Personal und Organisation (Beckmann)
80 found
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Lehmann, Johannes and Beckmann, Michael (2025) ‘Digital technologies and performance incentives: evidence from businesses in the Swiss economy.’, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 161(1). Available at:
Lehmann, Johannes and Beckmann, Michael (2025) ‘Digital technologies and performance incentives: evidence from businesses in the Swiss economy.’, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 161(1). Available at:
Lehmann, Johannes (2024) ‘HR analytics: A centralizing or decentralizing force?’, WWZ Working Paper [Preprint]. Basel: WWZ (Personal und Organisation, 13).
Lehmann, Johannes (2024) ‘HR analytics: A centralizing or decentralizing force?’, WWZ Working Paper [Preprint]. Basel: WWZ (Personal und Organisation, 13).
Lehmann, Johannes and Beckmann, Michael (2024) ‘Digital Transformation in Switzerland: The Current State and Expectations.’
Lehmann, Johannes and Beckmann, Michael (2024) ‘Digital Transformation in Switzerland: The Current State and Expectations.’
Wiese, Simon Alexander and Beckmann, Michael (2024) ‘Organizational culture and the usage of Industry 4.0 technologies: evidence from Swiss businesses.’
Wiese, Simon Alexander and Beckmann, Michael (2024) ‘Organizational culture and the usage of Industry 4.0 technologies: evidence from Swiss businesses.’
Beckmann, Michael, Grunau, Philipp and Shvartsman, Elena (2023) High involvement management and affective commitment: causal tests on system coherency and complementarity . Universität Basel.
Beckmann, Michael, Grunau, Philipp and Shvartsman, Elena (2023) High involvement management and affective commitment: causal tests on system coherency and complementarity . Universität Basel.
Lehmann, Johannes and Beckmann, Michael (2023) Digital technologies and performance incentives: Evidence from businesses in the Swiss economy . Universität Basel.
Lehmann, Johannes and Beckmann, Michael (2023) Digital technologies and performance incentives: Evidence from businesses in the Swiss economy . Universität Basel.
Starzetz, Julia and Beckmann, Michael (2023) Employee autonomy and work intensification: extrinsic incentives, self-exploitation or intrinsic motivation? . Universität Basel.
Starzetz, Julia and Beckmann, Michael (2023) Employee autonomy and work intensification: extrinsic incentives, self-exploitation or intrinsic motivation? . Universität Basel.
Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2022) ‘Empowerment, Task Commitment, and Performance Pay’, Journal of Labor Economics, 40(4), pp. 899–938. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2022) ‘Empowerment, Task Commitment, and Performance Pay’, Journal of Labor Economics, 40(4), pp. 899–938. Available at:
Gerten, Elisa, Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2022) ‘Information and communication technology, hierarchy, and job design’. IZA Discussion Paper (No. 15491).
Gerten, Elisa, Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2022) ‘Information and communication technology, hierarchy, and job design’. IZA Discussion Paper (No. 15491).
Gerten, Elisa, Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2022) ‘Information and communication technology, hierarchy, and job design’. ECONtribute Discussion Paper (No. 189).
Gerten, Elisa, Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2022) ‘Information and communication technology, hierarchy, and job design’. ECONtribute Discussion Paper (No. 189).
Gerten, Elisa, Beckmann, Michael and Bellmann, Lutz (2019) ‘Controlling Working Crowds: The Impact of Digitalization on Worker Autonomy and Monitoring Across Hierarchical Levels’, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 239(3), pp. 441–481. Available at:
Gerten, Elisa, Beckmann, Michael and Bellmann, Lutz (2019) ‘Controlling Working Crowds: The Impact of Digitalization on Worker Autonomy and Monitoring Across Hierarchical Levels’, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 239(3), pp. 441–481. Available at:
Diriwaechter, Patric and Shvartsman, Elena (2018) ‘The anticipation and adaptation effects of intra- and interpersonal wage changes on job satisfaction’, Journal of economic behavior & organization, 146, pp. 116–140. Available at:
Diriwaechter, Patric and Shvartsman, Elena (2018) ‘The anticipation and adaptation effects of intra- and interpersonal wage changes on job satisfaction’, Journal of economic behavior & organization, 146, pp. 116–140. Available at:
Gerten, Elisa, Beckmann, Michael and Bellmann, Lutz (2018) ‘Controlling working crowds: The impact of digitalization on worker autonomy and monitoring across hierarchical levels’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 09).
