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[FG] Leuppi Jörg

Research Group Jörg D. Leuppi

Area of Research


Our main areas of interest and expertise relate to respiratory physiology and obstructive lung diseases, in particular asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


The approach of our research is multidisciplinary and so are the qualifications and areas of expertise of our team members. We maintain and encourage close collaboration between general internists and family medicine, respiratory medicine physicians, health scientists, public health specialists, pharmaceutical scientists as well as study nurses. Our research group has its focus on patient-centered care and translational research with the aim to close the gap between academic research and daily clinical practice.

The concept behind this is that provision of optimal treatment is not only about short-term improvement in patients’ clinical conditions and quality of life, but also about reducing long-term side effects of treatments to a minimum. As such, our goal is to improve diagnostic accuracy as well as delivering optimized healthcare to patients with cardiopulmonary diseases.


Our research group is leading the first and largest COPD cohort in Switzerland as well as the Swiss severe asthma registry. In the COPD cohort, general practitioners (GPs) as well as respiratory physicians play a key role, by entering data on their patients’ routine examinations into a centralized electronic database. We are particularly interested in evaluating physicians’ adherence to guidelines as well as prediction of COPD-exacerbations.

With the Swiss severe asthma registry, we are focusing on factors associated with asthma control. We are further investigating retrospectively as well as in randomized clinical trials aspects of smarter medicine, assessing patient management of general internal medicine diseases especially physicians’ adherence to national and international guidelines and factors influencing length of hospital stay, rehospitalisation and mortality.


National Collaborations


•      Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Zeller, University Center for Family Medicine, Basel

•      Prof. Dr. med. Maria Wertli Kantonsspital Baden

•      Prof. Dr. med. Michael Brändle, Kantonsspital St. Gallen

•      Prof. Dr. med. Sabina Hunziker Schütz, MPH, University Hospital Basel

•      Prof. Dr. med. Drahomir Aujesky, Inselspital Bern

•      Prof. Dr. med. Mirjam Christ-Crain, University Hospital Basel



Konsortium im Rahmen des Swiss Severe Asthma Registry


•      Inselspital Bern (Dr. med. Nikolay Pavlov)

•      Kantonsspital St. Gallen (Dr. med. Lukas Kern)

•      Universitätsspital Zürich (Prof. Dr. med. Christian Clarenbach)

•      Kantonsspital Graubünden (PD Dr.med. Tsogyal Latshang/ Dr. med. Thomas Rothe)

•      EOC Lugano ( Dr. med. Pietro Gianella)

•      HVS Sion (Prof. Dr. med. Pierre Olivier Bridevaux)

•      HUG Genève (Dr. med. Florian Charbonnier)

•      CHUV Lausanne (Prof. Dr. med. Christophe von Garnier)

•      RhNE Neuchâtel (Prof. Dr. med. Jean-Marc Fellrath)



International Collaborations


•      SHARP- Severe Heterogeneous Asthma Research collaboration

•      Dr. Prashant Chhajed, Mumbai, India

•      Dr. John Brannan, Newcastle, Australia

•      Dr. Herbert Bachler, Tiroler Gesellschaft für Allgemeinmedizin, Austria


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