UNIverse - Public Research Portal

[FG] Bingisser Roland

Research Group Emergency Medicine, Roland Bingisser

Research, development and validation of models to improve triage, diagnosis and treatment of patients in the emergency setting.

Approved Research Projects

  • Effect of Physiotherapy in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department after a Fall Event: A Brief Intervention Focusing on Patient Reported Outcomes 
  • Effect of Physiotherapy in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Nonspecific Lower Back Pain: A Brief Intervention Focusing on Patient Reported Outcomes

International Projects:

-   OVID:

Enoxaparin for primary Thromboprophylaxis in Ambulatory Patients with Coronavirus: the Multicenter Randomized Controlled OVID Trial

Link: https://medicalforum.ch/de/detail/doi/smf.2020.08566



Clinical Surveillance vs. Anticoagulation for Low-risk Patients with Isolated Subsegmental Pulmonary Embolism: A Multicenter Randomized Placebo-Controlled Non-Inferiority Trial

Link: https://www.safesspe.ch/about-safe-sspe/information-about-the-study/


Integration of pre-test PRObability, Focused cardiac UltrasouNd and D-dimer for diagnosis of acUte aortic Syndromes (PROFUNDUS trial)


National Collaborations

  • Prof Dr. med Marc Righini, Chief of the Divison of Angiology and Haemostasis, Geneva University Hospital 
  • Prof. Dr. med. Nils Kucher, Angiologie USZ
  • Prof. Dr. med Drahomir Aujesky, Director Department of General Internal medicine, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital
  • Prof. Dr. med. Beat Müller, Internal Medicine, Medical University Clinic, Kantonsspital Aarau
  • Prof. Dr. med. Michael Christ, LUKS Luzern 

International Collaborations

  • Prof. Dr. med Frederikus A. Klok, Leiden University Medical Center
  • Prof. Dr. med. Ralph Hertwig, Max-Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for Adaptive Rationality
  • Prof. Dr. med. Raphael Twerenbold, University of Basel, University Heart and Vascular Center Hamburg
  • Prof. Dr. med. John Kellett, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
  • Dr. med. MD PhD. Mikkel Bradbrand, Hospital of South West Jutland, Denmark
  • Dr. med. MD PhD Brett Burstein, Montreal Children’s Hospital, Canada

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Negative X-Ray of pelvis followed by CT examination – frequency of surgical treatment in CT- detected fractures of the pelvis
  • Simple Prognostic Score: Validation of a safer discharge Score for the Emergency Department
  • Risk stratification and evaluation of risk factors regarding mortality of emergency patients
  • The Impact of frailty-attuned care in the Emergency Department

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