Gerten, Elisa, Beckmann, Michael and Bellmann, Lutz (2018) ‘Controlling working crowds: The impact of digitalization on worker autonomy and monitoring across hierarchical levels’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 09).
Rupietta, Kira and Beckmann, Michael (2018) ‘Working from Home: What is the Effect on Employees” Effort?’, Schmalenbach business review, 70(1), pp. 25–55. Available at:
Rupietta, Kira and Beckmann, Michael (2018) ‘Working from Home: What is the Effect on Employees” Effort?’, Schmalenbach business review, 70(1), pp. 25–55. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Gerten, Elisa (2018) ‘Die Entwicklung der Arbeit in Zeiten der Digitalisierung’, in schulthess manager handbuch 2018/2019. Zürich: Schulthess Verlag (schulthess manager handbuch 2018/2019), pp. 209–217. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Gerten, Elisa (2018) ‘Die Entwicklung der Arbeit in Zeiten der Digitalisierung’, in schulthess manager handbuch 2018/2019. Zürich: Schulthess Verlag (schulthess manager handbuch 2018/2019), pp. 209–217. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael, Cornelissen, Thomas and Kräkel, Matthias (2017) ‘Self-managed working time and employee effort: Theory and evidence.’, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 133(133), pp. 285–302. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael, Cornelissen, Thomas and Kräkel, Matthias (2017) ‘Self-managed working time and employee effort: Theory and evidence.’, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 133(133), pp. 285–302. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2017) ‘Personalpolitik bei alternden Belegschaften’, in Surrey, Heike; Tiberius, Victor (ed.) Die Zukunft des Personalmanagements: Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Gestaltungsoptionen. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der EHT (Die Zukunft des Personalmanagements: Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Gestaltungsoptionen), pp. 47–58.
Beckmann, Michael (2017) ‘Personalpolitik bei alternden Belegschaften’, in Surrey, Heike; Tiberius, Victor (ed.) Die Zukunft des Personalmanagements: Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Gestaltungsoptionen. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der EHT (Die Zukunft des Personalmanagements: Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Gestaltungsoptionen), pp. 47–58.
Beckmann, Michael (2016) ‘Working time autonomy as management practice’, IZA World of Labor, (230), pp. 1–10. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2016) ‘Working time autonomy as management practice’, IZA World of Labor, (230), pp. 1–10. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2016) ‘Self-managed working time and firm performance: Microeconometric evidence’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 01).
Beckmann, Michael (2016) ‘Self-managed working time and firm performance: Microeconometric evidence’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 01).
Diriwächter, Patric and Shvartsman, Elena (2016) ‘The anticipation and adaptation effects of intra- and interpersonal wage changes on job satisfaction’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 03). Available at:
Diriwächter, Patric and Shvartsman, Elena (2016) ‘The anticipation and adaptation effects of intra- and interpersonal wage changes on job satisfaction’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 03). Available at:
Rupietta, Kira and Beckmann, Michael (2016) ‘Working from Home - What is the Effect on Employees” Effort?’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 07).
Rupietta, Kira and Beckmann, Michael (2016) ‘Working from Home - What is the Effect on Employees” Effort?’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 07).
Rupietta, Kira and Beckmann, Michael (2016) ‘Arbeit im Homeoffice: Förderung der Arbeitsbereitschaft oder Einladung zum Faulenzen?’, PERSONALquarterly, 03, pp. 14–19. Available at:
Rupietta, Kira and Beckmann, Michael (2016) ‘Arbeit im Homeoffice: Förderung der Arbeitsbereitschaft oder Einladung zum Faulenzen?’, PERSONALquarterly, 03, pp. 14–19. Available at:
Shvartsman, Elena and Beckmann, Michael (2015) ‘Stressed by Your Job: Does Personnel Policy Matter?’, Journal of Applied Social Science Review (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 135, pp. 429–463. Available at:
Shvartsman, Elena and Beckmann, Michael (2015) ‘Stressed by Your Job: Does Personnel Policy Matter?’, Journal of Applied Social Science Review (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 135, pp. 429–463. Available at:
Shvartsman, Elena and Beckmann, Michael (2015) ‘Stressed by your job: What is the role of personnel policy?’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 15). Available at:
Shvartsman, Elena and Beckmann, Michael (2015) ‘Stressed by your job: What is the role of personnel policy?’, WWZ Working Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Working Papers, 15). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2015) ‘Forced Distribution Systems als Methode der Leistungsbeurteilung.’, in Klingler, Urs; Lampart, Loran; Feliziani, Marco (ed.) Compensation & Benefits Management. Zürich: Weka Business Media AG (Compensation & Benefits Management), pp. 192–199.
Beckmann, Michael (2015) ‘Forced Distribution Systems als Methode der Leistungsbeurteilung.’, in Klingler, Urs; Lampart, Loran; Feliziani, Marco (ed.) Compensation & Benefits Management. Zürich: Weka Business Media AG (Compensation & Benefits Management), pp. 192–199.
Beckmann, Michael and Cornelissen, Thomas (2014) ‘Self-managed working time and employee effort: Microeconometric evidence’, SOEPpapers [Preprint]. SOEP - The German Socio-Economic Panel Study at DIW (SOEPpapers, 636). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Cornelissen, Thomas (2014) ‘Self-managed working time and employee effort: Microeconometric evidence’, SOEPpapers [Preprint]. SOEP - The German Socio-Economic Panel Study at DIW (SOEPpapers, 636). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2013) ‘Die Guten ins Töpfchen, die Schlechten ins Kröpfchen: Wie sollen Unternehmer ihre Mitarbeiter beurteilen?’, SWR 2. Germany (SWR 2).
Beckmann, Michael (2013) ‘Die Guten ins Töpfchen, die Schlechten ins Kröpfchen: Wie sollen Unternehmer ihre Mitarbeiter beurteilen?’, SWR 2. Germany (SWR 2).
Beckmann, Michael (2013) ‘Editorial’, Die Unternehmung : Swiss journal of business research and practice, p. 309. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2013) ‘Editorial’, Die Unternehmung : Swiss journal of business research and practice, p. 309. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2013) ‘Lohndeckel ja, aber nicht per Gesetz’, SpatzZeitung, 1 January, pp. 28–30.
Beckmann, Michael (2013) ‘Lohndeckel ja, aber nicht per Gesetz’, SpatzZeitung, 1 January, pp. 28–30.
Armbruster, Kathrin, Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2012) ‘Task Allocation and Corporate Performance : is There a First-Mover Advantage?’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 07). Available at:
Armbruster, Kathrin, Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2012) ‘Task Allocation and Corporate Performance : is There a First-Mover Advantage?’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 07). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2012) ‘Aktienoptionen als Entlöhnung’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, p. 11.
Beckmann, Michael (2012) ‘Aktienoptionen als Entlöhnung’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, p. 11.
Beckmann, Michael (2012) ‘Zur Ambivalenz der Transparenz’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 11–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2012) ‘Zur Ambivalenz der Transparenz’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 11–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2012) ‘Fairness - auch in Personalführung’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, p. 1.
Beckmann, Michael (2012) ‘Fairness - auch in Personalführung’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, p. 1.
Beckmann, Michael (2012) ‘Wer sein Personal lobt, spart’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 9–9.
Beckmann, Michael (2012) ‘Wer sein Personal lobt, spart’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 9–9.
