Institute for European Global Studies
717 found
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Taylor, M. Scott and Weder, Rolf (2025) ‘How humans are accelerating possible mass extinctions - and a plan to stop it’, VoxDev, 28 January. Available at:
Taylor, M. Scott and Weder, Rolf (2025) ‘How humans are accelerating possible mass extinctions - and a plan to stop it’, VoxDev, 28 January. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2025) ‘Zur Ambivalenz des internationalen Handels’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January.
Weder, Rolf (2025) ‘Zur Ambivalenz des internationalen Handels’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 1 January.
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Innoscape Talk #10 with Philippe Aghion’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks . Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks ). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Innoscape Talk #10 with Philippe Aghion’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks . Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks ). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Does Early Regional Scientific Leadership Translate Into Lasting Innovation Advantage?’, WWZ Working Paper [Preprint]. Basel: WWZ (Aussenwirtschaft und Europäische Integration, 11).
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Does Early Regional Scientific Leadership Translate Into Lasting Innovation Advantage?’, WWZ Working Paper [Preprint]. Basel: WWZ (Aussenwirtschaft und Europäische Integration, 11).
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Wir sollten so viele Daten wie möglich sammeln’, Basler Zeitung, 4 September. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Wir sollten so viele Daten wie möglich sammeln’, Basler Zeitung, 4 September. Available at:
Scott, Taylor, M. and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘On the Economics of Extinction and Possible Mass Extinctions’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 38(3), pp. 237–260. Available at: https10.1257/jep.38.3.237.
Scott, Taylor, M. and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘On the Economics of Extinction and Possible Mass Extinctions’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 38(3), pp. 237–260. Available at: https10.1257/jep.38.3.237.
Weder, Rolf and Bentele, Riccardo (2024) ‘Patientendaten für die Forschung nutzen’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 24 July. Available at:
Weder, Rolf and Bentele, Riccardo (2024) ‘Patientendaten für die Forschung nutzen’, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 24 July. Available at:
Ross, Corey (2024) Liquid Empire: Water and Power in the Colonial World. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Ross, Corey (2024) Liquid Empire: Water and Power in the Colonial World. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Dass Regierung zu Kosten schweigt, ist überraschend.’, Prime News – das Onlineportal aus und für die Region Basel, 4 July. Available at:
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Dass Regierung zu Kosten schweigt, ist überraschend.’, Prime News – das Onlineportal aus und für die Region Basel, 4 July. Available at:
Macher, Jeffrey T., Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Is there a secular decline in disruptive patents? Correcting for measurement bias’, Research Policy, 53(5), p. 104992. Available at:
Macher, Jeffrey T., Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Is there a secular decline in disruptive patents? Correcting for measurement bias’, Research Policy, 53(5), p. 104992. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Verliert die weltweite Forschung an Innovationskraft?’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 28 May. Available at:
Rutzer, Christian and Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Verliert die weltweite Forschung an Innovationskraft?’, Die Volkswirtschaft, 28 May. Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) ‘European highways and the geographic diffusion of economic activities from agglomerations to less urbanised areas’, Empirica, 51(2), pp. 351–377. Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) ‘European highways and the geographic diffusion of economic activities from agglomerations to less urbanised areas’, Empirica, 51(2), pp. 351–377. Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Innoscape Talk #9 with Simon Ittig’, Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2024) ‘Innoscape Talk #9 with Simon Ittig’, Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Tobler, Christa and Beglinger, Jacques (2024) Tobler/Beglinger-Brevier zu den institutionellen Fragen im Paketansatz. Available at:
Tobler, Christa and Beglinger, Jacques (2024) Tobler/Beglinger-Brevier zu den institutionellen Fragen im Paketansatz. Available at:
Cavelti, Luzius and Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Zum Einfluss des Freizügigkeitsabkommens Schweiz-EU auf die internationale Steuerausscheidung in der Schweiz’’, in Astrid Epiney, Astrid; Progin-Theuerkauf, Sarah ; Dahinden Flaminia; Dukarm Sophie (ed.) Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht = Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2023/2024. Zurich und Genf (Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht = Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2023/2024), pp. 471–498.
