UNIverse - Public Research Portal

[FG] Steiner Luzius

Research Group Luzius Steiner

Research Focus

Cardiovascular & Perioperative Medicine

Area of Research

Postoperative cognitive dysfunction and postoperative delirium

Approved Research Projects

  • Development of a prediction model for delirium after cardiac surgery using a novel self-administered preoperative cognitive assessment tool (CogCheck)-Valid (PI: Göttel, CI: Steiner)
  • EEG - more than a BIS index (PI: Dell-Kuster, CI: Steiner)
  • Better Outcome with Melatonin compared to Placebo Administered to normalise sleep-wake cycle and treat hypoactive ICU delirium - The Basel BOMP-AID randomised trial (PI: Hollinger, CI: Steiner)
  • A randomized single‐blind propofol‐controlled phase II study evaluating the efficacy and safety of remimazolam in general anesthesia in adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery including follow‐up sedation in the PACU/ICU (PI: Steiner, CI: Hollinger)
  • Association between changes in cerebral gray matter volume and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients following sevoflurane anesthesia (POCD-MRI) (PI: Steiner, CI: Göttel)
  • Self-administered tablet computer-based risk screening for adverse postoperative cognitive outcomes (CogCheck) (zusammen mit N. Göttel)
  • Transiente und permanente kognitive Defizite nach chirurgischen Operationen (Zusammen mit N. Göttel)
  • Development of a novel self-administered cognitive assessment tool and normative data for older adults (MD dissertation R. J. Monsch)
  • Risk assessment for postoperative delirium (RAPID): implementation of a self-administered tablet computer-based clinical screening tool in a clinical setting (MD dissertation F. Merz)
  • Cognitive assessment in healthy and pathological aging (PhD dissertation A. E. Thomann, supervisor: A. Monsch, Co-supervisor L. Steiner)
  • Aspekte der Frühdiagnostik beim Mild Cognitive Impairment und bei der Alzheimer Krankheit: die Bedeutung neuropsychologischer Variablen und das emotionalen Gedächtnisses (Postdoctoral dissertation P. Mistridis)
  • Das Delir Risiko Profil - Ein computerisiertes Untersuchungsinstrument zur präoperativen Erfassung des postoperativen Delir-Risikos (MD Dissertation A. C. Burckhardt)
  • Development of a prediction model for delirium after cardiac surgery using a novel self-administered preoperative cognitive assessment tool (CogCheck)-Valid (PI: Göttel, CI: Steiner)
  • EEG - more than a BIS index (PI: Dell-Kuster, CI: Steiner)
  • Better Outcome with Melatonin compared to Placebo Administered to normalise sleep-wake cycle and treat hypoactive ICU delirium - The Basel BOMP-AID randomised trial (PI: Hollinger, CI: Steiner)
  • A randomized single‐blind propofol‐controlled phase II study evaluating the efficacy and safety of remimazolam in general anesthesia in adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery including follow‐up sedation in the PACU/ICU (PI: Steiner, CI: Hollinger)
  • Association between changes in cerebral gray matter volume and postoperative cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients following sevoflurane anesthesia (POCD-MRI) (PI: Steiner, CI: Göttel)
  • NEW Additions:
  • Self-administered tablet computer-based risk screening for adverse postoperative cognitive outcomes (CogCheck) (zusammen mit N. Göttel)
  • Transiente und permanente kognitive Defizite nach chirurgischen Operationen (Zusammen mit N. Göttel)
  • Development of a novel self-administered cognitive assessment tool and normative data for older adults (MD dissertation R. J. Monsch)
  • Risk assessment for postoperative delirium (RAPID): implementation of a self-administered tablet computer-based clinical screening tool in a clinical setting (MD dissertation F. Merz)
  • Cognitive assessment in healthy and pathological aging (PhD dissertation A. E. Thomann, supervisor: A. Monsch, Co-supervisor L. Steiner)
  • Aspekte der Frühdiagnostik beim Mild Cognitive Impairment und bei der Alzheimer Krankheit: die Bedeutung neuropsychologischer Variablen und das emotionalen Gedächtnisses (Postdoctoral dissertation P. Mistridis)
  • Das Delir Risiko Profil - Ein computerisiertes Untersuchungsinstrument zur präoperativen Erfassung des postoperativen Delir-Risikos (MD Dissertation A. C. Burckhardt)


National Collaborations

  • Memory Clinic Basel, Universitäre Aktersmedizin, Felix Platter, Burgfelderstrassse 101, 4002 Basel
  • Institute for Biomedical Ethics (IBMB), University of Basel, Bernoullistrasse 28, 4056 Basel
  • Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich
  • Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG), Rorschacher Str. 95, 9007 St. Gallen
  • PIPRA AG/Innosuisse
  • PIPRA AG, Josefstrasse 219, 8005 Zürich
  • Innosuisse - Schweizerische Agentur für Innovationsförderung, Einsteinstrasse 2, 3003 Bern
  • Klinik Hirslanden, Witellikerstrasse 40, Zürich

International Collaborations

  • Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Papworth Road, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0AY, United Kingdom
  • Insitut für Kardioanästhesiologie, Herzzentrum Dresden, Haus 68, Fetscherstraße 76, 01307 Dresden, Deutschland
  • Division of Academic Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Box 167, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ, United Kingdom
  • Division of Anaesthesia, University of Cambridge, Box 93, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, United Kingdom
  • Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115, United States