Beckmann, Michael and Escher Clauss, Sandra (2012) ‘Eine wichtige Aufgabe der Forschung ist die Sensibilisierung der HR-Leute’, HR Today. ALMA Medien AG. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Escher Clauss, Sandra (2012) ‘Eine wichtige Aufgabe der Forschung ist die Sensibilisierung der HR-Leute’, HR Today. ALMA Medien AG. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2012) ‘Internal rent seeking, works councils, and optimal establishment size’, European economic review, 56(4), pp. 711–726. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2012) ‘Internal rent seeking, works councils, and optimal establishment size’, European economic review, 56(4), pp. 711–726. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2012) ‘Flexibility vs. screening : the performance effects of temporary agency work strategies’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 03). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2012) ‘Flexibility vs. screening : the performance effects of temporary agency work strategies’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 03). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Personalpolitik am Scheideweg’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 10–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Personalpolitik am Scheideweg’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 10–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Topmotivierte Leute brauchen keine Boni. / Des gens motivés n’ont pas besoin de primes.’, Persorama : Magazin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Human Resources Management, (3), pp. 29–39.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Topmotivierte Leute brauchen keine Boni. / Des gens motivés n’ont pas besoin de primes.’, Persorama : Magazin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Human Resources Management, (3), pp. 29–39.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Schädliches Mitarbeiter-Ranking’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 11–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Schädliches Mitarbeiter-Ranking’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 11–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Lohn und Leistung von Topmanagern’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 10–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Lohn und Leistung von Topmanagern’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 10–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Starker Franken führt zu Lohnkürzungen’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 10–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Starker Franken führt zu Lohnkürzungen’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 10–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Leistungslöhne und Moral’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 11–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Leistungslöhne und Moral’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 11–11.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Vertrauen ist gut - aber ist Kontrolle besser?’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 9–9.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Vertrauen ist gut - aber ist Kontrolle besser?’, Basler Zeitung, 1 January, pp. 9–9.
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Arbeitszeitverlängerung aufgrund des starken Schweizer Frankens’, Radio Basel. Switzerland (Radio Basel).
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Arbeitszeitverlängerung aufgrund des starken Schweizer Frankens’, Radio Basel. Switzerland (Radio Basel).
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Prokrastination’, Radio Basilisk. Switzerland (Radio Basilisk).
Beckmann, Michael (2011) ‘Prokrastination’, Radio Basilisk. Switzerland (Radio Basilisk).
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2011) ‘Task Allocation and Corporate Performance: Is There a First‐Mover Advantage?’ German Economic Association of Business Administration (No. 11‐25). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2011) ‘Task Allocation and Corporate Performance: Is There a First‐Mover Advantage?’ German Economic Association of Business Administration (No. 11‐25). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2011) ‘Technological innovations and the allocation of decision-making authorities in Swiss firms’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 04). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2011) ‘Technological innovations and the allocation of decision-making authorities in Swiss firms’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 04). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2011) ‘Technologische Innovation und organisatorische Architektur : eine empirische Untersuchung auf der Basis von Schweizer Unternehmensdaten’, WWZ Forschungsberichte. WWZ (WWZ Forschungsberichte, 03).
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2011) ‘Technologische Innovation und organisatorische Architektur : eine empirische Untersuchung auf der Basis von Schweizer Unternehmensdaten’, WWZ Forschungsberichte. WWZ (WWZ Forschungsberichte, 03).
Beckmann, Michael and Hegedüs, Istvan (2011) ‘Trust-based working time and organizational performance: evidence from German establishment-level panel data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ Forum (WWZ Discussion Papers, 13). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Hegedüs, Istvan (2011) ‘Trust-based working time and organizational performance: evidence from German establishment-level panel data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ Forum (WWZ Discussion Papers, 13). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2011) ‘Internal Rent Seeking, Works Councils, and Optimal Establishment Size’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 14). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Kräkel, Matthias (2011) ‘Internal Rent Seeking, Works Councils, and Optimal Establishment Size’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 14). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael, Mühler, Grit and Schauenberg, Bernd (2011) ‘Betriebliche Personalpolitik bei heterogenen Arbeitsmärkten.’, Journal for Labour Market Research / Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, 43(4), pp. 319–325. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael, Mühler, Grit and Schauenberg, Bernd (2011) ‘Betriebliche Personalpolitik bei heterogenen Arbeitsmärkten.’, Journal for Labour Market Research / Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, 43(4), pp. 319–325. Available at:
Kuhn, Dieter (2011) Three Essays on the Performance Effects of Human Resource Practices. Dissertation.
Kuhn, Dieter (2011) Three Essays on the Performance Effects of Human Resource Practices. Dissertation.
Kuhn, Dieter (2011) ‘Delayering and Firm Performance: Evidence from Swiss firm-level Data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Discussion Papers, 02).
Kuhn, Dieter (2011) ‘Delayering and Firm Performance: Evidence from Swiss firm-level Data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Discussion Papers, 02).
