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[CF] Clinical Biomechanics & Ergonomics Engineering - CADENCE

Clinical Biomechanics & Ergonomics Engineering - CADENCE

The CADENCE (Clinical Biomechanics and Ergonomics Engineering) Core Facility provides support for innovative and pioneering interdisciplinary research in biomedical engineering, motion analysis and robotics.

We provide our expertise and services to clinical, biomedical and sport academic groups and industry, with a broad national and international network of the four constituent groups: “Robot-assisted Theragnostics”, “Functional Biomechanics”, “Paediatric Orthopaedic Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Modelling”, and “Spine Biomechanics”.

In a 210 m2 laboratory including separate reception and working desks, locker rooms and lavatory, the Core Facility members welcome you and your research team in a safe environment, in the best equipped motion analysis research center on the European continent with a capturing volume of 11m x 5m x 3m (L/W/H). The facility can also serve as a teaching and training center for courses on diagnostic and therapeutic technologies in the field of motion analysis and rehabilitation robotics.

We offer a wide range of state-of-the-art marker-based and markerless motion capture systems, in-floor force plates, an instrumented treadmill with adjustable incline and built-in force sensors, instrumented stairs with built-in force plates, inertial sensors for wearable motion capture, wireless surface electromyography, pressure insoles, an isokinetic dynamometer, and the novel 3D gait rehabilitation robot ‘The FLOAT’. Further personalized advanced data analytics and machine learning on movement analysis data may be provided.

With CADENCE, the acquired basic research can be translated directly into the clinical environments at the Center of Clinical Motion Analysis of the University Children’s Hospital of Basel (UKBB) and at the University Hospital Basel (USB) (orthopaedics, traumatology, spine surgery, neurology) also in close collaboration with the first Surgical Outcome Research Center (SORC) Basel in Switzerland.

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