Cavelti, Luzius and Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Zum Einfluss des Freizügigkeitsabkommens Schweiz-EU auf die internationale Steuerausscheidung in der Schweiz’’, in Astrid Epiney, Astrid; Progin-Theuerkauf, Sarah ; Dahinden Flaminia; Dukarm Sophie (ed.) Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht = Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2023/2024. Zurich und Genf (Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht = Annuaire suisse de droit européen 2023/2024), pp. 471–498.
Cavelti, Luzius and Tobler, Christa (2024) Zum Einfluss des Freizügigkeitsabkommens Schweiz-EU auf die internationale Steuerausscheidung in der Schweiz, Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht 2023/2024. Edited by Astrid Epiney, Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf, Flaminia Dahinden, Sophie Dukarm. Schulthess Verlag (Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht 2023/2024, Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht).
Cavelti, Luzius and Tobler, Christa (2024) Zum Einfluss des Freizügigkeitsabkommens Schweiz-EU auf die internationale Steuerausscheidung in der Schweiz, Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht 2023/2024. Edited by Astrid Epiney, Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf, Flaminia Dahinden, Sophie Dukarm. Schulthess Verlag (Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht 2023/2024, Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Europarecht).
Corey Ross (2024) ‘Commodities, Trade, and Ecological Transformation in the Modern Era’, in Oxford Handbook of Commodity History . New York, NY: Oxford University Press (Oxford Handbook of Commodity History ), pp. 455–478. Available at:
Corey Ross (2024) ‘Commodities, Trade, and Ecological Transformation in the Modern Era’, in Oxford Handbook of Commodity History . New York, NY: Oxford University Press (Oxford Handbook of Commodity History ), pp. 455–478. Available at:
Herren, Madeleine (2024) ‘Der Weltpostverein’, Blog Schweizerisches Landesmuseum. Schweizerisches Landesmuseum (Blog Schweizerisches Landesmuseum), 1 January. Available at:
Herren, Madeleine (2024) ‘Der Weltpostverein’, Blog Schweizerisches Landesmuseum. Schweizerisches Landesmuseum (Blog Schweizerisches Landesmuseum), 1 January. Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) ‘European highway networks, transportation costs, and regional income’, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 104, p. 103969. Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) ‘European highway networks, transportation costs, and regional income’, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 104, p. 103969. Available at:
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) Four Essays on Infrastructure Investments, International Trade, and the Environment. University of Basel.
Ignatov, Augustin (2024) Four Essays on Infrastructure Investments, International Trade, and the Environment. University of Basel.
Knüsel, Ariane and Weber, Ralph (2024) Die Schweiz und China: Von den Opiumkriegen bis zur Neuen Seidenstrasse. Zürich: Hier & Jetzt. Available at:
Knüsel, Ariane and Weber, Ralph (2024) Die Schweiz und China: Von den Opiumkriegen bis zur Neuen Seidenstrasse. Zürich: Hier & Jetzt. Available at:
Laurent Goetschel (2024) ‘Warum die Schweiz für ein Verbot von Atomwaffen eintreten soll’, Aargauer Zeitung, 1 January. Available at:
Laurent Goetschel (2024) ‘Warum die Schweiz für ein Verbot von Atomwaffen eintreten soll’, Aargauer Zeitung, 1 January. Available at:
Pils, Eva and Weber, Ralph (2024) ‘Die Debatte über Deutschlands Umgang mit China: Versuch einer Einordnung’, Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, 3(52), pp. 327–350. Available at:
Pils, Eva and Weber, Ralph (2024) ‘Die Debatte über Deutschlands Umgang mit China: Versuch einer Einordnung’, Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, 3(52), pp. 327–350. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Verfahrensarten vor dem EuGH in bilateralrechtlichen Fällen. Mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Nichtigkeitsklagen’, in Dominik Bopp, Alexander Kistler ,Natalie Lisik, Kristof Reber (ed.) Der Prozess. 1. Auflage. Zürich: sui generis (APARIUZ), pp. 179–204. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Verfahrensarten vor dem EuGH in bilateralrechtlichen Fällen. Mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Nichtigkeitsklagen’, in Dominik Bopp, Alexander Kistler ,Natalie Lisik, Kristof Reber (ed.) Der Prozess. 1. Auflage. Zürich: sui generis (APARIUZ), pp. 179–204. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Direct Democracy in Action: Swiss Voters Decide to Augment the Statutory Old Age Pension’, Oxford Human Rights Hub. Oxford University (Oxford Human Rights Hub), 1 January. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Direct Democracy in Action: Swiss Voters Decide to Augment the Statutory Old Age Pension’, Oxford Human Rights Hub. Oxford University (Oxford Human Rights Hub), 1 January. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Intersectionality in the KlimaSeniorinnen case – ‘older women’ in action’, EU Law Live. EU Law Live (EU Law Live), 1 January. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Intersectionality in the KlimaSeniorinnen case – ‘older women’ in action’, EU Law Live. EU Law Live (EU Law Live), 1 January. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Indirecte discriminatie in het Europees recht sinds het verschijnen van het proefschrift van Titia Loenen’, in Lof, J.P.; Lawson, R.A. (ed.) Diverse mensen en gelijke rechten anno 2024. Essays ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. Titia Loenen als hoogleraar mensenrechten en diversiteit. (Diverse mensen en gelijke rechten anno 2024. Essays ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. Titia Loenen als hoogleraar mensenrechten en diversiteit), pp. 198–200.