Beckmann, Michael (2010) ‘Wie Mitarbeiter entlöhnt werden müssen’, io new management, (4), pp. 8–10. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2010) ‘Wie Mitarbeiter entlöhnt werden müssen’, io new management, (4), pp. 8–10. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2010) ‘Business environment, managerial strategies, and the allocation of decision-making authorities in Swiss Firms’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 06). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2010) ‘Business environment, managerial strategies, and the allocation of decision-making authorities in Swiss Firms’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 06). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2010) ‘Unternehmensumfeld, betriebliche Strategien und die Verteilung von Aufgaben und Entscheidungsrechten in Schweizer Unternehmen’, WWZ Forschungsbericht. WWZ, 2010(05).
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2010) ‘Unternehmensumfeld, betriebliche Strategien und die Verteilung von Aufgaben und Entscheidungsrechten in Schweizer Unternehmen’, WWZ Forschungsbericht. WWZ, 2010(05).
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2010) ‘Unternehmensumfeld, betriebliche Strategien und die Verteilung von Aufgaben und Entscheidungsrechten in Schweizer Unternehmen’, WWZ News, 1 January, pp. 19–22.
Beckmann, Michael and Armbruster, Kathrin (2010) ‘Unternehmensumfeld, betriebliche Strategien und die Verteilung von Aufgaben und Entscheidungsrechten in Schweizer Unternehmen’, WWZ News, 1 January, pp. 19–22.
Beckmann, Michael, Föhr, Silvia and Kräkel, Matthias (2010) ‘Rent seeking, employment security and works councils : theory and evidence for Germany’, Schmalenbach business review, 62, pp. 2–40.
Beckmann, Michael, Föhr, Silvia and Kräkel, Matthias (2010) ‘Rent seeking, employment security and works councils : theory and evidence for Germany’, Schmalenbach business review, 62, pp. 2–40.
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2010) ‘Complementarities between workplace organisation and human resource management : evidence from Swiss firm-level panel data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 03).
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2010) ‘Complementarities between workplace organisation and human resource management : evidence from Swiss firm-level panel data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 03).
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2010) ‘Komplementaritäten in der Unternehmenspolitik von Schweizer Betrieben’. WWZ.
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2010) ‘Komplementaritäten in der Unternehmenspolitik von Schweizer Betrieben’. WWZ.
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2010) ‘Temporarbeschaftigung und Unternehmenserfolg’, WWZ News, 1 January, pp. 30–33.
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2010) ‘Temporarbeschaftigung und Unternehmenserfolg’, WWZ News, 1 January, pp. 30–33.
Beckmann, Michael (2009) ‘Editorial Special Section 4/2009’, Schmalenbach business review, p. 334.
Beckmann, Michael (2009) ‘Editorial Special Section 4/2009’, Schmalenbach business review, p. 334.
Beckmann, Michael, Cornelissen, Thomas and Schauenberg, Bernd (2009) ‘Fixed-term Employment, Work Organization and Job Satisfaction : Evidence from German Individual-Level Data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 08). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael, Cornelissen, Thomas and Schauenberg, Bernd (2009) ‘Fixed-term Employment, Work Organization and Job Satisfaction : Evidence from German Individual-Level Data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 08). Available at:
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2009) ‘Temporary agency work and firm performance : evidence from German establishment-level panel data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 01).
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2009) ‘Temporary agency work and firm performance : evidence from German establishment-level panel data’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 01).
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2009) ‘Temporärbeschäftigung und Unternehmenserfolg : eine empirische Untersuchung anhand schweizerischer und deutscher Firmendaten’, WWZ Forschungsberichte. WWZ (WWZ Forschungsberichte, 03).
Beckmann, Michael and Kuhn, Dieter (2009) ‘Temporärbeschäftigung und Unternehmenserfolg : eine empirische Untersuchung anhand schweizerischer und deutscher Firmendaten’, WWZ Forschungsberichte. WWZ (WWZ Forschungsberichte, 03).
Beckmann, Michael, Binz, Andrea and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘Fixed-term employment and job satisfaction : evidence from individual-level data accounting for selectivity bias’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 03).
Beckmann, Michael, Binz, Andrea and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘Fixed-term employment and job satisfaction : evidence from individual-level data accounting for selectivity bias’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ (WWZ Discussion Papers, 03).
Beckmann, Michael and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘Age-biased technological and organizational change: firm-level evidence and management implications’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Discussion Papers, 05).
