[FG] Gärtner Jan
Projects & Collaborations

Kollaboration im Bereich Digital Health mit der Arbitsgruppe Prof. Hemm, FHNW
Research Project | 3 Project Members
Im Bereich Voicerecognition untersuchen wir gebrechliche Tumorpatienten,
Background: Assessing of frailty is essential not only in older patients with cancer, because frailty changes management of cancer therapy. Same is true for the routine assessment of distress to identify patient suffering and initiate adequate symptom control or psychosocial interventions. Here we present new potential method of frailty and distress assessment with digital voice analysis as a proof of concept trial. (NCT requested pending, DIVAN-1). Methods: Adult patients with the diagnosis of active incurable cancer can be enrolled into this study. Every participant will describe two to four images presented to him or her on a tablet computer in up to four sessions, and the patient`s voice will be recorded digitally. Baseline characteristics including cancer type, stage, therapy, G8 questionnaire and distress questionnaire (ESAS) will be collected at every session. Acoustic features like mean fundamental frequency (F0) and first few formants (F1, F2, etc.), jitter (variation in F0 from cycle to cycle), shimmer (variation in peak-to-peak amplitude), etc. will be explored digitally along with for example and voice strength (volume). Additionally, a vowel test will conducted and explored. Depending on the distribution of the data, the Pearson R correlation test or the Spearman’s R correlation test will be applied for each variable. The primary research question of this feasibility study is to identify quantitative parameters out of the audio signal to describe the changes in patient’s state in relation to frailty and distress. Trial enrolment has begun in December 2022 and 11 out of 100 patients have been included. Clinical trial information: NCT05783401.

Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgruppe mit Prof. Kurzeder, Universitätsspital Basel
Research Project | 2 Project Members
Mein Forschungsschwerpunkt ist im Bereich Brustkrebs, Gynäkologischer Tumore, Geriatrischer Onkologie und Translationaler Forschungsprojekte. Hier arbeite ich zusammen mit meinem Kollaborationspartner vom Universitätsspital Basel Prof. Dr. C. Kurzeder an verschiedenen Projekten:
Projekt 1: Circulating Tumor cells in breast cancer and cancer (NCT03928210
Digoxin Induced Dissolution of CTC Clusters und NCT04520672
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) in Cancer), eine Translationale Studie ist in Planung und eine weitere Studie ist unter Publikation. Weitere Projekte sind in Bearbeitung und Planung (Elacestrant-Register, Biomarker Studie bei Brustkrebs, Follow-up Studie mit ctDNA and CTCs und weitere Projekte)