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Quarternary Geology (Fleitmann)

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Holocene hydroclimate, drought dynamics and environmental change recorded in multiple archives from SW Asia (MITRA)

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

SW Asia (Eastern Turkey, Iraq and Iran) is an important region for paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental research as it is a sensitive hotspot to climate change, where water availability, as an often scarce and unequally distributed resource, is a key-parameter for societal stability today and in the past. Climate in SW Asia is influenced by two major climate systems; the North Atlantic/Siberian pressure system in winter and the Indian monsoon in summer. To date the interaction between these systems remains highly uncertain, warranting further investigations. In addition, SW Asia is a key-region where three of the most fundamental transformations in human history took place; the rise of agriculture and emergence of advanced complex societies and the development of the first cities, states and empires. It is very likely that both climatic and environmental conditions were important factors contributing to these profound socio-cultural transformations, some of them led to the rise and fall of empires.

Our understanding of the causes and patterns of climatic changes and their influence on the environment in SW Asia has remained uncertain due to the brevity of instrumental records and scarcity of precisely-dated and highly resolved climatic and environmental reconstructions. To go beyond scarce existing reconstructions, MITRA (named after the Indo-Iranian god and spirit of the rain and of the sun) will develop a dense network of different paleo records and climate model simulations to understand past changes of the complex climate in SW Asia, in particular the hydroclimate. We will use the most promising and most widespread archives in SW Asia, namely speleothems, lake and marine sediments along a nearly 2,000 km-long N-S transect stretching from Eastern Turkey to the Persian Gulf. Such a comprehensive approach will allow us to develop a network of precisely-dated multi-proxy multi-archive climatic and environmental records. These records will form a unique confluence of numerous physical, chemical and biological parameters to reconstruct a wide range of climatic and environmental variables, thereby reducing the uncertainties associated with the interpretation of single parameter studies. Moreover, a dense network of paleorecords is required to address the great spatial heterogeneity of climate in SW Asia; connecting the gap between the more widely studied European, Mediterranean and Central Asian regions. The new climatic and environmental network created by MITRA will be compared to high resolution climate model simulations, which generate process understanding of long- and short-term climate variability in SW Asia. The climate model simulations will be extended into the future so that future climate change will be placed into context of millennia long climate variability. Furthermore, MITRA will provide the data that are urgently needed by archaeologists and historian to investigate the climatic-environmental-human connections in the recent and distant past.

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EXOCHAINS - Exploring Holocene Climate Change and Human Innovations across Eurasia

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

Research on climate variability and species distribution has gained momentum in geography and archaeology. It is motivated by the wish to understand the mechanisms behind the driving forces through detailed analysis of the past and to raise awareness of the effects of global warming on different time scales. While this has inspired the formulation of new hypotheses and theories of past environmental and population development, much of the old questions, such as the dynamics and the processes of floral and faunal spread, remain pivotal. In addition, the availability of large datasets enables (and likewise complicates) quantitative and qualitative analysis of supraregional distribution patterns, increasingly including scientific data analysis, such as palaeoclimatic proxy data, (stable) isotopes, aDNA, archaeobotanical, and -zoological data. Merging this invaluable data assemblage, however, is key to understand large-scale socio-cultural transformation processes. EXOCHAINS addresses this challenge by integrating Holocene environmental variability and human response into the chronological analysis of human and agricultural development across Eurasia.Archaeology, palaeoclimatology, and archaeobotany have witnessed massive advances in computational methods, quantitative and qualitative modelling techniques, and spatial analysis during the past years - fueling the re-assessment of ‘old data’ and adding a plethora of new datasets at very high speed. Eventually, this leads to the formulation of new hypotheses and theories, such as the Neolithisation processes across Europe, Holocene climate variability, or domestication strategies of plants and animals. In this context, recent interdisciplinary research between geographical, anthropological, and archaeological institutions has proven to be fruitful to elucidate long-term human-environmental relationships and interactions on the local to the supraregional scale. On this account, computational archaeology has strongly enhanced large data processing in archaeology through the development of increasingly sophisticated and particularly tailored methodological solutions. But while geographic research aims at leaving the regional scale toward continental feedback models, archaeology all too often remains restricted to the local complementary region of a site or regional socio-cultural interactions. Hence, it is surprising that a continental-scale human-environmental system analysis has not yet been worked out. For example, plant and animal dispersal models often focus on Bayesian approaches or ordinary kriging of radiocarbon data but rarely integrate environmental parameters, such as large-scale climate variability from various long-term proxies, soil properties, or ecosystem functionalities. While these approaches are scientifically sound and well-established, adding environmental explanatory covariates to the analysis would increase the spatial and temporal resolution of early plant, animal, and human spread across Eurasia and eventually sharpen the picture of linkages between human mobility patterns and accompanying species dispersal. EXOCHAINS - Exploring Holocene Climate Change and Human Innovations across Eurasia - aims at identifying human response patterns to climate variability and landcover change and to trace interconnectivity of plant and animal dispersal and human population dynamics during the Holocene. The strongly collaborative project enables cross-disciplinary research on high international level, including multiproxy environmental analysis from archaeological and environmental archives. These archives do not only enable the reconstruction of past climatic variability but further provide an invaluable data source to trace human adaptation strategies to changing socio-environmental conditions by adding, for example, calibrated speleothem proxy data, dendroclimatological proxies, (stable) isotope data, and archaeobotanical samples to the analysis. More specifically, the project will re-evaluate the robustness of current methods for studying prehistoric population trends, addressing some of the main criticisms raised in the literature, and finally identifies, which environmental drivers can be used to model the dispersal of humans, plants, and animals.

