Afrikastudien (Macamo)
213 found
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Macamo, Elisio (2024) ‘Die Anwesenheit der Abwesenheit. Die intellektuelle Agenda des globalen Südens am Beispiel Afrikas’, Interkulturelle Theologie. Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft, (2), pp. 31–46.
Macamo, Elisio (2024) ‘Die Anwesenheit der Abwesenheit. Die intellektuelle Agenda des globalen Südens am Beispiel Afrikas’, Interkulturelle Theologie. Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft, (2), pp. 31–46.
Macamo, Elísio (2024) ‘African Studies, or How to Make the Canon Apocryphal’, in Knowing - Unknowing. BRILL (Knowing - Unknowing), pp. 31–45. Available at:
Macamo, Elísio (2024) ‘African Studies, or How to Make the Canon Apocryphal’, in Knowing - Unknowing. BRILL (Knowing - Unknowing), pp. 31–45. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2023) ‘The Freedom to Differ’, CODESRIA Bulletin, 2023(03-04), pp. 30–32. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2023) ‘The Freedom to Differ’, CODESRIA Bulletin, 2023(03-04), pp. 30–32. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2023) Análise social para leigos. Edited by Ethale Publishers. Maputo: Ethale Publishers.
Macamo, Elisio (2023) Análise social para leigos. Edited by Ethale Publishers. Maputo: Ethale Publishers.
Merron, James, Kuhn, Nikolaus J. and Kuhn, Brigitte (2023) ‘Landscape Archives, Aerial Photography and Geomorphic Change along the Lower Orange River’, in Luregn Lenggenhager, Martha Akawa, Giorgio Miescher, Romie Nghitevelekwa, Ndidzulafhi Innocent Sinthumule (ed.) The Lower !Garib – Orange River: Pasts and Presents of a Southern African Border Region. Transcript (Global Studies), pp. 287–296. Available at:
Merron, James, Kuhn, Nikolaus J. and Kuhn, Brigitte (2023) ‘Landscape Archives, Aerial Photography and Geomorphic Change along the Lower Orange River’, in Luregn Lenggenhager, Martha Akawa, Giorgio Miescher, Romie Nghitevelekwa, Ndidzulafhi Innocent Sinthumule (ed.) The Lower !Garib – Orange River: Pasts and Presents of a Southern African Border Region. Transcript (Global Studies), pp. 287–296. Available at:
Macamo, Elísio (2022) ‘Estudos Africanos como Metodologia das Ciências Sociais’, Simbiótica Revista Eletrônica, 9(2), pp. 09–22. Available at:
Macamo, Elísio (2022) ‘Estudos Africanos como Metodologia das Ciências Sociais’, Simbiótica Revista Eletrônica, 9(2), pp. 09–22. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2022) O Pais Irreal: Estudos em ficção sociológica. Maputo: Alcance Editores. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2022) O Pais Irreal: Estudos em ficção sociológica. Maputo: Alcance Editores. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2022) Sociologia prática – Como alguns sociólogos pensam o desenvolvimento. Maputo: Imprensa Universitária Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.
Macamo, Elisio (2022) Sociologia prática – Como alguns sociólogos pensam o desenvolvimento. Maputo: Imprensa Universitária Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.
Macamo, Elísio (2022) ‘The Paradox of Disturbance: Africa and COVID-19’, in Breno Bringel and Geoffrey Pleyers (ed.) Social Movements and Politics During COVID-19. Bristol: Bristol University Press (Social Movements and Politics During COVID-19), pp. 246–254. Available at:
Macamo, Elísio (2022) ‘The Paradox of Disturbance: Africa and COVID-19’, in Breno Bringel and Geoffrey Pleyers (ed.) Social Movements and Politics During COVID-19. Bristol: Bristol University Press (Social Movements and Politics During COVID-19), pp. 246–254. Available at:
Macamo, Elísio (2022) ‘Illusions of Certainty and the Problem with Africa: Translation, Understanding and the Limits of Concepts’, in Mamadou Diawara, Mamadou Diouf, Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo (ed.) Afrika N’ko – La Bibliothèque colonial en débat. Paris: Présence africaine (Afrika N’ko – La Bibliothèque colonial en débat), pp. 71–130. Available at:
Macamo, Elísio (2022) ‘Illusions of Certainty and the Problem with Africa: Translation, Understanding and the Limits of Concepts’, in Mamadou Diawara, Mamadou Diouf, Jean-Bernard Ouedraogo (ed.) Afrika N’ko – La Bibliothèque colonial en débat. Paris: Présence africaine (Afrika N’ko – La Bibliothèque colonial en débat), pp. 71–130. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2021) ‘New Area Studies as an Emerging Discipline. The Way Ahead for Southeast Asian Studies’, International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 51(3-4), p. 3.
Macamo, Elisio (2021) ‘New Area Studies as an Emerging Discipline. The Way Ahead for Southeast Asian Studies’, International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 51(3-4), p. 3.
Macamo, Elisio (2021) Governar e pensar - por uma sociologia da gestão política. Maputo: Ethale.
Macamo, Elisio (2021) Governar e pensar - por uma sociologia da gestão política. Maputo: Ethale.
Macamo, Elisio (2021) O cardeal do diabo. Maputo: Kuphaya editora.
Macamo, Elisio (2021) O cardeal do diabo. Maputo: Kuphaya editora.
Macamo, Elísio (2021) ‘Unmaking Africa-the Humanities and the Study of What?’, History of Humanities, 6(2), pp. 381–395. Available at:
Macamo, Elísio (2021) ‘Unmaking Africa-the Humanities and the Study of What?’, History of Humanities, 6(2), pp. 381–395. Available at:
Merron, James and Lenggenhager, Luregn (2021) ‘Left Button Picture, Right Button Bomb: Nature, Warfare and Technology in a Southern African Border Region’, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 7(1), pp. 67–89. Available at:
Merron, James and Lenggenhager, Luregn (2021) ‘Left Button Picture, Right Button Bomb: Nature, Warfare and Technology in a Southern African Border Region’, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, 7(1), pp. 67–89. Available at:
Sampayo Vidal, Melanie (2021) ‘Violences et Résistances: Frontières dans le théâtre contemporain au Mali’, in Suter, Patrick; Fournier Kiss, Corinne (ed.). MetisPresses: MetisPresses.
Sampayo Vidal, Melanie (2021) ‘Violences et Résistances: Frontières dans le théâtre contemporain au Mali’, in Suter, Patrick; Fournier Kiss, Corinne (ed.). MetisPresses: MetisPresses.
Sampayo Vidal, Melanie (2021) ‘Performing Contestation: Narratives on Critical Malian Theatre Plays’, Cahiers de Littérature Orale, 89-90, pp. 23–52. Available at:
Sampayo Vidal, Melanie (2021) ‘Performing Contestation: Narratives on Critical Malian Theatre Plays’, Cahiers de Littérature Orale, 89-90, pp. 23–52. Available at:
Turner, Irina, Lamoureaux, Siri and Merron, James (2021) ‘Indiscipline as Method: From Telescopes to Ventilators in Times of Covid’, Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions, 10(3), pp. 79–102. Available at:
Turner, Irina, Lamoureaux, Siri and Merron, James (2021) ‘Indiscipline as Method: From Telescopes to Ventilators in Times of Covid’, Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions, 10(3), pp. 79–102. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2021) ‘It is about Us’, in Ansoms, An; Bisoka, Aymar Nyennezi,Thomson, Susan (ed.) Field Research in Africa - The ethics of researcher vulnerabilities. London: James Currey (Field Research in Africa - The ethics of researcher vulnerabilities), p. 4.