Beckmann, Michael and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘Age-biased technological and organizational change: firm-level evidence and management implications’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Discussion Papers, 05).
Beckmann, Michael and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘Age-Biased Technological and Organizational Change: Firm-Level Evidence and Management Implications’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Discussion Papers, 05).
Beckmann, Michael and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘Age-Biased Technological and Organizational Change: Firm-Level Evidence and Management Implications’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Discussion Papers, 05).
Mühler, Grit, Beckmann, Michael and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘Returns to continuous training in Germany: new evidence from propensity score matching estimators’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Discussion Papers, 04).
Mühler, Grit, Beckmann, Michael and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘Returns to continuous training in Germany: new evidence from propensity score matching estimators’, WWZ Discussion Papers. WWZ, University of Basel (WWZ Discussion Papers, 04).
Mühler, Grit, Beckmann, Michael and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘The returns to continuous training in Germany : new evidence from propensity score matching estimators’, Review of Managerial Science, 1(3), pp. 209–235. Available at:
Mühler, Grit, Beckmann, Michael and Schauenberg, Bernd (2007) ‘The returns to continuous training in Germany : new evidence from propensity score matching estimators’, Review of Managerial Science, 1(3), pp. 209–235. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael, Schauenberg, Bernd and Timmermann, Andrea (2006) ‘Betriebliche Innovationen und geschlechterspezifische Arbeitsnachfrage’, DBW : die Betriebswirtschaft, 66(3), pp. 287–306.
Beckmann, Michael, Schauenberg, Bernd and Timmermann, Andrea (2006) ‘Betriebliche Innovationen und geschlechterspezifische Arbeitsnachfrage’, DBW : die Betriebswirtschaft, 66(3), pp. 287–306.
Beckmann, Michael (2004) ‘Why do sellers at auctions bid for their own items? : theory and evidence’, Schmalenbach business review, 56, pp. 312–337.
Beckmann, Michael (2004) ‘Why do sellers at auctions bid for their own items? : theory and evidence’, Schmalenbach business review, 56, pp. 312–337.
Beckmann, Michael (2004) ‘Art auctions and bidding rings : empirical evidence from German auction data’, Journal of cultural economics, 28, pp. 125–141. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2004) ‘Art auctions and bidding rings : empirical evidence from German auction data’, Journal of cultural economics, 28, pp. 125–141. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael, Deimel, Julia and Schauenberg, Bernd (2004) ‘Vermittlungsgutscheine als neues Instrument der Arbeitsmarktpolitik : eine erste Analyse’, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 5(2), pp. 127–137. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael, Deimel, Julia and Schauenberg, Bernd (2004) ‘Vermittlungsgutscheine als neues Instrument der Arbeitsmarktpolitik : eine erste Analyse’, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 5(2), pp. 127–137. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2002) ‘Lohnstrukturverzerrung und betriebliche Ausbildung : empirische Analyse des Acemoglu-Pischke-Modells mit Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels’, Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, 35, pp. 189–204.
Beckmann, Michael (2002) ‘Lohnstrukturverzerrung und betriebliche Ausbildung : empirische Analyse des Acemoglu-Pischke-Modells mit Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels’, Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, 35, pp. 189–204.
Beckmann, Michael (2002) ‘Firm-sponsored apprenticeship training in Germany : empirical evidence from establishment data’, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 16, pp. 287–310. Available at:
Beckmann, Michael (2002) ‘Firm-sponsored apprenticeship training in Germany : empirical evidence from establishment data’, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 16, pp. 287–310. Available at:
Bekmann, Michael (2002) ‘Wage compression and firm-sponsored training in Germany: Empirical evidence for the acemoglu-pischke model from a zero-inflated count data model’, Applied economics quarterly = Konjunkturpolitik, 48, pp. 368–389.
Bekmann, Michael (2002) ‘Wage compression and firm-sponsored training in Germany: Empirical evidence for the acemoglu-pischke model from a zero-inflated count data model’, Applied economics quarterly = Konjunkturpolitik, 48, pp. 368–389.
Beckmann, Michael (2000) ‘Unternehmenspolitik, Managerkontrolle und Personalabbau in Deutschland : theoretische Ansätze und empirische Analyse mit Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels’, Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, 2000, pp. 594–608.
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