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MEDGREENREV - Re-thinking the "Green Revolution" in the Medieval Western Mediterranean (6th - 16th centuries)

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

As Mediterranean societies prepare for the impacts of climate change over the next few decades, a case study to inform their future resilience is associated with one of the defining events in world history: the emergence of Islam in the 7th century, the subsequent Arab (and later Berber) conquests of the southern and western Mediterranean, their associated population movements and the environmental adaptations that enabled these new societies to flourish. The introduction of new forms of agriculture that transformed the economies of the conquered regions has been previously framed as the “Green Revolution”. Moving beyond the limited focus of earlier research, with its limited spatial and chronological scope, this project will adopt an integrated ecological approach, encompassing plants, animals and soils, from production through to consumption, and compare the impact and legacy of environmental transformations associated with long-term societal change in the “Islamic West” (Iberia and Morocco), beyond the initial Arab/Berber conquests. Adopting a broader chronological span, from the century before the conquests through to the century after the dissolution of the last Islamic polity in Iberia, the transition from Islamic to Christian regimes in Iberia will be compared, for the first time, with the persistence of Islamic polities in northwest Africa, against the backdrop of climatic fluctuations. This will enable relationships between environmental transformations and sequences of political and demographic change to be effectively contextualised. The synergy between our groups will combine regional specialisms with a wealth of scientific expertise, enabling us to conduct the first long-term and inter-regional study of the “Islamic West” to determine how waves of conquest, migration and encounters with resident populations and landscapes drove environmental transformation during this formative period in world history.

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SSE1K - Science, Society and Environmental Change in the First Millennium CE

Research Project  | 1 Project Members

In the Mediterranean in the first millennium CE, environmental and climatic changes have been identified as causes for significant short- and long-term societal and political processes and events, such as epidemics and the rise and fall of empires. However, the effects of environmental or climatic variation on humans are substantially more complex than a narrative of causation of major events, since culturally specific perceptions and interpretations of environmental or climatic variation can have significant social, religious or political implications. SSE1K builds on state-of-the-art research but goes beyond it to ask novel, important questions about relationships between past societies and environmental / climatic fluctuation. The project will pioneer an approach which is both multi- and interdisciplinary, centring on these questions: How did humans experience and perceive environmental and climatic variation across the Mediterranean in the first millennium CE, and how did they respond both intellectually and socially to these changing conditions? SSE1K addresses issues which have been raised as significant challenges for collaborative study of climate change but have yet to be fully addressed: it will investigate how the circulation of knowledge and adaptability intersect with sustainability and resilience in premodern societies, and how human perceptions and ways of thinking shaped societal, political or religious responses to environmental / climatic change. The project will integrate textual, archaeological and environmental evidence to investigate a large geographical area (the Mediterranean) at a scale which balances human lived experience and climate trends (the first millennium CE) over macro- and microlevels. This integration is crucial in producing a holistic picture of past knowledge, resilience and sustainability, and will change the ways that scholars understand the relationships between past humans and environmental / climatic fluctuation.

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Determination of palaeotemperatures and lapse rates in central Europe using water isotopes in speleothem fluid inclusions