Macamo, Elisio (2021) ‘It is about Us’, in Ansoms, An; Bisoka, Aymar Nyennezi,Thomson, Susan (ed.) Field Research in Africa - The ethics of researcher vulnerabilities. London: James Currey (Field Research in Africa - The ethics of researcher vulnerabilities), p. 4.
Macamo, Elisio and Coutinho de Abreu, Cremildo (2020) ‘A ESTÉTICA POLÍTICA DO PROTESTO: comunidades reassentadas em Tete, Moçambique’, Estudos de Sociologia, 1(26), p. 33.
Macamo, Elisio and Coutinho de Abreu, Cremildo (2020) ‘A ESTÉTICA POLÍTICA DO PROTESTO: comunidades reassentadas em Tete, Moçambique’, Estudos de Sociologia, 1(26), p. 33.
Merron, James (2020) ‘Placing the Cosmic Background: The Ghana Radio Astronomy Observatory as an Ambient Infrastructure’, Roadsides, (003), pp. 73–81. Available at:
Merron, James (2020) ‘Placing the Cosmic Background: The Ghana Radio Astronomy Observatory as an Ambient Infrastructure’, Roadsides, (003), pp. 73–81. Available at:
Sampayo Vidal, Melanie (2019) ‘Between the Rural and the Urban: Contemporary Theater Groups in Mali’, Critical Interventions, 13(2-3), pp. 284–303.
Sampayo Vidal, Melanie (2019) ‘Between the Rural and the Urban: Contemporary Theater Groups in Mali’, Critical Interventions, 13(2-3), pp. 284–303.
Staudacher, Sandra (2019) ‘Shifting Urban Margins: Accessing Unequal Spaces of Ageing and Care in Zanzibar and Muscat’, Anthropological Forum, 29(1), pp. 77–94. Available at:
Staudacher, Sandra (2019) ‘Shifting Urban Margins: Accessing Unequal Spaces of Ageing and Care in Zanzibar and Muscat’, Anthropological Forum, 29(1), pp. 77–94. Available at:
Alcântara, Livia and Geuder, Jacob (2019) ‘(Urban) Space, Media and Protests: A Relational Approach’, in Bauer, Jenny; Fischer, Robert (ed.) Perspectives on Henri Lefebvre. Theory, Practices and (Re-)Readings. Berlin: De Gruyter (SpatioTemporality / RaumZeitlichkeit), pp. 118–144.
Alcântara, Livia and Geuder, Jacob (2019) ‘(Urban) Space, Media and Protests: A Relational Approach’, in Bauer, Jenny; Fischer, Robert (ed.) Perspectives on Henri Lefebvre. Theory, Practices and (Re-)Readings. Berlin: De Gruyter (SpatioTemporality / RaumZeitlichkeit), pp. 118–144.
Ball, Jeremy (2018) ‘Staging of Memory: Monuments, Commemoration, and the Demarcation of Portuguese Space in Colonial Angola’, Journal of Southern African studies, 44(1), pp. 77–96. Available at:
Ball, Jeremy (2018) ‘Staging of Memory: Monuments, Commemoration, and the Demarcation of Portuguese Space in Colonial Angola’, Journal of Southern African studies, 44(1), pp. 77–96. Available at:
Baumanova, Monika, Smejda, Ladislav and Rüther, Heinz (2018) ‘Pre-Colonial Origins of Urban Spaces in the West African Sahel: Street Networks, Trade, and Spatial Plurality’, Journal of Urban History, pp. 1–17. Available at:
Baumanova, Monika, Smejda, Ladislav and Rüther, Heinz (2018) ‘Pre-Colonial Origins of Urban Spaces in the West African Sahel: Street Networks, Trade, and Spatial Plurality’, Journal of Urban History, pp. 1–17. Available at:
Engeler, Michelle (2018) ‘Between Afropolitans and new Sankaras. Class mobility and the reproduction of academics in Burkina Faso’, focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 80(80), pp. 77–90. Available at:
Engeler, Michelle (2018) ‘Between Afropolitans and new Sankaras. Class mobility and the reproduction of academics in Burkina Faso’, focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 80(80), pp. 77–90. Available at:
Boehi, Melanie Eva (2018) ‘Multispecies histories of South African imperial formations in the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden’, in Orlow, Uriel; Sheikh, Shela (ed.) Theatrum Botanicum. Berlin: Sternberg Press (Theatrum Botanicum), pp. 81–87.
