[FG] Schmidt André
Research Group André Schmidt
Research Focus
Area of Research
Biomarker development for early detection and interventions of psychiatric disorders
Approved Research Projects
- Mapping whole-brain structural networks in emerging psychosis, Swiss National Science Foundation, p3.snf.ch/project-155184
- Risk Prediction in Offspring of Patients with Schizophrenia and Depression using Whole-Brain Network Markers, Stiftung zur Förderung der gastroenterologischen und allgemeinen klinischen Forschung sowie der medizinischen Bildauswertung
National Collaborations
- Prof. Undine Lang, UPK Basel
- Prof. Marc Walter, UPK Basel
- PD Dr. Marc Vogel, Psychiatrische Dienste Thurgau
- Dr. Matthias Kirschner, PUK Zurich
- Dr. Philipp Homan, PUK Zurich
- Prof Eling de Bruin, ETH Zurich
- Prof Mark Ibberson, University of Lausanne
- Prof Stefan Kaiser, University of Geneva
International Collaborations
- Prof Jeroen Raes, KU Leuven
- Prof Lena Palaniyappan, Western University
- Prof Sophia Frangou, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Prof Stefan Borgwardt, Universität zu Lübeck
- Prof Paolo Fusar-Poli, King’s College London
- Prof Ulrich Ettinger, University of Bonn
- Prof Martin Debbané, University College London
Ongoing Research Projects
- BRAIN-IT (Partner: Prof Eling de Bruin ETH Zurich), Synapsis Foundation Alzheimer Research Switzerland
- Multidimensional Biomarker Development for Personalized Probiotic Treatment Outcome in Depression, Excellent Junior Researchers, University of Basel
- Surrogate Brain Biomarkers of Probiotic Treatment Outcome in Depression, Forschungsfonds UPK Basel
- A randomized add-on trial of D-serine for depression, Gertrud Thalmann Fonds
- Gut microbiota - hippocampus synergisms in non-clinical subjects with high positive schizotypy, Swiss National Science Foundationhttp://p3.snf.ch/project-200801#