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Indirecte discriminatie in het Europees recht sinds het verschijnen van het proefschrift van Titia Loenen’, in Lof, J.P.; Lawson, R.A. (ed.) Diverse mensen en gelijke rechten anno 2024. Essays ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. Titia Loenen als hoogleraar mensenrechten en diversiteit. (Diverse mensen en gelijke rechten anno 2024. Essays ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. Titia Loenen als hoogleraar mensenrechten en diversiteit), pp. 198–200.
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Indirecte discriminatie in het Europees recht sinds het verschijnen van het proefschrift van Titia Loenen’, in Loof, J.P.; Lawson, R.A. (ed.) Diverse mensen en gelijke rechten anno 2024. Essays ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. Titia Loenen als hoogleraar mensenrechten en diversiteit. Leiden: NJCM-Boekerij (Diverse mensen en gelijke rechten anno 2024. Essays ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. Titia Loenen als hoogleraar mensenrechten en diversiteit), pp. 198–200.
Tobler, Christa (2024) ‘Indirecte discriminatie in het Europees recht sinds het verschijnen van het proefschrift van Titia Loenen’, in Loof, J.P.; Lawson, R.A. (ed.) Diverse mensen en gelijke rechten anno 2024. Essays ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. Titia Loenen als hoogleraar mensenrechten en diversiteit. Leiden: NJCM-Boekerij (Diverse mensen en gelijke rechten anno 2024. Essays ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof. Titia Loenen als hoogleraar mensenrechten en diversiteit), pp. 198–200.
Weber, Ralph (2024) ‘The Party-State’s Global Transgressive Political Activities and Influence Work’, in Maximilian Mayer, Emilian Kavalski, Marina Rudyak, and Xin Zhang (ed.) Routledge Handbook on Global China. New York: Routledge (Routledge Handbook on Global China), pp. 141–156.
Weber, Ralph (2024) ‘The Party-State’s Global Transgressive Political Activities and Influence Work’, in Maximilian Mayer, Emilian Kavalski, Marina Rudyak, and Xin Zhang (ed.) Routledge Handbook on Global China. New York: Routledge (Routledge Handbook on Global China), pp. 141–156.
Weber, Ralph (2024) ‘Authority in Confucian Politics of Religion: Notes on Contemporary Confucianism in the People’s Republic of China’, in Steffen Döll and Martin Lehnert (ed.) Interactions between Religious and Political Authority: Case Studies from Japan and China, Past and Present. Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (Interactions between Religious and Political Authority: Case Studies from Japan and China, Past and Present), pp. 335–359.
Weber, Ralph (2024) ‘Authority in Confucian Politics of Religion: Notes on Contemporary Confucianism in the People’s Republic of China’, in Steffen Döll and Martin Lehnert (ed.) Interactions between Religious and Political Authority: Case Studies from Japan and China, Past and Present. Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (Interactions between Religious and Political Authority: Case Studies from Japan and China, Past and Present), pp. 335–359.
Weber, Ralph (2024) ‘From Strategic Partner to Systemic Rival? EU-China Relations in Recent Times’, Zeitschrift für Europarecht (EUZ), 7( 26), pp. 1–13.
Weber, Ralph (2024) ‘From Strategic Partner to Systemic Rival? EU-China Relations in Recent Times’, Zeitschrift für Europarecht (EUZ), 7( 26), pp. 1–13.