Research Project  | 2 Project Members

Speleothems are secondary cave carbonate deposits and contain fluid inclusions (typically between 0.05 and 0.5 weight %) which are filled with cave drip water that was trapped in the host calcite at the time of growth. Speleothem fluid inclusions are therefore ideal natural repositories of past cave drip water and rainfall, respectively. Thus, hydrogen (δDfi) and oxygen (δ18Ofi) isotopes of fluid inclusion waters contain direct information about the hydrological cycle in the recent and distant past, allowing us to gain direct information on the precipitation amount, temperature or moisture source, depending on the geographical position of the cave. In central Europe, the δDfi alone or coupled with calcite oxygen isotope (δ18Oc) enables us to determine absolute paleotemperatures of mean annual or cold-season temperatures. Speleothem fluid inclusion-based paleotemperature records can therefore complement biological proxies such as pollen or tree ring records, which are seasonally biased towards spring and summer. In addition, speleothem water content is a new and rarely used potential proxy for the amount of rainfall above the cave, allowing us to study variations in both temperature and amount of rainfall within the same stalagmite. Speleothem fluid inclusion water isotopes are a key-proxy for paleotemperature, whereas only a limited number of studies has been published so far. Most of the fluid inclusion records are coarsely resolved because of analytical limitations. As a result, little is known about the water isotope evolution in the past, particularly in Europe and the alpine region. In Switzerland, only a very limited number of temperature reconstructions extend beyond the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as lake sediments containing pollen and chironomids formed after the LGM and older deposits are rare and affected by poor preservation. In contrast, speleothems in caves are protected against (glacial) erosion and therefore old samples can be easily found in caves in Switzerland and the neighbouring regions, providing a unique opportunity to develop long and continuous paleotemperature records for central Europe. The development of new analytical techniques using laser spectroscopy allows to conduct paired analyses of δDfi and δ18Ofi on water extracted from speleothem samples. Based on exceptional results on a 14,000 year-old stalagmite from Milandre Cave in the Jura Mountains, we know that fluid inclusion water isotopes can be used to develop quantitative temperature records with a high temporal resolution. Encouraged by these initial results and further pilot studies, we aim at developing Holocene and Late Pleistocene temperature records using a network of caves and speleothems from the alpine foreland (Jura mountains) and alpine region. Using a state-of-the-art analytical method developed by the applicants, two PhD projects will investigate, improve and apply the fluid inclusion water isotope paleo-thermometry to determine absolute temperatures for the Holocene and Pleistocene periods. More generally, they will investigate the modern and past hydrological cycle in order to generate comprehensive paleowater isotope datasets for Switzerland and neighbouring regions. For this research, the major achievements expected are the following. - Characterisation of speleothem fluid inclusions using digital image analyses. Size, spatial distribution, tightness and water content. - Water isotope and paleotemperature records covering several glacial and interglacial intervals for the alpine foreland and alpine region. - Determination of Holocene and Pleistocene isotope and temperature lapse rates in Switzerland and neighbouring regions. As this research area is practically unexplored, this project will (i) provide a thorough understanding of the use of speleothem fluid inclusions in paleoclimate research, (ii) generate of comprehensive water isotope datasets for the western Alps and pre-alpine areas, (iii) give new insights in the past water cycle and paleotemperature variations over several glacial and interglacial cycles.

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Societal Responses to Holocene Climate Change and Variability in the Eastern Fertile Crescent: A Speleothem Investigation

Research Project  | 2 Project Members

The Eastern Fertile Crescent (EFC), an area encompassing parts of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran, was an important centre for numerous major societal transformations during the Holocene (11,650 yr BP - Present). Climate change is often cited as an important mechanism that influenced these developments. However, there is an absence of palaeoclimate data in the region with the temporal resolution and chronological precision needed to help support theories regarding human-environmental interactions. Moreover, there are significant discrepancies in the way existing environmental records from Southwest Asia are currently interpreted. Here I address these outstanding problems by producing the first high-resolution palaeoclimate record from the EFC to cover most of the Holocene (c.10,560 yr BP - Present) by geochemically examining a stalagmite (SHC-03) from Iraqi Kurdistan. Stalagmite trace element (Mg/Ca & Sr/Ca) and 87Sr/86Sr data reveal long-term changes in moisture availability, while δ18O, δ13C and Mg/Ca data provide collective evidence for shorter-term climate variability. The stalagmite record indicates climatic conditions between c.10,560 - 7,000 yr BP were relatively dry, while conditions between c.7,000 yr BP - Present were wetter and more stable, consistent with existing pollen studies from the EFC. These long-term hydrological changes were indirectly associated with the evolution of the Indian Ocean Monsoon over the course of the Holocene. Superimposed on these trends, were quasi-cyclical c.1500 yr oscillations between wetter and drier conditions, as well as more abrupt multi-decadal events. The new multi-proxy record reveals that long-term changes in the δ18O composition of the stalagmite were strongly influenced by δ18O changes of the source of moisture, rather than rainfall amount, limiting its effectiveness as a palaeoclimate proxy in the EFC. The stalagmite record allowed the testing of existing hypotheses concerning human-environmental relationships by focusing on two important archaeological case studies. Firstly, I suggest the climate of the early Holocene (c.11,650 - 9,000 yr BP) may not have been as optimum as some previous studies have suggested were necessary for the emergence of Neolithic societies. Secondly, I argue moisture availability was an important influence on the ability to sustain and develop larger, urban settlements in Northern Mesopotamia during the middle Holocene (c.6,350 - 4,200 yr BP).