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[FG] Datta Alexandre

Research Group Alexandre Datta

Area of Research

Childhood epilepsy : Brain plasticity, language reorganisation, cerebral network connectivity, neuropsychology, cerebral regeneration during sleep.

Sleep : Development of circadian rhythm, sleep architecture, sleep impacting factors in preterm and term infants and in the first years of life.


National Collaborations

- Prof. P. Sinues, Botnar Professorship, Ecellenza SNF, UKBB, Basel

- Prof. M. Pfister, Department of Pharmacology, UKBB, Basel                             

- Prof. S. Schulzke, Department of Neonatology, UKBB, Basel                       

- PD Dr. C. Korff, Pediatric Neurology Unit, Department of Pediatrics, HUG, Geneva               

- Dr. B. Bölsterli & Prof. R. Huber, University Children’s Hospital Zurich                   

- Prof. M. Steinlin, Pediatric Neurology, Berne                                          

- Prof. C. Bassetti, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Insel, Berne                                 

- Dr. S. Miano, Pediatric Sleep, Neurocentro, Lugano

International Collaborations

- Prof. Sarah Lippé, Department of Psychology, University of Montréal, Canada

- Prof. Deb Pal, Evelina Children‘s Hospital, Kings College, London, UK

- Dr. Ronit Pressler, Great Ormond Children‘s Hospital, London, UK

- Prof. Johannes Lemke, Department of Genetics, Leipzig, Germany

- Prof. R. Nabbout & Prof. N. Bahi-Buisson, Necker University Hospital, Paris, France

- Prof. S.Lemola, University of Warwick, UK    

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Language fMRI, EEG-Source Imaging and neuropsychology: a longitudinal study on the   evolution of language impairment and cortical reorganisation in children with benign epilepsy   with centro-temporal spikes (BECTS), PI: Datta. FI: Anna Müller Grocholski Foundation, FAG.
  • The absent mind - Neurocognition and sleep in adolecents with epilepsy with absences seizures, PI: Hubacher, Datta. F: Hirt Martin Foundation, Swiss Epilepsy League.
  • The cognitive role of cerebellum – A retrospective study in children born very preterm. PI: Oser, Datta. F: Hirt Martin Foundation.
  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Guided by Exhaled Breath Analysis PI: Prof. P. Sinues, F: Botnar Professorship, Eccellenza SNF.
  • REGAIN study: international consortium studying the aetiology of Rolandic Epilepsy (RE).PI: Prof. D. Pal, Kings College, London.
  • Doose Syndrome Study: Clinical and neuropsychological follow-up of patients with Doose Syndrome. PI: PD Dr. Korff, Geneva.
  • SPHYNCS: Swiss Primary Hypersomnolence and Narcolepsy Cohort Study. PI: Prof. Bassetti and Prof. Katami, F: SNF.
  • PASTA (Paediatric Arteriopathy Steroid Aspirin) study: Steroids in Children with Stroke and  Focal Arteriopathy, a multicenter, randomized-controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment PI: Prof. Steinlin, PD Dr. Datta, PD Dr. Bigi, PD Dr. Fluss, Prof. M. Elkoussy

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