Regulatory Toxicology (Wilks)
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Duthaler, U. et al. (2024) ‘Effect of protein binding on the pharmacokinetics of the six substrates in the Basel phenotyping cocktail in healthy subjects and patients with liver cirrhosis’, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 202, p. 106885. Available at:
Duthaler, U. et al. (2024) ‘Effect of protein binding on the pharmacokinetics of the six substrates in the Basel phenotyping cocktail in healthy subjects and patients with liver cirrhosis’, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 202, p. 106885. Available at:
Wälchli-Popovic, Milica et al. (2024) ‘Effects of interleukin-1 receptor antagonism in women with polycystic ovary syndrome—the FertIL trial’, Frontiers in Endocrinology. 11.09.2024, 15. Available at:
Wälchli-Popovic, Milica et al. (2024) ‘Effects of interleukin-1 receptor antagonism in women with polycystic ovary syndrome—the FertIL trial’, Frontiers in Endocrinology. 11.09.2024, 15. Available at:
Jäger, Marie-Christin et al. (2024) ‘Assessment of the potential risk of oteseconazole and two other tetrazole antifungals to inhibit adrenal steroidogenesis and peripheral metabolism of corticosteroids’, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 15. Available at:
Jäger, Marie-Christin et al. (2024) ‘Assessment of the potential risk of oteseconazole and two other tetrazole antifungals to inhibit adrenal steroidogenesis and peripheral metabolism of corticosteroids’, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 15. Available at:
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Thomas, P. et al. (2024) ‘A literature review and expert consensus statement on diagnostics in suspected metal implant allergy’, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 38(8), pp. 1471–1477. Available at:
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Scherer Hofmeier K. and Bircher A.J. (2023) ‘NaOH is not NaCl - Ulcerous Reaction to Sodium Hydroxide Solution in Patch Tests with Ingredients of a Sunscreen Product NaOH ist nicht NaCl - ulzeröse Reaktion auf Natronlauge bei der Epikutantestung der Inhaltsstoffe einer Sonnenschutzcreme’, Aktuelle Dermatologie, 49(1-2), pp. 47–51. Available at:
Scherer Hofmeier K. and Bircher A.J. (2023) ‘NaOH is not NaCl - Ulcerous Reaction to Sodium Hydroxide Solution in Patch Tests with Ingredients of a Sunscreen Product NaOH ist nicht NaCl - ulzeröse Reaktion auf Natronlauge bei der Epikutantestung der Inhaltsstoffe einer Sonnenschutzcreme’, Aktuelle Dermatologie, 49(1-2), pp. 47–51. Available at:
Brockow, K. et al. (2023) ‘S2k guideline: Allergological diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity reactions’, Allergologie, 46, pp. 489–508. Available at:
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Duthaler, Urs et al. (2022) ‘Liver Cirrhosis Affects the Pharmacokinetics of the Six Substrates of the Basel Phenotyping Cocktail Differently’, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 61(7), pp. 1039–1055. Available at:
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Firman, James W et al. (2021) ‘Exploring the Potential of ToxCast Data in Supporting Read-Across for Evaluation of Food Chemical Safety’, Chemical Research in Toxicology, 34(2), pp. 300–312. Available at:
Roth, Nicolas, Sandström, Jenny and Wilks, Martin F (2020) ‘A case study applying pathway-oriented thinking to problem formulation for planning a systematic review’, Environment International, 140, p. 105768. Available at:
Roth, Nicolas, Sandström, Jenny and Wilks, Martin F (2020) ‘A case study applying pathway-oriented thinking to problem formulation for planning a systematic review’, Environment International, 140, p. 105768. Available at:
Punt, Ans et al. (2020) ‘Potential of ToxCast Data in the Safety Assessment of Food Chemicals’, Toxicological Sciences, 174(2), pp. 326–340. Available at:
