Fotographische Medien im Digitalen Zeitalter
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Schulze, Mario (2024) ‘Flow Vis for the Space Race: German Science Films in US Education during the Cold War’, in Ivanova, Mariana; Scholz, Juliane; (ed.) Science on Screen and Paper: Media Cultures and Knowledge Production in Cold War Europe. New York: Berghahn Books (Film and the Global Cold War), pp. 50–70. Available at:
Schulze, Mario (2024) ‘Flow Vis for the Space Race: German Science Films in US Education during the Cold War’, in Ivanova, Mariana; Scholz, Juliane; (ed.) Science on Screen and Paper: Media Cultures and Knowledge Production in Cold War Europe. New York: Berghahn Books (Film and the Global Cold War), pp. 50–70. Available at:
Schulze, Mario and Waltenspül, Sarine (2024) ‘Ein Film mit vielen Enden. Credits im Forschungsfilm’, Nach dem Film [Preprint]. 18.12.2024, (No 23: Film Credits und Listen in den Künsten). Available at:
Schulze, Mario and Waltenspül, Sarine (2024) ‘Ein Film mit vielen Enden. Credits im Forschungsfilm’, Nach dem Film [Preprint]. 18.12.2024, (No 23: Film Credits und Listen in den Künsten). Available at: