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[FG] Katan Mira

Research Group Mira Katan

Research Focus


Area of Research

Planning and conducting large multicenter international stroke studies to provide a more precise information (i.e. precision medicine approach) for A) an advanced early risk stratification after stroke and B) novel risk factor identification in primary prevention as well as C) a better identification of the underlying stroke etiology for an improved secondary prevention. Use the gained knowledge to design and conduct meaningful randomized controlled trials to ultimately improve clinical practice.

Approved Research Projects

  • Coordination of the Swiss Stroke Registry 
  • COSMOS study
  • CoRisk study: Copeptin for Risk stratification in acute stroke patients study.
  • The northern Manhattan study: Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 is associated with atherosclerotic stroke risk.
  • NOMAS study: The role of copeptin, midregional natriuretic peptide and procalcitonin as markers of ischemic stroke risk in the Northern Manhattan study (SNF funded) 
  • BIOSIGNAL study: Biomarker signature of stroke aetiology study (SNF funded) 
  • MOSES study: MidregiOnal proatrial natriuretic peptide to guide SEcondary Stroke prevention (SNF funded)
  • DISTAL study: Mechanical thrombectomy for Medium Vessel Occlusion stroke – a pragmatic, multicentre, randomized trial with blinded outcome assessment (DISTAL)-Trial (SNF funded)
  • TECNO study: Safety and efficacy of intra-arterial thrombolytics: A study on Tenecteplase for non-complete reperfusion of intracranial occlusions (SNF funded)
  • ROXANE (funding: Herzstiftung, SAMW)
  • CRESCENDO (funding : ERANET)
  • UMBREALLA (funding : Horizon/ SERI)


National Collaborations

  • Prof. Mirjam Christ-Crain & Prof. Katherine Rentsch (USB)
  • Prof. Catherine Jutzeler (ETH)
  • Prof. Marcel Arnold, PD Dr. David Seiffge, PD Dr. Johannes Käsmacher, Prof. Alexander Leichtle (Uni Bern)
  • Prof. Jean-Charles Sanchez & Prof. Emmanuel Carrera (Uni Genf)
  • Prof. Arnold von Eckardstein & Prof. Susanne Wegener & Prof. Andreas Luft (USZ)
  • Prof. Patrik Michel (CHUV)
  • PD Dr. Carlo Cereda (Lugano)
  • PD Dr. Georg Kägi (St. Gallen)
  • Prof. Krassen Nedeltchev & PD Dr. Timo Kahles (Aarau)

International Collaborations

  • Dr. Else Sandset (Norway)
  • Prof. Mitchell Elkind (USA)
  • Prof. Joan Montaner (Spain)
  • Prof. Peter Kelly (Ireland)
  • Prof. Andreas Meisel (Germany)
  • Prof. Heinrich Audebert (Germany)
  • Prof. Christian Förch (Germany)
  • Prof. Jesse Dawson (UK)

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Coordination of the Swiss Stroke Registry
  • MOSES study: MidregiOnal proatrial natriuretic peptide to guide SEcondary Stroke prevention (SNF funded)
  • DISTAL study: Mechanical thrombectomy for Medium Vessel Occlusion stroke – a pragmatic, multicentre, randomized trial with blinded outcome assessment (DISTAL)-Trial (SNF funded)
  • TECNO study: Safety and efficacy of intra-arterial thrombolytics: A study on Tenecteplase for non-complete reperfusion of intracranial occlusions (SNF funded)