[FG] Kyburz Diego
Research Group Diego Kyburz
Research Focus
Immunology & Infectious Diseases
Area of Research
Experimental Rheumatology
Approved Research Projects
- Exploring Novel Mechanisms In Autoimmune And Inflammatory Diseases-BASICHR0003
Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG, 11.2020-10.2022 (24)
PI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
- A Randomized Active-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Phase 3b/4 Study of Baricitinib in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Eli Lilly, 07.2019-06.2022 (36)
CI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
- A Phase 3, Randomized, Active-Controlled, Double-Blind Study Comparing ABT-494 to Abatacept in Subjects with Moderately to Severely Active Rheumatoid Arthritis with Inadequate Response or Intolerance to Biologic DMARDs (bDMARDs) on Stable Conventional
Synthetic Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (csDMARDs)
Abbvie AG, 05.2018-04.2021 (36)
PI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
- Identification of biomarkers and therapeutic targets in inflammatory disease immunotherapy by high-dimensional single cell analysis and cluster proteomics
Swiss Personalized Health Network (SAMW), 02.2018-01.2021 (36)
CI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
Novartis Pharma, 11.2018-10.2020 (24)
PI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
Novartis Pharma, 12.2016-11.2018 (24)
PI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
- Patients with autoimmune diseases
Hoffmann-La Roche, 09.2016-08.2018 (24)
PI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
- Prospective observational study entitled “TofaSwiss Study - A Real Life Experience with tofacitinib. Data from the Swiss SCQM registry
SCQM Foundation, 09.2015-08.2017 (24)
PI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
- Randomized double blind Placebo controlled Phase III multicenter study of sc secukinumab in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis
Novartis Pharma, 11.2013-07.2017 (45)
PI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
- ASCORE Studie: Langzeiterfahrungen mit Abatacept sc in der täglichen Praxis
BMS (Bristol-Myers Squibb), 11.2013-04.2017 (42)
PI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
- A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind Study Comparing ABT-494 to Placebo on Stable Conventional Synthetic Disease-Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs (csDMARDs) in Subjects with Moderately to Severely Active Rheumatoid Arthritis with Inadequate Response or Intolerance to Biologic DMARDs (bDMARDs)
Abbvie AG, 03.2016-02.2017 (12)
PI : Kyburz, Diego DKF
National Collaborations
- Swiss Clinical Quality Management in Rheumatic Diseases (SCQM): national registry for rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, giant cell arteritis, polymyalgia rheumatica. Established collaboration with the Swiss university centers and contributing hospitals.
International Collaborations
- EUSTAR: European registry for systemic sclerosis
Ongoing Research Projects
SCQM studies
- Comparative effectiveness of JAK inhibitor versus TNF inhibitor therapy in patients with RA who have discontinued a previous JAK inhibitor, PI Diego Kyburz
- Predictors for loss of productivity and the effect of b/tsDMARD treatment on loss of productivity in Swiss patients with rheumatoid arthritis, PI Diego Kyburz
Translational studies
- Identification of biomarkers prediction transition from psoriasis to psoriatic arthritis.Research collaboration with industry (agreement pending), PI Diego Kyburz / Tobias Manigold
- Extracellular vesicle analysis in synovial fluid from patients with RA and osteoarthritis (OA), PI Diego Kyburz
- The role of urate and calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the activation of macrophages in gout and pseudogout, PI Diego Kyburz
Multicenter clinical trials
- Participation in various phase II, III and IV studies in RA, spondyloarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, giant cell arteritis. Local PI Diego Kyburz, Thomas Daikeler, Ulrich Walker.