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Linda Bühl

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Profiles & Affiliations

Biomechanics in Medicine and its Clinical Application

I'm currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University Children's Hospital (UKBB) in Basel at the Centre of Clinical Motion Analysis.

My postdoctoral research focuses on understanding motor control and structural muscle changes in children with cerebral palsy and how these parameters can be used for clinics.

My PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Basel focused on comparing the outcomes in patients after augmented ACL repair with patients after standard ACL reconstruction and healthy controls. My PhD results are critical to understand the potential trade-off between surgical benefit and potentially limited biomechanical knee function and stability after ACL surgery, and to determine appropriate treatment options for future ACL patients.

During my Postdoctoral research and my PhD I had the opportunity to undertake short term research stays at the Laboratory of Motor Skills, Interactions and Performance of the University of Nantes, at the Research Department Modeling and Simulation of Complex Processes of the Zuse Institute Berlin and at the Institute for Applied Life Sciences aof the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Prior to this, I completed my Master's degree in Sports Science with a specialisation in Exercise and Technology and my Bachelor's degree in Exercise and Health in Prevention and Therapy.

I also have a background in paramedicine, which I completed part-time while studying, and worked part-time as a paramedic in Germany. Each experience has shaped me into a dedicated professional.

I am a member of the following professional organisations: German Society of Biomechanics (DGfB); European Society of Biomechanics (ESB); International Society of Biomechanics (ISB); Society for the Analysis of Human Motor Function and its Clinical Application (GAMMA); French Society for the Analysis of Movement in Children and Adults (SOFAMEA)

Selected Publications

Bühl, Linda, Bühl, Linda, Müller, Sebastian, Nüesch, Corina, Boyer, Katherine A., Casto, Erica, Mündermann, Annegret, & Egloff, Christian. (2023). Ambulatory knee biomechanics and muscle activity 2 years after ACL surgery: InternalBraceTM-augmented ACL repair versus ACL reconstruction versus healthy controls. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12891-023-06916-7


Bühl, Linda, Bühl, Linda, Müller, Sebastian, Nüesch, Corina, Pagenstert, Geert, Mündermann, Annegret, & Egloff, Christian. (2023). Functional leg performance 2 years after ACL surgery: a comparison between InternalBrace™-augmented repair versus reconstruction versus healthy controls. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s10195-023-00723-5


Bühl, Linda, Abel, Thomas, Wolf, Florian, Oberste, Max, Bloch, Wilhelm, Hallek, Michael, Elter, Thomas, & Zimmer, Philipp. (2019). Feasibility and Potential Benefits of an Exercise Intervention in a Male With Down Syndrome Undergoing High-Dose Chemotherapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Case Report. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 18. https://doi.org/10.1177/1534735419832358