Boehi, Melanie Eva (2018) ‘Multispecies histories of South African imperial formations in the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden’, in Orlow, Uriel; Sheikh, Shela (ed.) Theatrum Botanicum. Berlin: Sternberg Press (Theatrum Botanicum), pp. 81–87.
Arlt, Veit (2017) ‘Rezension von: Last Night at the Bassline (Oscar Gutierrez and David Coplan)’, Newsletter der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien. Société suisse d’études africaines SGAS/SSEA, (2). Available at:
Arlt, Veit (2017) ‘Rezension von: Last Night at the Bassline (Oscar Gutierrez and David Coplan)’, Newsletter der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien. Société suisse d’études africaines SGAS/SSEA, (2). Available at:
Baumanova, Monika and Smejda, Ladislav (2017) ‘Structural dynamics of spatial complexity at the “Palace of Gede”, Kenya’, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 52(1), pp. 71–99. Available at:
Baumanova, Monika and Smejda, Ladislav (2017) ‘Structural dynamics of spatial complexity at the “Palace of Gede”, Kenya’, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, 52(1), pp. 71–99. Available at:
Bolliger, Nicole et al. (2017) ‘Report: 7th European Conference on African Studies Once in a Lifetime Experience (Basel, 29.06.-01.07.2017)’, Newsletter der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien, (2). Available at:
Bolliger, Nicole et al. (2017) ‘Report: 7th European Conference on African Studies Once in a Lifetime Experience (Basel, 29.06.-01.07.2017)’, Newsletter der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Afrikastudien, (2). Available at:
Bwong, Beryl A. et al. (2017) ‘Amphibian Diversity in Shimba Hills National Reserve, Kenya: A Comprehensive List of Specimens and Species’, Journal of East African Natural History, 106(Part 1), pp. 19–46. Available at:
Bwong, Beryl A. et al. (2017) ‘Amphibian Diversity in Shimba Hills National Reserve, Kenya: A Comprehensive List of Specimens and Species’, Journal of East African Natural History, 106(Part 1), pp. 19–46. Available at:
Diallo, Kadiatou and Böhi, Melanie (2017) ‘A*Magazine: *Art *Africa *Analysis’. Zentrum für Afrikastudien Basel. Available at:
Diallo, Kadiatou and Böhi, Melanie (2017) ‘A*Magazine: *Art *Africa *Analysis’. Zentrum für Afrikastudien Basel. Available at:
Engeler, Michelle (2017) ‘Journeys between the rural and the urban. Mobile graduates in West Africa’, A*Magazine, 1 January, p. 27. Available at:
Engeler, Michelle (2017) ‘Journeys between the rural and the urban. Mobile graduates in West Africa’, A*Magazine, 1 January, p. 27. Available at:
Engeler, Michelle (2017) ‘Auf der Flucht. Hoffen, dass sich in Europa etwas ergibt’, Annabelle, 1 January, pp. 1–2. Available at:
Engeler, Michelle (2017) ‘Auf der Flucht. Hoffen, dass sich in Europa etwas ergibt’, Annabelle, 1 January, pp. 1–2. Available at:
Engeler, Michelle and Ammann, Carole (2017) ‘Guinea’, Politökonomische Kurzanalyse. GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien.
Engeler, Michelle and Ammann, Carole (2017) ‘Guinea’, Politökonomische Kurzanalyse. GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien.
Geuder, Jacob (2017) ‘Retracing Africa in Basel - A walking tour’, A* Magazine: *Art *Africa *Analysis, 1 January, p. 29.