Punt, Ans et al. (2020) ‘Potential of ToxCast Data in the Safety Assessment of Food Chemicals’, Toxicological Sciences, 174(2), pp. 326–340. Available at:
FitzGerald, Rex E. (2020) ‘Adverse Outcome Pathway Bridge Building from Research to Regulation’, Chemical research in toxicology, 33(4), pp. 849–851. Available at:
FitzGerald, Rex E. (2020) ‘Adverse Outcome Pathway Bridge Building from Research to Regulation’, Chemical research in toxicology, 33(4), pp. 849–851. Available at:
FitzGerald, Rex E. (2020) ‘Perspective on Health Effects of Endocrine Disruptors with a Focus on Data Gaps’, Chemical research in toxicology, 33(6), pp. 1284–1291. Available at:
FitzGerald, Rex E. (2020) ‘Perspective on Health Effects of Endocrine Disruptors with a Focus on Data Gaps’, Chemical research in toxicology, 33(6), pp. 1284–1291. Available at:
Wilks, Martin F (2020) ‘Bringing chemistry to medicine - The contribution of paracelsus to modern toxicology’, Chimia, 74(6), pp. 507–508. Available at:
Wilks, Martin F (2020) ‘Bringing chemistry to medicine - The contribution of paracelsus to modern toxicology’, Chimia, 74(6), pp. 507–508. Available at:
Aicher, Lothar and Wilks, Martin F. (2020) ‘From risk assessment to regulation’, in Colosio, Claudio; Tsatsakis, Aristidis M.; Mandić-Rajćević, Stefan; Alegakis, Athanasios (ed.) Exposure and Risk Assessment of Pesticide Use in Agriculture - Approaches, Tools and Advances. London: Academic Press (Exposure and Risk Assessment of Pesticide Use in Agriculture - Approaches, Tools and Advances), pp. 3–23. Available at:
Aicher, Lothar and Wilks, Martin F. (2020) ‘From risk assessment to regulation’, in Colosio, Claudio; Tsatsakis, Aristidis M.; Mandić-Rajćević, Stefan; Alegakis, Athanasios (ed.) Exposure and Risk Assessment of Pesticide Use in Agriculture - Approaches, Tools and Advances. London: Academic Press (Exposure and Risk Assessment of Pesticide Use in Agriculture - Approaches, Tools and Advances), pp. 3–23. Available at:
Bal-Price, Anna et al. (2019) ‘Corrigendum to Recommendation on test readiness criteria for new approach methods in toxicology: exemplified for developmental neurotoxicity’, ALTEX, 36(3), p. 506. Available at:
Bal-Price, Anna et al. (2019) ‘Corrigendum to Recommendation on test readiness criteria for new approach methods in toxicology: exemplified for developmental neurotoxicity’, ALTEX, 36(3), p. 506. Available at:
Beilmann, Mario et al. (2019) ‘Optimizing drug discovery by Investigative Toxicology: Current and future trends’, ALTEX, 36(2), pp. 289–313. Available at:
Beilmann, Mario et al. (2019) ‘Optimizing drug discovery by Investigative Toxicology: Current and future trends’, ALTEX, 36(2), pp. 289–313. Available at:
Sanvido, Olivier et al. (2019) ‘Authors” response to the letter to the editor by Jowsey et al’, Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, 103, pp. 330–331. Available at:
Sanvido, Olivier et al. (2019) ‘Authors” response to the letter to the editor by Jowsey et al’, Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, 103, pp. 330–331. Available at:
Sych, Janice et al. (2019) ‘Intake of Processed Meat and Association with Sociodemographic and Lifestyle Factors in a Representative Sample of the Swiss Population’, Nutrients, 11(11), p. 2556. Available at:
Sych, Janice et al. (2019) ‘Intake of Processed Meat and Association with Sociodemographic and Lifestyle Factors in a Representative Sample of the Swiss Population’, Nutrients, 11(11), p. 2556. Available at:
Bal-Price, Anna et al. (2018) ‘International STakeholder NETwork (ISTNET): creating a developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing road map for regulatory purposes’, Archives of Toxicology, 89(2), pp. 269–87. Available at:
Bal-Price, Anna et al. (2018) ‘International STakeholder NETwork (ISTNET): creating a developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing road map for regulatory purposes’, Archives of Toxicology, 89(2), pp. 269–87. Available at:
Bal-Price, Anna et al. (2018) ‘Recommendation on test readiness criteria for new approach methods in toxicology: Exemplified for developmental neurotoxicity’, ALTEX, 35(3), pp. 306–352. Available at:
Bal-Price, Anna et al. (2018) ‘Recommendation on test readiness criteria for new approach methods in toxicology: Exemplified for developmental neurotoxicity’, ALTEX, 35(3), pp. 306–352. Available at:
Fritsche, Ellen et al. (2018) ‘Consensus statement on the need for innovation, transition and implementation of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing for regulatory purposes’, Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 354, pp. 3–6. Available at:
Fritsche, Ellen et al. (2018) ‘Consensus statement on the need for innovation, transition and implementation of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing for regulatory purposes’, Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 354, pp. 3–6. Available at:
Gawarammana, Indika et al. (2018) ‘High-dose immunosuppression to prevent death after paraquat self-poisoning - a randomised controlled trial’, Clinical toxicology, 56(7), pp. 633–639. Available at:
Gawarammana, Indika et al. (2018) ‘High-dose immunosuppression to prevent death after paraquat self-poisoning - a randomised controlled trial’, Clinical toxicology, 56(7), pp. 633–639. Available at:
Mech, A. et al. (2018) ‘Insights into possibilities for grouping and read-across for nanomaterials in EU chemicals legislation’, Nanotoxicology, 13(1), pp. 119–141. Available at:
Mech, A. et al. (2018) ‘Insights into possibilities for grouping and read-across for nanomaterials in EU chemicals legislation’, Nanotoxicology, 13(1), pp. 119–141. Available at:
Sanvido, Olivier et al. (2018) ‘A quantitative risk assessment for skin sensitizing plant protection products: Linking derived No-Effect levels (DNELs) with agricultural exposure models’, Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology, 98, pp. 171–183. Available at:
Sanvido, Olivier et al. (2018) ‘A quantitative risk assessment for skin sensitizing plant protection products: Linking derived No-Effect levels (DNELs) with agricultural exposure models’, Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology, 98, pp. 171–183. Available at:
Frey, Noel et al. (2017) ‘The Epidemiology of Stevnes-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in the UK’, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 137, pp. 1240–1247. Available at:
Frey, Noel et al. (2017) ‘The Epidemiology of Stevnes-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in the UK’, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 137, pp. 1240–1247. Available at:
Fritsche, Ellen et al. (2017) ‘OECD/EFSA workshop on developmental neurotoxicity (DNT): The use of non-animal test methods for regulatory purposes’, ALTEX, 34(2), pp. 311–315. Available at:
Fritsche, Ellen et al. (2017) ‘OECD/EFSA workshop on developmental neurotoxicity (DNT): The use of non-animal test methods for regulatory purposes’, ALTEX, 34(2), pp. 311–315. Available at:
Hartung, Thomas et al. (2017) ‘Systems Toxicology: Real World Applications and Opportunities’, Chemical research in toxicology, 30(4), pp. 870–882. Available at:
Hartung, Thomas et al. (2017) ‘Systems Toxicology: Real World Applications and Opportunities’, Chemical research in toxicology, 30(4), pp. 870–882. Available at:
Mamoulakis, Charalampos et al. (2017) ‘Contrast-induced nephropathy: Basic concepts, pathophysiological implications and prevention strategies’, Pharmacology & therapeutics, 180, pp. 99–112. Available at:
Mamoulakis, Charalampos et al. (2017) ‘Contrast-induced nephropathy: Basic concepts, pathophysiological implications and prevention strategies’, Pharmacology & therapeutics, 180, pp. 99–112. Available at:
Bruggisser, Marcel et al. (2010) ‘Retrospective analysis of stimulant abuse cases reported to the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre during 1997-2009’, Swiss medical weekly, 140, p. w13115. Available at:
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