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Wie kann eine Grenzregion international wettbewerbsfähig bleiben?’, Metrobasel Report 2024, 1 January, pp. 18–19.
Weder, Rolf (2024) ‘Wie kann eine Grenzregion international wettbewerbsfähig bleiben?’, Metrobasel Report 2024, 1 January, pp. 18–19.
Herren, M. (2023) ‘The Arctic:’, in Memory Beyond Territoriality? University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc. (Memory Beyond Territoriality?), pp. 97–114. Available at:
Herren, M. (2023) ‘The Arctic:’, in Memory Beyond Territoriality? University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc. (Memory Beyond Territoriality?), pp. 97–114. Available at:
Sluga, G., Darian-Smith, K. and Herren, M. (2023) ‘Sites of International Memory’. University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., pp. 1–14. Available at:
Sluga, G., Darian-Smith, K. and Herren, M. (2023) ‘Sites of International Memory’. University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc., pp. 1–14. Available at:
Wenzlhuemer, R. et al. (2023) ‘Forum Global Dis:connections’, Journal of Modern European History, 21(1), pp. 2–33. Available at:
Wenzlhuemer, R. et al. (2023) ‘Forum Global Dis:connections’, Journal of Modern European History, 21(1), pp. 2–33. Available at:
Beglinger, Jacques and Tobler, Christa (2023) Tobler-Beglinger-Brevier zu den institutionellen Fragen im Paketansatz Schweiz – EU. Available at:
Beglinger, Jacques and Tobler, Christa (2023) Tobler-Beglinger-Brevier zu den institutionellen Fragen im Paketansatz Schweiz – EU. Available at:
Camera, Gabriele, Hohl, Lukas and Weder, Rolf (2023) ‘Inequality as a barrier to economic integration? An experiment’, Experimental Economics, 26(3), pp. 383–411. Available at:
Camera, Gabriele, Hohl, Lukas and Weder, Rolf (2023) ‘Inequality as a barrier to economic integration? An experiment’, Experimental Economics, 26(3), pp. 383–411. Available at:
Günthardt, Joel and Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Diplomanerkennung und ihre Bedeutung für das Freizügigkeitsabkommen Schweiz - EU’, Jusletter, (3 April 2023), p. issue of 3 April 2023.
Günthardt, Joel and Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Diplomanerkennung und ihre Bedeutung für das Freizügigkeitsabkommen Schweiz - EU’, Jusletter, (3 April 2023), p. issue of 3 April 2023.
Herren, M. (2023) ‘Conclusion: Eastern Asia and the League—Shifting to a Global Perspective’. Springer, pp. 277–291. Available at:
Herren, M. (2023) ‘Conclusion: Eastern Asia and the League—Shifting to a Global Perspective’. Springer, pp. 277–291. Available at:
Herren, Madeleine and Zala, Sacha (2023) ‘Die Schweiz und die Konstruktion des Multilateralismus, Bd. 1. Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz zur Geschichte des Internationalismus 1863–1914’, in , Zala, Sacha (tran.) Quaderni di Dodis - fonti. (Quaderni di Dodis - fonti). Available at:
Herren, Madeleine and Zala, Sacha (2023) ‘Die Schweiz und die Konstruktion des Multilateralismus, Bd. 1. Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz zur Geschichte des Internationalismus 1863–1914’, in , Zala, Sacha (tran.) Quaderni di Dodis - fonti. (Quaderni di Dodis - fonti). Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘Politisches Wunschdenken in der Beziehung Schweiz - EU’, “Politisches Wunschdenken in der Beziehung Schweiz - EU”, Neue Zürcher ZNeue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, p. 18. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘Politisches Wunschdenken in der Beziehung Schweiz - EU’, “Politisches Wunschdenken in der Beziehung Schweiz - EU”, Neue Zürcher ZNeue Zürcher Zeitung, 1 January, p. 18. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2023) EU-Verhandlungen. «Wenn es jetzt nicht klappt, haben wir mehrere Jahre Eiszeit’. Basel. Available at:
Tobler, Christa (2023) EU-Verhandlungen. «Wenn es jetzt nicht klappt, haben wir mehrere Jahre Eiszeit’. Basel. Available at:
Maresceau, Marc and Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘Introduction’, in Maresceau, Marc; Tobler, Christa (ed.) Switzerland and the EU - A Challenging Relationship. Leiden: Brill (Studies in EU External Relations), pp. 1–34.
