche Vorstellungen über invasive Arten generell bzw. zu invasiven Grundeln speziell dominieren sowie (b) welche Vorstellungen über die Verantwortung der Akteure gegenüber invasiven Arten vorherrschend sind.

Project cover

Skin alterations in cetaceans in the strait of Gibraltar

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

Skin alterations are often observed in cetaceans. They are helpful indicators for numerous skin diseases, parasites and injuries, as well as for malfunctions due to immuno-depression or accumulated contaminants in these marine mammals. The foundation firmm (Foundation for information and research in marine mammals) set up a database created over 16 years by opportunistic whale watching vessels in the Strait of Gibraltar from 1999 to date. Seven species of cetacenas are regularly observed. Photo diagnosis, together with knowledge on the history of numerous individuals provide with us data which will be evaluated with regard to macroscopically visible skin alterations. Diagnosing the alterations will provide important insights to assess the condition and the health status of these animals.