Geuder, Jacob (2017) ‘Retracing Africa in Basel - A walking tour’, A* Magazine: *Art *Africa *Analysis, 1 January, p. 29.
Lenggenhager, Luregn (2017) ‘Review: Lukas Breitwieser, Die Geschichte des Tourismus in Namibia. Eine heterotropische Topologie der Technik’, Journal of Namibian Studies: History, Politics, Culture, 21, pp. 137–138.
Lenggenhager, Luregn (2017) ‘Review: Lukas Breitwieser, Die Geschichte des Tourismus in Namibia. Eine heterotropische Topologie der Technik’, Journal of Namibian Studies: History, Politics, Culture, 21, pp. 137–138.
Lenggenhager, Luregn (2017) ‘‘Sell it - to Protect it’’, Etü - HistorikerInnen-Zeitschrift, 1 January, pp. 12–15.
Lenggenhager, Luregn (2017) ‘‘Sell it - to Protect it’’, Etü - HistorikerInnen-Zeitschrift, 1 January, pp. 12–15.
Macamo, Elisio (2017) The Taming of Fate: Approaching Risk from a Social Action Perspective - Case Studies from Southern Mozambique. Dakar: CODESRIA. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2017) The Taming of Fate: Approaching Risk from a Social Action Perspective - Case Studies from Southern Mozambique. Dakar: CODESRIA. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2017) ‘Power, conflict, and citizenship: Mozambique’s contemporary struggles’, Citizenship studies, 21(2), pp. 196–209. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2017) ‘Power, conflict, and citizenship: Mozambique’s contemporary struggles’, Citizenship studies, 21(2), pp. 196–209. Available at:
Miescher, Giorgio and Henrichsen, Dag (2017) ‘Namibian and Southern African Studies: A case for an intellectual project’, BAB Working Papers [Preprint]. Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB Working Papers, 01). Available at:
Miescher, Giorgio and Henrichsen, Dag (2017) ‘Namibian and Southern African Studies: A case for an intellectual project’, BAB Working Papers [Preprint]. Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB Working Papers, 01). Available at:
Steuer, Noemi, Engeler, Michelle and Macamo, Elisio (2017) Dealing with elusive futures. University graduates in urban Africa, Culture and social practice. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag (Culture and social practice). Available at:
Steuer, Noemi, Engeler, Michelle and Macamo, Elisio (2017) Dealing with elusive futures. University graduates in urban Africa, Culture and social practice. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag (Culture and social practice). Available at:
Tarr, Natalie (2017) ‘The Language of Justice: when the colonial past is invited into the courtroom’, Etudes de lettres, 305(3-4), pp. 155–172. Available at:
Tarr, Natalie (2017) ‘The Language of Justice: when the colonial past is invited into the courtroom’, Etudes de lettres, 305(3-4), pp. 155–172. Available at:
Zavale, Nelson (2017) ‘Expansion versus contribution of higher education in Africa: University-industry linkages in Mozambique from companies” perspective’, Science and Public Policy, pp. 1–16. Available at:
Zavale, Nelson (2017) ‘Expansion versus contribution of higher education in Africa: University-industry linkages in Mozambique from companies” perspective’, Science and Public Policy, pp. 1–16. Available at:
Zavale, Nelson et al. (2017) ‘Decision-making in African universities demands rigorous data: Evidence from graduation rates at Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique’, International Journal of Educational Development, 52, pp. 122–134. Available at:
Zavale, Nelson et al. (2017) ‘Decision-making in African universities demands rigorous data: Evidence from graduation rates at Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique’, International Journal of Educational Development, 52, pp. 122–134. Available at:
Ammann, Carole (2017) ‘Looking for Better Opportunities. An Analysis of Guinean Graduates” Agency’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elísio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 93–121. Available at:
Ammann, Carole (2017) ‘Looking for Better Opportunities. An Analysis of Guinean Graduates” Agency’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elísio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 93–121. Available at:
Ball, Jeremy (2017) ‘The History of Angola’, in Spear, Thomas; [et al.], (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia, African History. New York: Oxford University Press USA (Oxford Research Encyclopedias). Available at:
Ball, Jeremy (2017) ‘The History of Angola’, in Spear, Thomas; [et al.], (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia, African History. New York: Oxford University Press USA (Oxford Research Encyclopedias). Available at:
Birzle, Maike (2017) ‘Ça va aller. The Role of Hope in Burkinabe University Graduates” Navigation towards the Future’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elisio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: Transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 53–68. Available at:
Birzle, Maike (2017) ‘Ça va aller. The Role of Hope in Burkinabe University Graduates” Navigation towards the Future’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elisio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: Transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 53–68. Available at:
Engeler, Michelle and Steuer, Noemi (2017) ‘Elusive futures. An introduction’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elisio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: Transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 9–25. Available at:
Engeler, Michelle and Steuer, Noemi (2017) ‘Elusive futures. An introduction’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elisio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: Transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 9–25. Available at:
Geuder, Jacob (2017) ‘The Right to the City’, in Pensa, Iolanda; Pucciarelli, Marta; Siegenthaler, Fiona (ed.) Public Art in Africa. art et transformations urbaines à Douala = art and urban transformations in Douala. Geneva: Métis Presses (VuesDensemble), pp. 201–208.
Geuder, Jacob (2017) ‘The Right to the City’, in Pensa, Iolanda; Pucciarelli, Marta; Siegenthaler, Fiona (ed.) Public Art in Africa. art et transformations urbaines à Douala = art and urban transformations in Douala. Geneva: Métis Presses (VuesDensemble), pp. 201–208.
Ludwig, Susann (2017) ‘›Opening up La Chance‹. (Un)certainty among University Graduates in Bamako, Mali’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elisio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: Transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 69–91. Available at:
Ludwig, Susann (2017) ‘›Opening up La Chance‹. (Un)certainty among University Graduates in Bamako, Mali’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elisio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: Transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 69–91. Available at:
Philipps, Joschka (2017) ‘Politics of the Future - Riots of the Now. Temporal Horizons of Youth in Upheavals in England and Guinea’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elisio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: Transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 123–147. Available at:
Philipps, Joschka (2017) ‘Politics of the Future - Riots of the Now. Temporal Horizons of Youth in Upheavals in England and Guinea’, in Steuer, Noemi; Engeler, Michelle; Macamo, Elisio (ed.) Dealing with Elusive Futures. University Graduates in Urban Africa. Bielefeld: Transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis), pp. 123–147. Available at:
Admasie, Samuel Andreas (2016) ‘Historicizing Contemporary Growth. the Ethiopian Revolution, Social Structural Transformation and Capitalist Development’, Northeast African Studies, 16(1), pp. 65–87. Available at:
Admasie, Samuel Andreas (2016) ‘Historicizing Contemporary Growth. the Ethiopian Revolution, Social Structural Transformation and Capitalist Development’, Northeast African Studies, 16(1), pp. 65–87. Available at:
Arlt, Veit, Salis, Annina and Blaser, Christoph (2016) ‘Chris McGregor - Integrationsfigur zwischen den Kulturen’, SRF2. Switzerland (SRF2). Available at:
Arlt, Veit, Salis, Annina and Blaser, Christoph (2016) ‘Chris McGregor - Integrationsfigur zwischen den Kulturen’, SRF2. Switzerland (SRF2). Available at:
Baumanova, Monika (2016) ‘Space Matters: A Reflection on Archaeological Theory and Method for Interpreting the Materiality of Space’, Interdisciplinaria archaeologica. Natural Sciences in Archaeology, 7(2), pp. 209–216. Available at:
Baumanova, Monika (2016) ‘Space Matters: A Reflection on Archaeological Theory and Method for Interpreting the Materiality of Space’, Interdisciplinaria archaeologica. Natural Sciences in Archaeology, 7(2), pp. 209–216. Available at:
Boehi, Melanie Eva (2016) ‘Remembering apartheid’s botanical diplomacy at the Chelsea Flower Show’. Daily Maverick. Available at:
Boehi, Melanie Eva (2016) ‘Remembering apartheid’s botanical diplomacy at the Chelsea Flower Show’. Daily Maverick. Available at:
Boehi, Melanie Eva (2016) ‘Review of Saul Dubow, Apartheid, 1948-1994’. H-Soz-Kult. Available at:,%20Apartheid,%201948-1994&sort=newestPublished&fq=&total=1.