Maresceau, Marc and Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘Introduction’, in Maresceau, Marc; Tobler, Christa (ed.) Switzerland and the EU - A Challenging Relationship. Leiden: Brill (Studies in EU External Relations), pp. 1–34.
Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘COVID-19, Switzerland and the EU. Pandemic-Related EU Action and Its Legal Effect on Switzerland as Compared to the EEA EFTA States’, in Maresceau, Marc; Tobler, Christa (ed.) Switzerland and the EU - A Challenging Relationship. Leiden: Brill (Switzerland and the EU - A Challenging Relationship), pp. 142–164.
Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘COVID-19, Switzerland and the EU. Pandemic-Related EU Action and Its Legal Effect on Switzerland as Compared to the EEA EFTA States’, in Maresceau, Marc; Tobler, Christa (ed.) Switzerland and the EU - A Challenging Relationship. Leiden: Brill (Switzerland and the EU - A Challenging Relationship), pp. 142–164.
Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘EU-, EEA- or WTO-Style Dispute Resolution in the EU-Swiss Relations?’, in Baetens, Freya; Van den Bogaert, Stefaan (ed.) The EU and the WTO: Ever the Twain Shall Meet. Liber Amicorum Marco Bronckers. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer (The EU and the WTO: Ever the Twain Shall Meet. Liber Amicorum Marco Bronckers), pp. 219–234.
Tobler, Christa (2023) ‘EU-, EEA- or WTO-Style Dispute Resolution in the EU-Swiss Relations?’, in Baetens, Freya; Van den Bogaert, Stefaan (ed.) The EU and the WTO: Ever the Twain Shall Meet. Liber Amicorum Marco Bronckers. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer (The EU and the WTO: Ever the Twain Shall Meet. Liber Amicorum Marco Bronckers), pp. 219–234.
Abu Ghrieqanah, Noura Saleem Asleem (2022) ‘Book review of Bounded knowledge: doctoral studies in Egypt, edited by Daniele Cantini, Cairo, Egypt: AUC Press, 2021’, Mediterranean Politics, p. 1–2 (online first). Available at: (online first).
Abu Ghrieqanah, Noura Saleem Asleem (2022) ‘Book review of Bounded knowledge: doctoral studies in Egypt, edited by Daniele Cantini, Cairo, Egypt: AUC Press, 2021’, Mediterranean Politics, p. 1–2 (online first). Available at: (online first).
Biehl, Dominique (2022) ‘Tracing Individuals in Late 19th / Early 20th Century China’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Biehl, Dominique (2022) ‘Tracing Individuals in Late 19th / Early 20th Century China’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Briellmann, Sebastian and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Der Krieg ist für China ein Testfall’, Basler Zeitung (Tamedia), 1 January, p. 5. Available at:
Briellmann, Sebastian and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Der Krieg ist für China ein Testfall’, Basler Zeitung (Tamedia), 1 January, p. 5. Available at:
Burik, Steven, Smid, Robert and Weber, Ralph (2022) Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Available at:
Burik, Steven, Smid, Robert and Weber, Ralph (2022) Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Available at:
Craig, Matthew John (2022) ‘Foreign Residents in and beyond the Chronicles & Directories of Asia’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Craig, Matthew John (2022) ‘Foreign Residents in and beyond the Chronicles & Directories of Asia’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Felder, Guido and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Wenn es zu teuer wird, lässt China Putin fallen’, Switzerland ( Available at:
Felder, Guido and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Wenn es zu teuer wird, lässt China Putin fallen’, Switzerland ( Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2022) ‘Innoscape Talk #5: Overcoming challenges in the Swiss innovation system’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Filimonovic, Dragan et al. (2022) ‘Innoscape Talk #5: Overcoming challenges in the Swiss innovation system’, Video CIEB Innoscape Talks. Switzerland (Video CIEB Innoscape Talks). Available at:
Futter, Christian (2022) ‘Tracing Internees in French Indochina between 1929 and 1942’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Futter, Christian (2022) ‘Tracing Internees in French Indochina between 1929 and 1942’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Gisler, Chantal and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Ein Krieg zwischen China und Taiwan wäre für die Welt desaströs’, 20 Minuten Online, 1 January, p. (online). Available at:
Gisler, Chantal and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Ein Krieg zwischen China und Taiwan wäre für die Welt desaströs’, 20 Minuten Online, 1 January, p. (online). Available at:
Graf, Daniel and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Jetzt fordern Protestierende Xi Jinpings Rücktritt - ‘sie riskieren viel’’, 20 Minuten Online, 1 January, p. (online). Available at:
Graf, Daniel and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Jetzt fordern Protestierende Xi Jinpings Rücktritt - ‘sie riskieren viel’’, 20 Minuten Online, 1 January, p. (online). Available at:
Herren, Madeleine and Kasper, Lea Katharina (2022) ‘Women in the Directories - Traces of the English Governess to the Siamese Royal Family’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Herren, Madeleine and Kasper, Lea Katharina (2022) ‘Women in the Directories - Traces of the English Governess to the Siamese Royal Family’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Hespers, Nora, Kempe, Robert and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Das IOC und China - eine unheilige Allianz’, sport inside - der Podcast, WDR 5. Germany (sport inside - der Podcast, WDR 5). Available at:
Hespers, Nora, Kempe, Robert and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Das IOC und China - eine unheilige Allianz’, sport inside - der Podcast, WDR 5. Germany (sport inside - der Podcast, WDR 5). Available at:
Hugentobler, Manuela and von Rütte, Barbara (2022) ‘Die sogenannte «intersektionelle» Diskriminierung Der Umgang Schweizer Gerichte mit dem Konzept der Intersektionalität am Beispiel des Einbürgerungsrechts’, Cognitio, pp. 1–21. Available at:
Hugentobler, Manuela and von Rütte, Barbara (2022) ‘Die sogenannte «intersektionelle» Diskriminierung Der Umgang Schweizer Gerichte mit dem Konzept der Intersektionalität am Beispiel des Einbürgerungsrechts’, Cognitio, pp. 1–21. Available at:
Hulliger, Simone, Aldrovandi, Martin and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Weltmacht China - zwischen Wunsch und Realität’, Echo der Zeit - Sonderpodcast zu den Herausforderungen Chinas, Radio SRF1. Switzerland (Echo der Zeit - Sonderpodcast zu den Herausforderungen Chinas, Radio SRF1). Available at:
Hulliger, Simone, Aldrovandi, Martin and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘Weltmacht China - zwischen Wunsch und Realität’, Echo der Zeit - Sonderpodcast zu den Herausforderungen Chinas, Radio SRF1. Switzerland (Echo der Zeit - Sonderpodcast zu den Herausforderungen Chinas, Radio SRF1). Available at:
Klempe, Robert et al. (2022) ‘Olympia 2022 in Peking: Propagandaspiele ohne Meinungsfreiheit’, sport inside, WDR. Germany (sport inside, WDR). Available at:
Klempe, Robert et al. (2022) ‘Olympia 2022 in Peking: Propagandaspiele ohne Meinungsfreiheit’, sport inside, WDR. Germany (sport inside, WDR). Available at:
Knab, Cornelia (2022) Pathogens Crossing Borders. Global Animal Diseases and International Responses, 1860-1947, Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. London: Routledge (Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine).
Knab, Cornelia (2022) Pathogens Crossing Borders. Global Animal Diseases and International Responses, 1860-1947, Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. London: Routledge (Routledge Studies in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine).
Kury, Lars (2022) ‘Flowing Connections in the Strait of Malacca: Nature, Trade, and the Rise of a Global Transit Corridor, c. 1850-1900’, Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, 70, pp. 41–66. Available at:
Kury, Lars (2022) ‘Flowing Connections in the Strait of Malacca: Nature, Trade, and the Rise of a Global Transit Corridor, c. 1850-1900’, Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, 70, pp. 41–66. Available at:
Kury, Lars (2022) ‘Tracing Socio-Ecological Projects in British Malaya’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Kury, Lars (2022) ‘Tracing Socio-Ecological Projects in British Malaya’, FOCAL. The Asia Directories Database. Institute for European Global Studies. Available at:
Luft, Anne-Barbara and Weber, Ralph (2022) ‘China-Experte Ralph Weber über autoritäre Regime: ‘Das fliegt uns jetzt um die Ohren’’, Bilanz, 1 January, p. online. Available at:
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