Boehi, Melanie Eva (2016) ‘Review of Saul Dubow, Apartheid, 1948-1994’. H-Soz-Kult. Available at:,%20Apartheid,%201948-1994&sort=newestPublished&fq=&total=1.
Engeler, Michelle (2016) ‘Being young in the Guinée Forestière: members of youth associations as political entrepreneurs’, Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 16(30), pp. 63–86.
Engeler, Michelle (2016) ‘Being young in the Guinée Forestière: members of youth associations as political entrepreneurs’, Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 16(30), pp. 63–86.
Geuder, Jacob (2016) ‘Digitale Ambivalenzen - Medienaktivismus in Rio de Janeiro’, WiderspruchWiderspruch : Münchner Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 1 January, pp. 107–115.
Geuder, Jacob (2016) ‘Digitale Ambivalenzen - Medienaktivismus in Rio de Janeiro’, WiderspruchWiderspruch : Münchner Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 1 January, pp. 107–115.
Knierzinger, Johannes, Engeler, Michelle and Ammann, Carole (2016) ‘Guinea: Spearhead of Change or Eternal Maverick?’, Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 16(30), pp. 1–8.
Knierzinger, Johannes, Engeler, Michelle and Ammann, Carole (2016) ‘Guinea: Spearhead of Change or Eternal Maverick?’, Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 16(30), pp. 1–8.
Macamo, Elisio (2016) ‘Violence and political culture in Mozambique’, Social Dynamics, 42(1), pp. 85–105. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2016) ‘Violence and political culture in Mozambique’, Social Dynamics, 42(1), pp. 85–105. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2016) ‘Blinded by Capitalism: Words that think (for us)’. Review of African Political Economy. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2016) ‘Blinded by Capitalism: Words that think (for us)’. Review of African Political Economy. Available at:
Macamo, Elisio (2016) Sociologia prática - como alguns sociólogos pensam. Maputo: Imprensa Universitária.
Macamo, Elisio (2016) Sociologia prática - como alguns sociólogos pensam. Maputo: Imprensa Universitária.
Ousmanou, Adama (2016) Islam, Ethnicité et Pouvoir dans le bassin du Lac Tchad de 1960 à 2000: etude comparative du Cameroun, du Tchad et du Nigeria. Paris: Presses Académiques Francophones.
Ousmanou, Adama (2016) Islam, Ethnicité et Pouvoir dans le bassin du Lac Tchad de 1960 à 2000: etude comparative du Cameroun, du Tchad et du Nigeria. Paris: Presses Académiques Francophones.
Philipps, Joschka (2016) Crystallizing contention. A cumulative dissertation on youth, politics, and urban violence in Conakry, Kampala, and beyond. . Translated by Macamo Elisio. Dissertation.
Philipps, Joschka (2016) Crystallizing contention. A cumulative dissertation on youth, politics, and urban violence in Conakry, Kampala, and beyond. . Translated by Macamo Elisio. Dissertation.
Philipps, Joschka and Kagoro, Jude (2016) ‘The metastable city and the politics of crystallization. Protesting and policing in Kampala’, Africa Spectrum, 51(3), pp. 3–32. Available at:
Philipps, Joschka and Kagoro, Jude (2016) ‘The metastable city and the politics of crystallization. Protesting and policing in Kampala’, Africa Spectrum, 51(3), pp. 3–32. Available at:
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